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*****I completely forgot to rename the last part, but I suppose it fits perfectly with Mason!!! As you may now tell, only three days are left before the Shadows are forced to play their hand.... Anywho, hope you don't get bored!!!! I love exclamation marks!!******

What more can we say? We were right from the beginning. No matter the story, the change, the magic... they will always find each other again and again. No matter the time, future, or enemy, destiny will always have it's way. That is, until we decide to add our twist. From what you can now gather, the Originals started this all. We will finish it. These remnants of our false heroes will be ours to guide in three days. Ours to take and control.

"I can hear you," Levi rolls his eyes. "And no, I don't think so."

The boy hears our monologue? How dare he?

"It's not like I have a choice," he mutters. Rhea gives him a quizzical look before understanding dawned on her face. She flashes him a thumbs up and returns to her drawing. They were in class now, barely twenty minutes from the end of the day. 

If you don't mind, we were explaining to the Keepers about our--

Rhea pipes in, "Hey, why are there gates around cemeteries? Because people are dying to get in!" she cackles so much, she smashed her pencil into the desk, pieces scattering everywhere.

Why can't you give her to us any sooner?

Levi cracks a smile. "Because she's mine," he says to the darkness. He senses their presence leaving them temporarily, relaxing into his seat. "Hey Rhea?"

"Yes?" she quipped.

"Why is it bad to write with a broken pencil?" he smiles.

"Um... Because I have two hands?" she guesses.

"Because it's pointless."

Rhea smacks her face. "Of course!" she giggles. Her phone buzzes in her pocket, drawing her attention. "Hello?" she sticks her tongue out, staring at the screen. "Oh."


Rhea purses her lips, "Apparently after Charlie went to tackle Arian after I encouraged to do it after he almost-dumped her--" Rhea takes a second to breathe. "Basically, Brook fainted in the hall.

Levi was alarmed, "What?"

"Yeah. Last Charlie and I saw her was when she was talking to this one guy, Mason I think? Anyway, my friend Leyla just shot me this," Rhea shows Levi a picture on her phone.

Staring at it made Levi's blood boil. "That's Mason," he says flatly.

"Yep!" Rhea scrolls through more pictures. "She just fell over into his arms. Again. Weird. You'd think she would be Sleeping Beauty or something..."

Levi jumped out of his chair, determined to find this "Mason" guy and keep him away from his sister. While I'm at it, might as well find Arian too.

Rhea groans, "FINE." She bounces out of her seat, "Bye teacher lady! My adopted sister is in trouble and I think she was drugged." Rhea giggles as she walks past the teacher whose eyes were bulging so much, they were practically out of their sockets. 

"D-don't we need to call the cops?" she warbled.

Rhea stuck her tongue out, "Don't think so. Bye!" she slammed the door shut behind her, nearly stepping on Levi's toes. "Let's go!"

Minutes later, Levi, Rhea, Charlie, Mason, and Arian were all crammed into the nurse's office, hovering over Brook. The nurse was scolding at them, urging them to get out, but they weren't listening. Levi rushed over to Brook, Charlie right on his heels. 

"Brook?" Charlie pokes her arm, worry threatening to take her over. "Brook?" her voice breaks. "Wake up! You're not sick are you? If you were sick, then I'd be sad, and I know that you hate it when I'm sad. Come on! Wake up! Did Mason do something to you? If he did, then I'll sic Levi on him. Levi, sic 'em."

Levi turns his attention to Mason, narrowing his eyes. "What did you do to her?" he seethes.

Mason's nostrils flared, "Talk," he says shortly. 

Yes, sink into our grasp. Take him down. Kill him for hurting your sister. He did this. He hurt her. Come on... Listen to us...

Levi has tried over and over again to keep their voices at bay, but this time, he listened to them. He lunged at Mason, his affinity over darkness threatening to spill out into the nurse's office. He let it loose.

A blanket of complete and utter blackness explodes from Levi, rendering them all blind. 

After a few minutes of soundless scuffling, "Where did he go!?" Levi screams. 

Silence fills the room, a soft and steady white glow emanates from Rhea. Then a yellow sparkling sheen surrounds Charlie, and finally, a peaceful ocean blue hovers around Brook. Horror could be seen in Charlie's eyes as she took in the scene around them.

The nurse had passed out on the floor, around her neck was a tendril of shadow choking her. Mason was nowhere to be seen, and Levi was on the ground, blending in with the shadows. Rhea reached out for him, but a tendril snapped at her, encasing her arm up to the elbow.

"Rhea!" Charlie shrieked, stumbling backwards onto her sister who was still sleeping.

Rhea struggled to break free, but it held onto her tighter. 

"Come to us," the darkness hissed. The tendril turned into a woman's arm, oozing black goo rises from the ground, forming the rest of her body. Her head takes the form of a beautiful woman with glowing red eyes. "Come with me," she leaned in to Rhea. "Save him from himself..." she coos.

A shadow hanging from the ceiling whipped at Charlie who cried out in pain, leaving a long gash across her forehead. Blood gushes everywhere and the darkness seemed to drink it all up. Rhea tried to free herself, but the woman's hold was too tight. 

"Do you need more convincing?" the woman's eyes glittered. 

Rhea squeezed her eyes shut, the white light surrounding her faded to a dull thrum; as if it were barely there. 

Levi's gasp was barely audible, "Don't-- do it..."

Rhea was in tears. "She's hurting you," she sobs. Rhea craned her neck to peer at Charlie, but she was also knocked out. To Rhea's surprise, Charlie was on fire; she somehow knew it was harmless, but it was still a shock. 

The woman yanked on Rhea's arm, pulling her to the ground as two invisible attackers held the darkness in place. Through her blurry vision, Rhea could see it was Arian and Mason, each of them glowing their own defining colors. Arian was an olive green, and Mason was glowing a deep and dark red. The woman's grip on Rhea went slack and she stumbled backwards.

The woman disappeared under Mason's and Arian's grip, her malicious laughter echoing from everywhere at once. "Three days are left..." she whispers in everyone's ears, leaving them in a shadowy silence when the darkness recedes, revealing a sterile white room once again.

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