Part 36: First Reaction

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"Uhmmmm, What about '50 First Dates?'" I ask Ari as I scroll through Netflix trying to find a movie for us to watch.

"I know I've seen it before but I can't remember what happens, I mean I know they have 50 first dates but I can't remember how it works out. So yes, my answer is yes" she says which makes me laugh. She's so cute.

"Alright click play in 3...2...1" I announce as I click play on my laptop. I'm currently in Jamaica to work on my album while Ari's in New York for SNL. Although we constantly FaceTime each other sometimes for a couple of minutes, sometimes for hours. Like tonight, our timezones are only an hour apart so we've decided to just watch as movie and FaceTime so we can talk and comment on it as we watch before heading to bed. "How was your day?" I ask as I watch the opening credits.

"Boring!" she states dramatically which makes me laugh. "What about you?" she asks and I shrug even though I'm not sure if she's looking at me to see that.

"Kinda in a slump right now" I admit. The first week/ten days of being here I wrote so many songs and was on such a roll but now it just feels like nothing's working.

"What do you mean?" she asks and I look at our FaceTime to see her frowning, completely detached to the movie and completely focusing on me.

"I don't know. I can't make music! It's just not working out and I don't know what to do" I admit and she nods her head.

"Well then stop" she states casually which catches me off guard and I guess she notices as she begins to giggle. What is she talking about? Does she want me to stop working and give up? "Go out and do something! You've been working nonstop take a break. You're not gonna just magically get back on a roll while being trapped in the studio. You took a break before and you were able to get back and make music so it clearly works! You're in Jamaica, one of the most beautiful places in the world! Go out and explore, don't think about music, don't go to the studio at the end of the day, just take a couple days off" she explains and I nod my head. She's right, I shouldn't be surprised. "Now if you don't mind, I'm trying to watch the movie" she scoffs before laughing. She always gives me the best advice, and I know it's because she genuinely cares about me.

"Thanks Ari" I admit and she nods her head before trying to find a comfortable way to rest her head on her pillow as she begins to watch the movie. I can't help but just keep my focus on her as I stare at her, I wish I was with her so bad.


Ariana's POV

"It's okay, I really wanna hear it!" I admit as I talk to Harry on the phone. He's mailed me a USB copy of his album so that I can hear it but is complaining about how he isn't able to be around when I first listen to it. He really wants to be there but I won't see him for another couple of weeks and I'm fine with just listening to it on my own. "It's better this way, if I hate it you won't know" I joke which makes him laugh.

"Alright, lie to me" he laughs, I don't know why he's so nervous. He's so talented, I want him to be confident with what he makes, he deserves to be. "I'm really sorry I can't be there. I love you babe" he admits and I nod my head even though we're talking on the phone and I know he can't see me.

"I love you too" I admit as I hang up the phone and head straight for the package I got today. Harry's team is working really hard to keep this album from leaking, the only way to listen to it is off one iPhone and this USB that Harry had made just for me. Even emailing these songs over risks having someone hacking and retrieving the files so I've had to wait until this USB came so I can play it off that without even exporting it onto my laptop first. Harry offered to play the album to me over the phone but we soon realized that the quality just completely sucked so this was the only other way.

Case Closed (Hariana | H.S & A.G)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora