Love is Despair - 7

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Can we ever know the strength we possess to do what is necessary for the ones we love? Can we ever sacrifice ourselves in hopes they will be the ones to rise?

Love is despair, as emotion is nearly destitute without it. No matter what world you are in, soulmates always find each other. Soulmates always find themselves intertwined within one another's lives. Soulmates are forever.

Levi's heart twisted, seeing Rhea break down like that. He didn't want to be the one to deliver the news, but his dad was busy calling the police, trying to find her father. Charlie had probably already eloped with that new guy, Arian, was it? Brook was most likely reading a book under a tree and lost track of time. Neither of them were answering their phones. He jumped into the car, pointing at Rhea's disappearing figure to his dad who quickly started the car. 

They followed her until she ducked into a place where a car couldn't follow. Orion and Levi shared a look.

Both sighed in unison, "I'll get her."

They both smiled in amusement, even though this was no laughing matter.

"Go get her," Orion looked out the window. "Something tells me she needs you."

Levi nods and jumps out of the car, following his instincts to find his-- Rhea. To find Rhea. He passes by a flicking tendril of Shadow, batting it away in his determination to find her. 

Levi calls out softly, listening for any sign of her usually bright and happy self. "Rhea...? Can you hear me?"

A stack of grungy boxes tip over, startling a stray cat which darts into the shadows. Levi watches the cat flee, then turns his attention to the toppled boxes, lifting each one gently. After moving about five boxes, he sees a curled figure huddled up with her arms around her knees.  

 She sniffles loudly, "Go away."

Levi would have considered it had it been anyone else telling him to do so. Instead, he cleared a space beside her and sat shoulder to shoulder against the brick wall of an ancient building. "I'm not going anywhere. Neither are you."

She swipes at the tears on her face, refusing to look at him. "Why?" she asks in a meek voice. "Why do you--?" she stops herself, seemingly to battle her inner turmoil. "How did you know what I was talking about?"she wrings her hands anxiously.

Levi wanted to run from this question he had been silently dreading, but he knew she was going to ask as soon as he gave his position away at lunch earlier. "They talk to me too," he admits. "They keep telling me to--"

"To give me up," Rhea finishes. "What for? I haven't done anything wrong." She draws in a shuddering breath, glances at the little amount of space between them. Levi almost decides to scoot away to allow for some room, but she surprised him. She leaned in to him, resting her head on his shoulder. 

Levi had the oddest feeling he was supposed to be hiding in a closet right now with Rhea. He shook off the disturbing deja vu and rested his chin atop her head. "Nothing. You didn't do anything," he closes his eyes, wishing everything could go back to normal. Wishing that the voices would stop taunting him and messing with his mind. 

Rhea's tears subside as she fiddles with his fingers. "Why are you here?" she asks softly.

"You're my friend," Levi replied automatically.

"No. Why? Why are you confusing the crap outta me?" she pushes herself away from him. "First you're all like: 'Hey, I'm a dude and I do dude things like not pay attention to girls for all my life. I do such dudely things like ignoring the one girl that's been one of my greatest friends for years. Because that's what dudes do,'" she says spitefully. "That, and the next moment, you're like this!" she gestures to him.

"Like what?" Levi asks, genuinely confused.

"UGH! Boys!" Rhea clumsily attempts to get to her feet, tripping over a stray box she had knocked over and falling into his lap. She cursed, trying to get out of his reach, but Levi locked his arms around her tightly, suddenly realizing what she meant. 

"Rhea--" he tries to explain himself, but no words come out of his mouth.

"STOP IT. Like, for real! I don't want to stay at your stupid house with your stupid face! Just leave me alone!" Rhea squirms, attempting to escape, but his hold on her was like iron. 

He didn't know what to say, instead he looked away, searching for a better way to deal with this situation. "I'm not trying to confuse you," he stumbles over his own words. "It's just--"

Rhea stills, meeting his eyes with a steely glint. "Just what?" she challenges.

Levi takes a deep breath, "I like you," he says in a rush. "I like the way you always make me smile, the way you--" he struggles to continue on with his confession. "The way you--"

Rhea's icy gaze softens. "The way I what?" she questions.

"The way you light up the room wherever you go," Levi finishes. "Like a star."

"Celebrity, or moon stuff?" Rhea smiles.


"Good enough for me," Rhea had stopped squirming and instead was fiddling with his fingers again. 

Levi felt as if the moment was too short-lived. As if she was waiting for something. Oh! You idiot! She wants a kiss! Levi blinks rapidly, foreign to this feeling of... love. 

Years had passed with her ruthless flirting and taunts, but he had always ignored it, thinking it was just some phase she never grew out of. Now that she was here, in his arms, he was astounded with himself. He hadn't realized he really cared for her. He leans in close, his heart hammering in his chest. He almost wonders if Rhea can hear it. She turns her head to him, smiling in anticipation.

"About time you big dummy!" she craned her neck to reach him when a loud voice scares both of them out of their wits.

"I have been waiting for so long, and this is what you're doing!?" Orion marches up to them. "By the way, great job on finding her. Jules and I always thought you two would make a cute couple. But it's about to rain, so we've got to get going," Orion peers at the cloudy sky. 

A chill creeps over Levi, knowing that something is deeply wrong. Not with him and Rhea, but the shadows. They shiver and dance with joy.  He takes her hand and holds it in his own, a deep fear sinking in his stomach.

You've done it now lover boy. Turn her over to us, and all will live...

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