Why Teachers Should Never Touch Students' Phones

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Something about Harry really irritates me, and I'm not sure why. But I'm positive on one thing; he was behind the whole "mac'n cheese with mustard" thing.

"How do you know?" You may ask. Well just think about it. He was holding a bottle of mustard, and asked me if I wanted some. Isn't it obvious that there was already too much mustard?

My thoughts are interrupted by my phone going off... in the dead silent classroom.

Ugh! Why was my ringer on? And who would be calling me in the middle if class.

I groan, reaching into my pocket grabbing my phone to decline the call. Unfortunately enough, it was the type if call you have to answer. I groan again, looking around to see my classmates staring at me.

"Whoever's phone that is, please put it on my desk immediately!" Shouts Mr. LeBlanc. I sit there for a few seconds, with my phone still ringing.

"Miss Jayden," Mr. Leblanc starts. "I believe that means you," he says pointing at me. I roll my eyes, walking up to the front of the classroom to hand in my phone. I can feel multiple sets of eyes on me, as I head back to my seat. The snobby girl beside my giggles.

I glance at Harry who seems to look sorry for me. Maybe he isn't so bad after all. His eyes meet mine and I quickly look away, trying to avoid the slight awkwardness.

I try to ignore all the people looking at me by reading in my textbook. I won't lie, it is definitely BORING, but much better than being humiliated by my classmates. Eventually the class goes silent again; silent enough that I nearly fall asleep.

"Jayden," I hear someone say. I look up, confused.

"Jayden," the voice says again, and I glance at Mr. LeBlanc. He is gesturing for me to come to his desk. I hesitate, but do so.

I reach his desk and he hands my a small, orange paper. I can see the word "detention" wrote across the top and groan.

"Do you know why I'm giving this to you today?" He asks. I nod, though I'm not to sure the real reason. Was it because my phone went off in class? Or because I was late earlier this week? Or because I possibly failed my lab a couple days ago?

"Ok, why am I giving this to you then?" He asks.

Suddenly my mind goes blank. "Uh, umm, because I.. I," I begin, not knowing which reason I'm getting a detention. Mr. LeBlanc raises an eyebrow.

"So you don't know," he says, jumping to conclusion.

"Er- yes I do!" I retort.

I begin to feel several eyes on me again. Ugh!

I snatch the detention slip from Mr. LeBlanc's hand, and walk to my desk. I can see several kids trying not to laugh at me for a second time. I roll my eyes. This time, I can see, even Harry is trying not to laugh.

After what seems like forever, the bell finally rings and I could get out of this hell hole. I rush to Mr. LeBlanc's desk, grab my phone, and hurry to my locker and grab my backpack and rush out the door. I hurry home so I can finish watching 13 Reasons Why.

Then suddenly I remember something really important; I had a detention!

I had only made it about halfway home before I remembered that, but I rolled my eyes and groaned before heading back to the school to take my detention.

"So," Mrs. Max says as I walk into her detention classroom. "Being late for detention equals another whole detention, Jayden," she tells me.

I sigh.

"Now take a seat," she instructs. I do so, though the only empty seat is near the snobby girl in my Science class.

I sit down, and lean over my desk. "Why are you in detention?" I ask, in the politest way possible.

"Oh shut up, why would you want to know, Ms. Know-It-All?" She whispers with a snobby tone. "Oh wait... it's Ms. I-Like-To-Run-Into-Doors, not Ms. Know-It-All," she laughs. I roll my eyes and sit back into my seat properly as she keeps giving me nicknames.

"JAYDEN AND MARTHA! BE QUIET NOW!" Shouts Mrs. Max. She startled me, and I can see the girl beside me giggling again! I guess her name is Martha?

"You do know, talking in detention can give you another detention," she explains. I nod, though I didn't know that. Why would I, I never planned to be in this room after school anyways.

I pull my phone out of my pocket to text Callie that I got a detention. I'm pretty sure she is still mad at me, but she probably wouldn't mind knowing I'm in detention.

"MS JAYDEN!" Mrs. Max calls out.

I see a few people look at me , and I see someone mouth "put your phone away". I question it, but do so anyways.

"Was that a phone I seen?" She asks, approaching my seat.

"Um..." I start. "No, uh, um... I mean, yes, um no," I say, not sure if I should admit it.

Mrs. Max gives me a funny look. "Hand it over," she says. I hesitate. "NOW!" She shouts, probably exploding my eardrum. I would be glad if it actually exploded all over her. But that might hurt.

I reach into my pocket and grab my phone. Mrs. Max snatches it from me, but it slips out of her hand, accidentally hitting Martha in face. I laugh, as my phone hits the ground beside her.

"They triED TO KILL ME!" Screams Martha, jumping on top of her seat. I see some people in the room look shocked, others are laughing, and even one person is sleeping!

Mrs. Max looks furious now too, and Martha quickly sits back down. Mrs. Max picks my phone off the floor, and I can see a huge crack across the screen that wasn't there before. It's my turn to be furious now, though I hold it in the best I can.

I hear someone whisper "Mrs. Max is gonna have to pay for that phone screen." I smile, and hope that it's true.


Ooooh drama! Betcha weren't expecting any of that, lol! Don't forget to vote/comment if you enjoyed this chapter or if you're enjoying this story so far. I know I'm enjoying writing it.


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