Perfection Takes Practice - 14

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We worry why the Storms have fallen silent. We would ask, but we have a fear we will not acknowledge. They will resist with what little power that has been leaked unto this world. They will attempt with great valor to bring us down, only to fall themselves in the end. They will not win, for it shall require a great feat beyond this realm. This hapless, petty notebook...

The next day of school had passed with ease for nearly everybody. Only once did Mason have an awry encounter, and that was when he accidentally walked through a girl by the name of Leyla. She yelped, baring incisors the size of a wolf's and glared at Mason with such abhorrence, it reminded Mason of a territorial dog. He quickly explained away that she was disillusioned. She was... busy minding her own work so much, that she fell too deep into it's stress. Leyla slowly relaxed, then asked him about Brook.

"Oh, Brook. Uh, she's fine. Resting at home now," he shifted from foot to foot. 

Leyla continued to query him, asking about every aspect she could think of.

"Ahh, lemme think... No, yes, she's fine. No, and no, the nurse said everything's okay, and no, Charlie isn't crying."

Leyla nodded, seemingly satisfied with her answers, then turned to leave. Mason breathed a sigh of relief, about to head home when Rhea jumped through him. 

"Hey, Mason!" she bounced on her toes. "I have been wondering all day why the Domino happened yesterday morning, and Brook fainted a few minutes afterward, and why it wasn't until almost seven hours later that Levi and I got the message. Then I finally figured it out! Leyla just sucks with phones! Whew. So glad that confusion was taken care of," Rhea chuckles. "So yeah, anyway, how are you?"

Mason nods, accompanied with a small shrug.

"Great! You're not very talkative," Rhea taps her forefinger on her chin. "Curious... Do you see that guy holding a frog over there? It's so cute! Bye! Oh! I almost forgot," Rhea smacks her face. "DUH. Levi's holding a training session to hone our abilities," she presses her palms together, mimicking a buddhist. "Peace be with you, and may you find cookies on your journey to my empty house. Don't you think that it's just really convenient that my dad is--" Rhea stops short, crestfallen. "Gone?"

Mason hates to agree, but he does find it a little suspicious. 

"Anyway," Rhea shakes herself out of her stupor. "See you there in about an hour!" She flits away, her primary objective being the frog. 

Shouldering his pack, Mason readies himself to enter the crowd. 

"Hey," Brook's timid voice startles him.

"Hi?" he clears his throat. "Hey," he greets her. 

Brook watches the crowd of teens thoughtfully, her ocean blue eyes looking at each and every single one intently. Mason catches himself staring, tearing his gaze from her, turning it to something else.

"Ready?" he asks.

Brook simply shrugs. 

This prods Mason to inquire, but already knowing her need for space after her... incident, he decides to not ask. 

Her hand fidgets at her side, drawing Mason's attention. "Are you okay?" he asks, concerned. Brook lowers her eyes, stilling her body.

"Am I?" she asks in a hushed voice. 

Charlie comes cart-wheeling by, "Hurry up guys! We gotta practice beating pretty lady's butt!!" 

Brook promptly follows her sister, hiding her hands within her sweatshirt. Mason sighs and goes after them.

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