The little dumpster girl

Start from the beginning

As they headed there they heard whimpering from behind one of the dumpsters, and Sophie caught it quickly

"What is it Sophie? What is it girl?" he asks his dog when he saw her ears go up in the air and she headed to the whimpering

Sophie took them to where the whimpering was coming from

"Good girl Sophie" he says as he gives her a treat as they headed for the dumpster to see about the whining and who was behind there or in there

"Kevin look it's a little girl, and it looks like she was abandon and left here in the pouring rain to die" Fawn says when she sees the little girl with tattered clothes who looked like she hadn't eaten in a while at all, and she had been left there for quite sometime, and she was soaked from the rain that came earlier

"Hey sweetie do you have a name huh pretty girl?" he asks the little girl as he hugs her close cause she was whimpering, so he picked her up to hold her to make it all better for her since she was a little scared of the people that was with her as well as the dog and Kevin was going to try to make it better for her so it wasn't as scary as it seemed for her since she was little and didn't understand any of this

The little girl shakes her head no, and lays down on Kevin shoulder cause she was a little sleepy and he was comfy and he felt warm as he was holding her close to him as Fawn was going to see about a blanket for her for later so she warmed up a bit better as they headed to the cafe in town

"Kevin i want to name her Boston" Fawn says as she moves the bags out of the stroller, so he could set her in it, so they could continue to walk through town with the little girl in the stroller

'She does look like a Boston how about Boston Marie McHale as her name?" he suggest as he puts Boston in the stroller, so she was safe and secured as they walked since had quite a ways to go before they reached the cafe in town for a bit to eat

"It sounds different and unique, and i don't think no one has that name at all, so she will stand out from the rest of the kids her age" Fawn says as Kevin sets little Boston in the stroller, so they could go and get something to eat, and maybe head home as well with her so they could get her adjusted to her new life as well

"Are you hungry too Boston?" he asks her as he was looking at her as they walked to the cafe for lunch

She nods as she was looking up at him with her pretty eyes as she sucked her fingers

"Okay you are in luck cause me and Fawn are on our way to get something to eat, so I'll get you something to eat too little one" he says as they continue to head for the cafe for lunch that day

Kevin decided to stay out with Sophie and Bostyn while Fawn went in and ordered lunch for the three of them

"Boston do you like dogs?" he asks her as he sat down some place with Boston and Sophie

Boston nods

"This is my dog Sophie" he tells her

Boston pets Sophie gently and Sophie gives Boston kisses

"See Sophie loves you already Boston" he says to the little girl after a while

Bostyn started to whine again like she wanted out of the stroller

"Do you want out of the stroller sweetie?" he asks her as he looks at her

She continues to whine

"I take that as a yes" he says as he takes the little girl out of the stroller and holds her in his arms once more

Once he had her out he held her cause she wanted to be held by him at the moment and he was fine with that since she was scared of who she was with, and where she was too

"Oh Boston you're freezing princess" he says as he tries to hug her closer hoping that will warm her up a little bit as they waited for food to come back so they could go home, and get her fed and changed out of those clothes

"I got her something" Fawn says as she comes back out with a to-go bag full of goodies for her and lunch as well

"I want to get her home, and give her a bath cause right now our new little girl is cold" he says as he puts Bostyn back into the stroller, so they could head home and get her warmed up as well so she wasn't cold and everything

Fawn decided to have two of the cast members come and get them, so they could warm her up faster then walking with her cause she would be more miserable then what she was

"Don't worry sweetie we'll warm you up soon sweetie" he says as he hugs her as they wait on the cast members come and take them back to their house so they could warm her up and change her clothes as well since she was drenched so that is why she was freezing and holding onto Kevin for dear life

Chris and Lea came to take the McHale's back to their house with little Bostyn hugging her new daddy as Dianna loaded the stroller up in Lea car and Fawn and Sophie was riding with Lea while Kevin and Boston rode with Chris in his car back to the house


"After we get Boston taken care of i want to go back out with her if i can, and shop for her" Fawn says as they enter the house so she could run a bath for Boston and warm her up a little bit too

"That sounds like a plan to me Fawn" he says as he unleashes Sophie and held Boston for Fawn

"Boston don't worry sugar we are going to get you cleaned up, and then you can have your snack" Fawn says as she carries her into the house

Kevin helped Fawn clean Boston up in the master bathroom and they even wash her hair too

"It's okay Boston we want to get you cleaned up is all, so you don't look so dirty sweetheart" he says as he holds her while Fawn scrubs her really good to get all of the dirt off of her since she was really dirty

Boston didn't like the bath at all, and was glad when it was done

"Time to put you in a cute outfit then you can eat sweetie" Fawn tells her as she carries Boston to the spare room to get dressed

Kevin threw her old clothes away cause they were passed laundering

"I give you Boston Marie McHale" Fawn says as she comes out with Boston who was dressed adorable for her age

"Boston you look cute as a button" he says when he sees her

Boston goes straight for her daddy

"Come on I'll feed you some lunch then later we are going shopping for your bed and your toys" he says as he warms her food up, so she could eat it

Once the food was warmed Kevin decided to feed her since she couldn't feed herself

"Okay Boston here comes the choo-choo train going into the tunnel" he says as he guides it to her mouth

Boston accepts the bite

"Good girl sweetie" he says as he feeds her more food

Boston ate everything that daddy gave her

"Thank you Boston" he says as he cleans her up a little bit cause she had some food on her face

After Boston was done she wanted to cuddle with daddy

"Okay pretty girl we can cuddle" he tells her

"I'll bring your food in" Fawn calls to him

"Thanks honey" he tells her

Kevin saw that Boston had brown hair and baby blue eyes

"It's okay Boston we won't hurt you" he says as he rubs her back

Boston soon falls asleep on her new daddy

"Ah night little one" he tells her

"I'll drive while you sit in the backseat with her" Fawn tells him

Kevin sits in the back with Boston who was still asleep

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Pulled from the fire by Kevin and Fawn Mchale wattys 2023Where stories live. Discover now