Flame - 9

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Today is the third day of school, and Charlie is proud of it. She impressed her teacher with her five second barf bag! She smiles happily at the memory of puking in class because she ate some really old cheese from yesterday with Arian. Ah, the good times.

Charlie skips down the hallways having escaped from the nurse's office in search of Arian. "He must be around here somewhere..." she muses happily. She could be looking for her brother, but ever since Rhea came to stay at their house, he's been really elusive. At first, she and Charlie arm wrestled, then Arian called Charlie, and Charlie was trying to play Hard to Get, but failed terribly because Brook answered instead of her!

So now, Charlie is on a mission. She smiles sweetly at a boy named Kace who simply gives her a curt nod. Oh well. Boys will be boys. Is that Arian?

Charlie speeds through the hallway, excited to see him. "Hi!" she pops up behind his shoulder, startling him. 

"Hi..." Arian says sheepishly. "Um. Hi."

"Hello!! I'm Charlie! Remember me? You tried to call me yesterday, but uh..." Charlie remembers wrestling with Brook over her phone. "My phone was dead."

"But you picked up?" Arian questions, looking puzzled.

"Uhh it came alive. But you generally stop questioning these things with me-- Are you single?"

"You already asked that," Arian sighs, almost annoyed. 

Charlie pouts, "And you never answer. So?"

"What if I'm afraid to answer?" Arian turns to face her, backing away. "You're beautiful, I get that, but you're dangerous..." he looks past her shoulder, seeing something nobody else can. 

"Dangerous how?"

"Charlie, you're the sun," Arian says cryptically. "I can't look at you because you're-- you're a literal ball of flaming fire and sunshine," Arian frowns. "I can't describe it."

Charlie cocks her head, confused by this statement. "Um. Okay. In that case, you're a literal... human hunk of chunk of that I want!"

"No! That's not the-- That's not what I meant," Arian looks defeated. 

"Then what did you mean?" Charlie inquires.

Arian takes a moment to think this question through. "I started seeing things as soon as I met you. I don't know if it's going to get worse or not, so I'd really rather not take the chance. Have you seen Rhea?"

"How do you know Rhea?" Charlie asks suspiciously. Is he cheating on her? No, wait. That's dumb. He isn't my boyfriend yet, and now he wants to leave? I don't get it...

"Haven't you seen her? I don't even know who she is, or what she looks like, but-- She's in trouble Charlie, and she might need your help."

"Trouble?" The word barely slips out of her mouth before Arian ducks away, disappearing within the crowd of high-schoolers. 

At that moment, Levi walks by, his head lowered and eyes downcast. "I told you, I'm not doing it!" he mutters. Charlie, being confused, decides to follow him. "I don't care if four days are left! You shouldn't even be able to tell time!" Levi scowls at the floor.

"Levi?" Charlie tentatively reaches out to touch him.

"Leave me alone," Levi says in a stone cold voice. "Stop it."

Charlie slowly lowers her hand, "Oh. Okay..." She turns to leave when she bumps into Brook. "Hi Bro--"

Brook storms past her, followed closely by Mason who was trying to get her attention, but Brook was ignoring him.

Charlie stands alone in the middle of the hallway, surrounded by bustling people who all have busy lives of their own. "Why do I feel like everybody as a much more exciting story to tell than I do?"

Rhea is suddenly beside her, "Wish I could say the same," she says flatly. "So what's up? Why are you sad?"

"I'm not sad!" Charlie says defensively.

Rhea gives her a long look. "I've known you for about nine years now. I know your happy face, and I know your sad face even though they look the same."

"Do I always look sad?" Charlie holds her face in her hands, dancing nervously. 

"No, I mean that you always look happy. No matter what happens, you're always smiling. Makes me wish I could be like that..." Rhea sighs sadly. "So? Tell me. What's wrong? I could probably use some better news than my own."

Charlie explains everything in a huge rush, first starting with Arian basically saying he's afraid of her awesome beauty, making Rhea laugh a little bit during the story. She then explains that something is wrong with Levi because he told her to leave him alone, and he never says that unless she's tickling him. Then Charlie points out Brook in the crowd, talking to the new boy who made her cry yesterday. 

"Wow," Rhea says after about a minute of watching Mason and Brook quarrel. "How do they argue with their faces?"

"I don't know..." Charlie taps her foot. "Neither of them are talking..."

"Oh! I forgot I was going to say something. What was it?" Rhea stares at the ceiling. "OH!! I think Arian said you were beautiful in a dorkish way."

Charlie frowns, "He also said something about you being in trouble."

Rhea shrugs, "He doesn't know me. I'll be fine."

Charlie nods, "Okay! I guess I won't give up just yet. I will make him like me!" she slams her fist into her open palm.

"Good luck," Rhea smiles reassuringly.

"I don't need it! I'm a ball of fire!!!" Charlie cackled manically. 

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