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Chapter Is Unedited

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Chapter Is Unedited

"Love is Blind" - Unknown

I wasn't sure what to do. I sat in my office so confused. How was I supposed to make it through the next three hours before lunch? My heart was beating so fast in my chest. Carter was in town. How long had he been in town? When did he show up? Did he come just to see me? A million questions rushed through my mind. How did my mother know he was here? How did she get him to come to see me? Carter and I haven't talked since high school had ended. He had gone away to California to study medicine and that was the last I had ever heard from him.

I hadn't realized how much I had actually missed Carter until the quenching of my heart became unbearable. I needed to distract myself. I left my office in a haste, faster than I had honestly meant to. I found myself in the lobby, plenty of customers buzzing around with their consultants. I tried to smile at as many people as possible but honestly, I couldn't force it. I swerved between people carrying new bagged dresses to the different dressing rooms. Searching through the crowds I struggled to find my mother.

The first person I saw was Clara. Grabbing her arm I quickly pulled her into the back storage room. Rushing through a couple bags of dresses I finally stopped to catch my breath. She looked confused and panicked.

"Are you helping a customer right now?" The words barely came out in a fit of breaths. She shook her head quickly glancing down at the watch on her wrist.

"Not for another thirty minutes why? What the hell has gotten into you?" She whispered her second question her eyes looking at me wildly.

"Carter is in town!" I shouted the words falling out of my mouth like an explosion. Slapping my hands over my lips to avoid any other outbursts. Clara's eyes lit up almost immediately. I knew she would understand.

"Like high school Carter? Like the kid you were best friends with while being secretly in love with him but oh wait you'd never admit that so I shouldn't actually technically know that?" Clara had almost just as much passion in her voice as I did, though hers filled with a different emotion.

I nodded my head vigorously as if I was scared I wasn't going to be able to nod my head fast enough. She covered her own mouth this time taking a step back. I was confused at the reaction.

"Well, how do you know he is here?" Clara looked a little calmer in this moment. Like she was thinking about things rationally. At least one of us was.

"I was sitting in my office honestly not really getting much done and my mother knocked on the door, said some weird things, and bam Carter was in my office." The words were more dramatic with the hand movements following each word I said.

"He just randomly showed up... uninvited?" Clara wasn't understanding what I was saying. I couldn't blame her. I was such a frantic mess that I wasn't even sure I understood the words coming out of my own mouth.

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