No Running In The Halls

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I find myself running down the narrow, school halls again, rushing towards my white locker.

"Woah there, Miss Johnson!" Miss Max, my English teacher shouts.

I stop and look at her.

"Jayden, that's the third time I've caught you running in the halls this week. And it's only Tuesday," she explains.

That was true. I was running in the halls yesterday, and this morning, and now, but it's the only way I won't be late for class. "Sorry," I mumble.

"If I catch you running in the halls anymore, it's an automatic detention. I don't care if it's this week, next week, or next year. I've given you enough warnings," Mrs. Max says harshly. "Am I clear?"

I nod head. I thought about telling her that I need to run in the halls so I won't be late, but that would definitely give me a detention.

I hurry towards my locker, carefully speed walking now. Most students are already in their classrooms, so I'm able to get to my locker pretty quickly.

I fiddle with my locker combination, taking me about 10 tries to get it undone... as usual. Once it's open, I grab Science binder and a pen and shut my locker nearly slamming my hand in the process. Just as I do so, the bell rings.

"Late for class again," I muttered.

I run down the hall again, completely forgetting what Mrs. Max had to me. I run past her classroom, turning the corner into the Science lab.

And with my unlucky luck, the door was closed, and I ran right into that huge, wooden thing headfirst. I fall on my butt. "Ouch!" I cry.

I'm going to assume that me running into the door had made enough ruckus, because when I looked up, I saw my History teacher standing right above me.

"Jayden," Mr. LeBlanc shouts. "You're late for class again."

I nod my head. "I know, and I'm sorry," I say.

"If you're late one more time, I'm going to have to give you a detention slip," he threats.

Just great. Within 3 minutes, I've been threatened by a detention slip twice.

"Now, go take a seat so I can finish explaining today's lab. I hope you're aware that you interrupted it," Mr. LeBlanc instructs. I nod, following him into the classroom.

I was only late by about a minute, though it looks like Mr. LeBlanc had nearly finished going through the demonstration. I sit down in my seat, and look up at the front of the room, and I see something that looks like coyote poop. Maybe cat poop? But whatever it was, I didn't like it.

"What is that?" I ask, leaning over my desk to the person sitting beside me.

"It's called an owl pellet," she says. "Now shut up, and leave me alone. You already cause enough distractions!" She explains, practically exploding.

I back away so I'm sitting properly in my desk. "Ok jeez, I'm sorry." I say, even though I wasn't actually.

She gives me a dirty look.

I ignore it by paying attention to Mr. LeBlanc's Science lesson.

"And you use this tool here," he says, picking up a pair of tweezers, "to pick up these leftover chunks" he explains. "Then, throw this grey piece in the garbage, and complete the table on the worksheet I handed out to you yesterday."

I quickly open up my binder and surprisingly find the sheet he was talking about. I'm not entirely sure what I'm supposed to be doing, but I will figure it out I guess.

Mr. Leblanc hands out the gross looking owl pellet things, and I gag as soon as it touches my desk. It looks gross. It smells gross. It feels gross. And it tastes gross.

Actually, I'm not too sure about the last one, but I DEFINITELY do not want to put it to test.

I see the snobby girl beside me already dissecting her owl pellet thing. It looks like she's having fun. I gag again. To me, it's humanly impossible to even look at this without gagging, never mind play with it, and dissect it.

On the 'bright' side, I now know that I am supposed to dissect this owl pellet thing. I don't really know how, but ew. Just ew!

I attempt to work on the lab, but it takes me at least 10 minutes just to get the guts to cut that thing open. And I'm not even sure what I'm supposed to do. I sigh, looking at the kids around me. Some people are somehow already done, while others are finishing up. Then of course, there is me, who basically hasn't started yet.

"Would you like some help with that?" A voice says from behind me.

I turn around. "Who, me?" I ask.

He nods.

"Umm.....sure?" I say.

"Ok," he says, pulling up a chair beside me. "I'm Harry, btw," he says.

I give him a strange look. He didn't look hairy to me. And I'm not to sure why he'd tell me that.

This makes him give me a funny look too. "My name... is Harry," he says.

And of course, that would make sense now. "Oh," I say, trying to play it cool. "Nice to meet you Harry, I'm Jayden" I say.

Harry smiles.

Just as I go back to "working" on my assignment, the bell goes, and Harry walks off, saying goodbye to me. And I still haven't finished my lab.

"Jayden, hand in what you've got done so far and you won't get a zero," Mr. Leblanc says. I follow his directions though, I've done almost nothing, then walk out the door.

I hurry to the bathroom and wash my hands for about 5 minutes to get all that grossness off. Then I get a long drink of water. Then I'm late for class again.

"Oh well," I say.


Hey y'all!! I hope y'all enjoyed the first chapter of Cinnamon Sticks! If you did, don't forget to vote. And comment which parts you liked or found funny (if any)!

Now don't worry, the next chapters will be more drama filled/ interestinger (is that even a word) than this. I just need something to get started.


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