Planning - 13

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Hours later, everybody was gathered at Rhea's empty house. Brook had earmuffs and a blanket wrapped around her. She explained that everything is severely overwhelming for her, and that she can barely hear their voices. Rhea had shrugged and found a blanket to toss on her head, Charlie tried to talk quieter, but ended up moving completely across the room from her. Mason was trying to be at her side, but seemed to be fighting himself, and Arian was pacing.

Brook watched as Rhea did a quick head count, noting that Levi was leaning against the wall with his arms crossed. Something is disturbing him, that much she can tell. Rhea sighs, nearly dropping her head into a bowl of Cap'n Crunch Peanut Butter cereal. 

"They're back," Rhea rubs her temples in concentration.

"Don't listen to them," Levi cautions.

Charlie's head swivels back and forth, looking at each of them in turn.

"Why aren't they talking to you?" she complains.

Levi's eyes were full of pain. "You're first," he says, almost defeated.

"Why me?" Rhea rubs her shadow stained arm. She ignores Levi's reply, staring at the ghoulishness of her arm. "It's like I got a tattoo," she scrunches her nose. "A Shadow sleeve."

Charlie taps her foot, tired of listening already. "How are you going to hide it?" she asks in a rush.

Rhea shrugs, "Maybe a long sleeve?"

Brook watches them with watery eyes, unable to participate in the conversation. While they clamor on, she tries to move her lips to form a single word, but they are frozen. Mason takes notice, shifting from foot to foot. She knows he is uneasy, and wishes he would do something. Where did that arrogant rude boy go? Brook wonders. 

Arian runs his hands through his hair. "If the entire school hadn't already heard about this-- attack, then they will soon. I barely kept the nurse from believing what had happened," he mutters. 

Mason intertwines his fingers, locking them behind his head, "The nurse is going to check in to the mental ward."

"How would you know?" Arian shoots back.

Mason levels him with a cool gaze. "Let's just say that I know people. Their tendencies..." Mason looks quickly looks away, his gaze resting on Brook. "Hopefully nobody here will end up there," he murmurs.

Brook lowers her eyes. She sees the truth already when she looks at her friends. Again, she tries to speak, but her body isn't responding. 

"Nobody is," Arian states. Most likely for his own sake than to assure anybody, Brook determines.

Turning her attention back to Rhea's conversation, Brook listens in. 

"We're all important here!" Rhea exclaims. "Not one of us is better than the other! Not even me! Or Charlie!"

Charlie pouts, "Hey! Why am I being dragged into this!?"

"Why!?" Rhea whirls on her. "You're the one that's so ready to toss me to the fire pit!"

"I own the fire! You wouldn't get hurt!" Charlie argues.

"Would too! I bet you're already planning to kill me in my sleep just so the Darkness will leave us all alone!" Rhea throws her hands up in the air.

"Enough!" Levi hollers. "Nobody is going to die, and nobody is going to go crazy," he shoots Mason a pointed look. "We'll get through this..."

Charlie jumps to her feet, her face already red. Either from anger, or she's about to cry, Brook couldn't decide. 

Levi continues on, "We can't just sit around and mope about it--"

"Speak for yourself, hotshot," Mason snorts.

Levi's nostrils flare, "But we can try to fight it. Look around," he gesticulates. "Each of us has something... different. Special. Charlie has some kind of power to do with fire--"

"Sun!" Charlie corrects, sitting back down. Brook notes that her face isn't red anymore.

"Mason is part ghost--"

"Nightblade," Arian says.

"How would you know?" Mason gives him a skeptical look.

"I can see. Or-- feel. It's earthy. And stormy." Arian shrugs.

Levi rolls his eyes, "And Arian has a weird sensing power. Brook, well, we have no idea what Brook has, but it has something to do with the..."

"Moon?" Arian suggests.

Charlie peers at him, "How would you know?" she inquires.

"Ah," Arian reddens. "When I first saw her, that's what I thought of. Plus-- yeah."

Charlie huffs, "Riiiight. I'll believe you for now. But you better do some serious explaining later!"

Levi blinks, "Would everybody quit interrupting me?"

Rhea smiles widely, "I haven't interrupted anybody yet! That's usually my forte, but not today!!"

"Thanks Rhea," Levi offers an apologetic smile. "She has light, and mine, well, you know mine," Levi says sheepishly. "Anyway, if we work together, I'm certain we can fight the Darkness," he slams his fist into his palm.

Arian opens his mouth to speak.

"Shut it," Levi orders.

Mason snickers, but Arian shoots Levi a dark look. "Calling it The Darkness gives it more power than it really has. I suggest calling it by it's real name. Maeve."

Rhea shuddered, "I have a super weird feeling that Levi was supposed to date her."

Levi gags, "First of all, gross. Second of all: why would you say that?"

Charlie giggles, "Imagine her slimy tentacles sliding down your throat when you're kissing!!"

Mason joins in, "If you were to sleep with her, I'm sure you'd get more than you'd bargain for."

Levi turns a shade of green, making Brook want to smile had she any control over her body at the moment. 

"Oh!" Rhea giggles, "Don't forget about the erotica!! Never forget the erotica!!"

Levi closes his eyes, "Why do you guys always do this?"

Rhea hugs him tightly, nestling her head in the crook of his arm, "Because we love you. So what's the plan buster?" she and Levi lock eyes. 

"I was thinking..." Levi went on to explain his idea to the rest of the group after he made doubly sure the Dar-- Maeve wasn't listening. 

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