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"Friends are the true definition of love" - Unknown

"Don't you know that is not your color?" Clara mumbled through a mess of material thrown everywhere. I rolled my eyes. Pulling the dress further up onto my body. I really never liked strapless dresses.

"You know what is ridiculous. The fact that we went shopping today to find some dresses for our casual date in the park tonight, but we are trying on bridesmaid dresses. How does that happen?" I chuckled slightly.

"Because Erin, you need to learn to have more fun in your life. Try on some dresses that are absolutely ridiculous every once in awhile." Clara left the dressing room in a hideously orange dress. Not like a sunburnt orange that was manageable but one that made your eyes burn.

"That is disgusting." I tumbled over in my neon green dress. She was correct it wasn't my color, but the orange she was wearing wasn't anyone's color. "These dresses need to go back to the 80's maybe somebody should just burn them."

"How was your date last night?"

"It was so amazing, honestly I could really see us going somewhere. Andrew was the best gentleman I've met in a long time."

Clara and I locked the dressing room doors behind us. I was ready to get out of this awful dress. Pulling the itchy material down, I couldn't help but notice the butterflies in my stomach. Just talking about Andrew drove me crazy. My brain drifted back to the park last night. I had gone for a jog through the area where we had gone fishing last night, even if it was a little out of the way of my apartment.

"What did you guys do?" I couldn't see her as she asked the question but I could feel the excitement through the walls.

"We had an amazing dinner and then we went to the park just down the road. He took me fishing on his boat."

"Is that code for you guys had sex?" Clara shouted a little louder than I was comfortable with. I could feel the color rushing to my cheeks. I pulled on my shorts hanging the dresses back up on the hangers and leaving the dressing room.

"No!" I said banging on the door of Clara's dressing room. "That was no code word for sexual activites. That was what we actually did. He took me fishing." I wasn't yelling, but I knew if anyone else was in the dressing room they could hear every single word I had just said.

Clara climbed out of the dressing room, the door flying open. Dresses covered every available space and I wasn't quite sure how she had found her clothes in the mess. I stood in shock before she grabbed my arm dragging me away.

"You might want to walk away from that dressing room before the entire thing explodes with tull." She snickered. We left the store. The mall wasn't too crowded today, the giant mass hallways only flooded with a few families. This wasn't normal for a saturday.

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