Mac'n Cheese?

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It's Wednesday evening now, and I'm at home doing homework. And by "doing homework", I mean watching 13 Reasons Why on Netflix. Suddenly I get a text from Callie.

Callie: Why didn't you tell me!!!???!?!?

I look up from my phone and pause the show. I wasn't quite sure what Callie meant, or what I didn't tell her.

Jayden: ?!?!???

Callie: About Harry!!!?

I still wasn't quite sure what she meant. She didn't even know who Harry was until lunch today.

Jayden: wdym?


Jayden: you didn't even know him until lunch, lol

Callie: Nooo! He's the boy I told you about whose in my math class... the cute one

Jayden: he's not really that cute lol

Callie: Jayden really?!?! He's CUTE!

I roll my eyes at this.

Jayden: are you hitting on him or something?

Callie: OMG why do you always think that when I say a boy is cute?!?!????

Jayden: cuz you got mad when I didn't tell you I met him... he's in my science class.

Callie: OMG I didn't get mad!!

Jayden: sure you didn't, lol

Callie didn't answer after that. She's mad at me now, and I'm not sure why. I don't find Harry overly cute, so I didn't think to tell her.

I sigh, and turn my show back on, still a bit confused.

After a while, I hear my mom call my name, so I head downstairs to see what she wants.

"Supper time," my mom says.

I look on the table and see spaghetti and meatballs and smile. It's one of my favourite meals!

I sit down in my spot and begin digging in. My mom looks at me strange, like I'm a pig, but I ignore it. Nothing stands between me and my food!

"So," my mom starts. "Finished your homework yet?" She asks.

I nod, which meant I was lying, but Netflix is way better and more important that homework. Am I right?

"What did you have for homework?" She asks. "English again?"

I nod, not lying this time. I have English homework almost everyday, because Mrs. Max is so strict. Thankfully she didn't catch me running in the halls today.

It was silent for a bit, just the way a dinner should be. Then of course, my mom broke the silence.

"Do you know about the talent show Jayden?" She asks.

"Yeah," I say, shoving a mouthful of spaghetti into my mouth, getting spaghetti sauce all over my chin.

"I'm sure you're dancing will do magnificent!" She squeals.

Since when do mothers squeal?

And why did she assume I'm entering?

And why did she automatically think I'd enter with dance?

Ok, dance is my only talent, but I'm definitely NOT entering.

"No," I calmly say, so it won't upset her too much. "I'm not even entering".

"What? Why?" My mom yells. "You know you'll do fantastic!" she squeals again. I roll my eyes and shake my head no.

"No one around here even has talent," I explain. "I heard the talent show is a mess every year".

My mom smiles. "Well if you dance, then you're sure to win!" She says, squealing again.

I'll admit, that wasn't quite the answer I was expecting.

We ended up eating the rest of supper in silence, which I like. Then I had to go take out the trash... then I had to do dishes. Ugh!

When I finally got back upstairs into my room, I went onto my phone, and got excited when I seen someone by that name "Harry" had started following me.

I freaked out, thinking it was Harry Styles, and did a little happy dance. I mean, who wouldn't? But unfortunately, it was just Harry Greenwood, the boy in my Science class. Ugh!

I decided to follow him back, thinking I would regret it later on. Who knows?

In the mean time, I decided to scroll through my feed, finding posts from multiple different celebrities.

My fingers stop on one post... I see a picture of me and Callie eating, and the caption was "made some new friends".

Clearly, Harry had posted it. I'll admit, it wasn't a terrible photo, but I still didn't like it. So I unfollowed Harry as quickly as I followed him.

Afterwards, I decided I should try to work on my homework. I walk over to my desk where I had my binder, and realize this...

I had brought my Math binder; not my English! Ugh!

I quickly skim through the pages, hoping I'd find my English assignment. And of course... I didn't.

I quickly grab my phone to text Callie the news about me forgetting my homework, then I remembered she probably won't answer because she is mad at me for something. I hop on top of my bed and groan.


It's lunch the next day, and I'm sitting in the cafeteria by myself. I don't mind, though I do feel a bit lonely. Callie hasn't talked to me all day... and come to think of it, I haven't even seen her all day.

I take a bite into my meal, which was mac'n cheese, and nearly gag! I look at it funny. "It looks the same" I thought, so I decided to smell it. Sure enough, it smelled awful!

"MUSTARD!" I shout with an incredibly disgusted look on my face! Someone had used mustard instead of cheese for the mac'n cheese!

I look around me, and see other people making disgusted faces.

"Ew, what is this?" A blonde girl screeched.

"Gross!" Shouted a boy.

"Bleh," said someone sitting at the table next to me.

I cringe at the sounds of the cafeteria... and the taste of the meal.

Suddenly a lunch tray is dropped directly in front of me, and I look up to see Harry standing right there. I glare at him, but he sits down anyways.

"Mustard?" He asks, handing me a bottle of mustard.

I shake my head at him. "So you're the one behind this aren't you," I ask, giving him a dirty, disgusted look.

"No," he replies, though I don't quite believe him. "I just-" he starts, but gets cut off by the bell. I glare at him and run off to class.


Ooooh cliffhanger! What could Harry want to do with the mustard? And do you think he is actually behind the mac'n cheese prank? Comment here.

And don't forget to vote/ comment on this story if you're enjoying if so far. Like I said, much more is coming up...

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