That Seat Is Taken

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It's lunch right now, and as usual, I'm sitting with my friend, Callie. She's basically the only friend I have, since I'm pretty anti-social. Actually, very anti-social. Anti-social enough that I know the names of about 10 students in my huge middle school.

And I've been going to this middle school for a couple months now.

"So how has your life been? Have you gotten a detention yet this year?" Callie asked.

I give her a weird look before answering. "Well," I start, taking a bite of my sandwich. "I came close twice yesterday," I say, explaining how I was running in the halls, and being late for class. I skipped out the minor detail that I ran into a door in the middle of it.

"Really?" Callie says, shaking her head. "I'm just impressed you still haven't gotten a detention all year!" She states.

Callie isn't a bad student, and nor am I, but for some reason, we frequently get in trouble. Within the first month, Callie already had 2 detentions.

I'm not entirely sure if everyone gets detentions around here, or what, but me being anti-social, I wouldn't have a clue.

"What about your life?" I ask. "Anymore detentions... or cute boys?" I ask, smirking at her.

"No detentions recently, but there is a few cute boys I came across. I don't know any of their names, but there is one definite cute boy in my Math class," Callie explains.

Callie is anti social like me, but not nearly as much. She actually talks to people if they approach her. Usually. But if it wasn't for her talking to me, we never would have become friends.

We continue talking and eating our lunch as another tray is dropped down at our table. I look up and see Harry taking a seat at our table.

"That seat is taken," I say, mostly because I wasn't in the mood to sit near him.

"Yeah, by him," smirks Callie.

I glare at Callie and she laughs. "You can sit there if you want," she assures.

"Ok thanks," says Harry.

It was silent for a few seconds before Harry said "Hi Jayden! Hi Callie!"

I look at him, and casually say hey in a polite manner.

Callie says hey too, then looks back and forth between us. Her eyes eventually stop at mine, and I can tell exactly what she's thinking; why didn't you tell me you met this cute boy?

I shrug. "Sorry," I mouthed to her.

Callie shakes it off.

I quickly pull my iPhone out of my pocket to help ignore this slight awkwardness. I decide to scroll through my Instagram feed, finding nothing new since this morning. Nothing new with the exception of Taylor Swift's new posts.

"If I wasn't so antisocial, maybe there'd be more posts," I thought.

"What are you looking at?" Asked Harry, leaning across the table to see my phone screen.

"Nothing," I say, not sure if it was really a lie or not.

"She's looking through her Instagram feed. But there's nothing new, so she's looking at MY Instagram story," Callie says. I give her an odd look, because that was EXACTLY what I was doing.

Harry nods. "What's you girls' Instagram usernames?" He asks. "I could use some new friends... and followers too," he laughs.

I roll my eyes once more.

Callie says her username and my username before I could stop her. I groan.

"Cool cool," he says. "I'll follow you both."

Just then, the bell goes, and for once, I feel thankful for it. I run out of the cafeteria, slowing down when I reach the hallway. I don't want to risk getting a detention.

I reach my locker, and fumble with my lock, only taking me 2 tries to get it open. Then a crumbled piece of paper falls out and hits the floor. I sigh before picking it up.

The words "TALENT SHOW" are wrote across the top of the paper, and I mentally scream. I hear those things are frequently full of fails because no one around here has talent.

I skim through the note, chucking it back into my locker when I'm done. Oddly enough, I miss my locker, and it bounces onto the floor.

The boy beside me laughs as I shoot him a glare. I pick the note off the floor for the second time, and putting it back in my locker. Thankfully it stayed this time.

I quickly grab my Math binder and rush off to class, making it in, just before the bell.

For some reason, the talent show is the only thing on my mind.


Hey y'all! I hope y'all are enjoying this story so far! If you are, don't forget to vote.

I have a lot more drama and plot twists planned, so get excited, lol!


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