"No Good Deed Goes Unpunished." Christine mumbled.

"That's not from Hamilton or Heathers." Jennifer stated, looking over at Christine, slightly confused.

"It's from Wicked." Christine clarified, holding back a smirk.

"Stop it, with the musical references!" Damian yelled, speaking the thought that was on everyone's mind. Before anyone could get another word out, the bell rang, and they all had to rush to their seats. The teacher walked in, and started their lesson, but Christine was half paying attention. She'd glance at her friends, a mischievous smirk on her face as she thought of so many other references she could make, instead of focusing on their lesson.

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"You're not gonna pass the test, Chris." Breezy stated, shaking her head, and she ate another grape. It was currently lunch time, and half the table was full with textbooks and notebooks, as about half the group frantically studied and looked over notes.

"Don't doubt me, it makes me doubt myself." Christine shot back, not lifting her head from her History textbook.

"So it was James Madison, Thomas Jefferson, and Aaron Burr that confronted Hamilton about his affair thing, thinking he was embezzling government funds?" Phoenixx asked, scratching her head with her pencil.

"No, it was actually James Monroe, Abraham Venable, and Frederick Muhlenberg." Jennifer corrected, looking up from her book, poking Phoenixx's with her pencil.

"Well then why did Lin-Manuel Miranda say it was Jefferson, Madison, and Burr?!" Phoenixx asked, throwing her hands up. Jennifer shrugged in response, but Christine gave her an actual worded answer.

"I dunno, because he's Lin-Manuel Miranda!" The brunette yelled.

"Hey, less yelling more studying, chop, chop ladies." Daniel butted in, popping a grape in his mouth.

"I hope you fail next weeks Science test." Christine replied, glaring at him.

"Wait, there's a Science test next week?" Slade asked, looking up from his book.

"Yes, the one Ms. Gibson has been raving about all week." Breezy answered.

"I thought Ms. Gibson was the History teacher." Jennifer said, slightly confused.

"She is, Bree's just being dumb." Phoenixx replied.

"Well then what's the Science teacher's name?!" Breezy asked, slamming her hands down on the table.

"Ms. Livingston." Damian answered, wearing an expressionless.

"Dude, how'd you get Livingston and Gibson mixed up?" Christine asked. Breezy groaned, letting her head fall onto the table.

"I don't know!" She yelled, letting out weird noises, the others assumed came from her anger and frustration.

"Honestly, it doesn't matter if we pass the test in Science, she lets us do retakes, and takes which ever score is higher, if we do bad on it." Slade said, shrugging a bit.

"Dude, in all honesty, I just guess on those tests, and try to remember what little of a lesson we had." Christine admitted.

"What's the square root of twenty six?" Jennifer asked.

"Use your calculator." Phoenixx answered, poking Jennifer's calculator with her pencil.

"You can't use calculators on the test." Damian replied.

"Wait, really?" Christine asked.

"Wait, no, you have a different teacher than us, so it's different rules." Daniel stated.

"I have the same teacher as him, we're in the same period. Slade too." Jennifer stated.

"So we can use calculators, but not you guys?" Phoenixx asked.

"Precisely." Breezy grumbled.

"When was the Battle of Yorktown?" Slade suddenly asked.

"1781." Christine answered.

"Thank you." Slade hummed, writing down the date.

"Can someone check with their calculator to see if this answer is correct?" Jennifer asked.

"No, y'know why?" Christine asked.

"Why?" Jennifer asked, looking up at her.

"Because I'm the president." She replied, placing her hand on her chest.

"The president of failing Science tests." Breezy replied, causing the group to burst into laughter.

"Hey, it's not my fault I got a B- in Science in seventh grade. The stupid teacher wouldn't take my cell model, and that was worth twenty points!" Christine groaned.

"Why wouldn't she take it?" Damian asked.

"Because it, quote-on-quote, 'wasn't 3D enough'. Even though other kids models were completely flat!" She explained.

"Yeah, she sucked." Phoenixx mumbled.

"Everyone hated her, we know that." Breezy stated. "Even Dan hates her, and Dan likes all of his teachers." She continued.

"That's true." Daniel replied.

"Yo, quick question." Breezy said, raising her hand a bit.

"Hm?" Jennifer hummed, looking up at him.

"This is for Christine and Damian. What was the first feeling you ever had for each other?" She asked. Christine looked up at Damian, and glared at him.

"Loathing. Unadulterated loathing." Christine answered.

"That sounded like it rhymed." Jennifer stated, squinting at Christine.

"Oh god, it was another musical thing." Phoenixx grumbled, letting her head fall onto her textbook.

"How did the French Revolution effect America?" Slade asked, mostly ignoring the conversation.

"French ships kept attacking American merchant ships, after the Jay Treaty." Daniel answered.

"Do You Hear The People Sing? Singing the song of angry men, it is the music of the people who will not be slaves again." Christine quietly sang, smiling. Phoenixx lifted her head, grabbed her notebook, and started hitting Christine with it.

"Stop it, damnit!" She yelled, as the brunette laughed, holding her arms up to take the blow of the notebook. Jennifer looked up and started yelling at them, to stop messing around and to focus. Slade started arguing with Jennifer about how they weren't even studying to begin with. Breezy was laughed her butt off, trying not to choke on the grapes in her mouth, and Daniel was trying to calm The whole table down, and make sure Breezy didn't choke. Damian looked around and smiled. He noticed Phoenixx had a small smile on her face, as she beat Christine with her notebook. The brunettes laughter as she got hit with the notebook, causing a small smile to stitch its way across the blondes face. He continued to stare at the girls, smiling more as they both started laughing, and Phoenixx's blows started to weaken a bit. He liked the group more than he'd like to admit. He thought he was the winner when he had them as friends.

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