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Above is a picture of Callie. I personally don't think Khia Lopez really fits her role, but I couldn't think of/ find anyone better. If I do, I'll let y'all know. You may also leave suggestions here.


When I got home today, I decided to play with, Chilla, my pet chinchilla. I've been ignoring her for the past couple of weeks because she's been sick, so my mom had to take her into the vet.

Usually I don't like any kind if rodent. Mostly because when I was five, I stepped on a mouse, and it surprisingly bit me. It really hurt, and I still get nightmares from it!

So my mom thought to get over my "fear" of mice, an other rodents, she'd get me a pet chinchilla. I'm still not quite sure why she didn't get me a hamster instead. It seems more normal. Don't get me wrong here, I love Chilla, but I would've still preferred a hamster. And I also still scream whenever I see a mouse. I probably scream loud enough for people.... or aliens, on MARS to hear me

I walk over to Chilla's cage, which is located in a corner of our living room. I can see Chilla waiting in the cage, looking at me. She's so adorable, I feel bad that I haven't spent much time with her within the past couple of weeks.

I carefully open up her cage, and surprisingly, Chilla doesn't come out. She just stays in her cage, looking at me. "Come on out!" I tell Chilla, reaching into the cage to grab her. Chilla slips right past my hand, and out the cage, running across the marbled floor! "OH NO!" I groan, slamming the cage door shut and chasing after Chilla.

She runs all over the living room, going underneath the couch a couple of times, and hitting multiple walls. I laugh whenever that happens, even though I shouldn't. "Come back here you silly animal!" I shout, knowing Chilla wouldn't understand me. She hits another wall, running towards the kitchen.

I chase after her, running as fast as I can. Chilla is actually unbelievably fast. She could probably beat me in those elementary track day things. In fact, she probably could've beaten my whole class back then! I'm not sure about now though, because I take gym with only about 20 people, and some of them are super fast. I'm a very slow runner. The fastest person in my gym class can run about half a mile in just over 2 minutes. Me, on the other hand, takes about 5 minutes.

"Focus Jayden! Focus!" I say to myself, while I have a chinchilla running right in front of my feet. I dive down, hoping to grab Chilla, but she's too fast for me. I find myself face planting on the ground, probably getting a bloody nose! UGH!

I push myself up from the floor, telling myself I just did I push-up, thought it wasn't exactly true. And sure enough, I see a little, red, wet dot on the floor. I feel my nose, and of course, there's some blood streaming down it. Just great.

I hurry to the Kleenex box, and with my unlucky luck, it is empty. I groan. "I don't have any flipping time for this!" I yell, hurrying towards the bathroom, nearly slipping on the floor in the process. As soon as I get there, I rip a huge chunk of toilet paper off the roll, and putting it against my nose. Then I use the toilet as a chair, and continue trying to stop the bleeding.

After about 5 minutes, it finally slowed down, so I grabbed a bit more toilet paper, and walked out of the bathroom. Then I remembered something important; Chilla is still outside her cage, and she can be anywhere in the house now! Or technically, anywhere in the world if she figured out how to open the front door. I shudder, and mentally pray that didn't happen.

"CHILLA!" I shout, hoping she'll come. I wait a few seconds, no luck. "Chilla?" I say again, more quietly this time. I rush to the kitchen, and find nothing but a table, 4 chairs, a few counters, a fridge, and anything else that you can find in a kitchen. Unfortunately, no chinchilla. I groan for the 59th time within 10 minutes.

I slowly walk back to the living room, throwing a piece of toilet paper I was using for my nose in the garbage. By now, for the most part, my nose had stopped bleeding, and I do a sigh of relief.

I go to sit down on the couch, and I hear a strange noise coming from underneath my butt. And NO, I was not farting! I quickly stand back up straight, and look to see a little chinchilla laying on the couch. "Chilla," I say, with a huge smile. "You blend right in with the couch, you goofball!" I giggle, picking her up, and setting her on my lap. I sigh of relief again, as the stress was finally over!


Ding Dong!

I hear the doorbell go off in the middle of dinner. We are having steak and baked potatoes. Me and my mom rise from our seats at the same time to get the door, and we both sit back down, assuming the other person is going to get the door. I stand back up. "I'll get it" I say.

I walk over to the front door, and see none other than Harry standing there.

"Harry!" I shout, just as he shouts my name. We give each other a confused look. "What the heck are you doing here?" I ask him, to break the awkwardness.

"I was about to ask you the same thing," he laughs. I glare at him, in that answer-my-stupid-question kind of way. "Oh," he starts. "I was just trying to see who lived here. This is the only house in the neighbourhood that I've never been in." He explains.

I give him a confused glare and step back. "So you know everyone in my neighbourhood except me?" I repeat, still kind of confused.

He nods and clears his throat. "Actually, our neighbourhood," he says with a weird smile.

I'm still slightly confused. "Umm..." I say, not entirely sure how to approach this. Then suddenly it hits me. How could've I been so stupid? I smile at myself, then laugh a little at my stupidness. Now it's Harry's turn to give me a confused look, and I snap out of it. "We're neighbours aren't we?" I ask with a strangely suspicious tone in my voice.

Harry nods.

"Jayden! Whose at the door?" I hear my mom call from the kitchen.

"Just a friend," I say, while realizing I had just called Harry my "friend". I glance at him, and he has a small smile on his face. It was an awkward silence for a bit, but Harry broke it.

"Well, I guess I should be going. My mom is probably wondering where I am." I nod, and shut the door behind me before heading back to the kitchen to finish my meal.


Hey y'all! Hope you enjoyed this chapter. It was kind of a filler chapter, but Harry and Jayden are neighbours! I betcha weren't expecting that! Hehe.


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