19-The After Math

Start from the beginning

Scott McCall found himself running from a shadow, it was taunting him, teasing him, threatening him. He was scared of his own shadow. And that almost sounded hilarious to him. But he found no amusement in the situation, only fear. And because of that fear, he found himself not being able to turn into his Alpha form. He couldn't even look at himself in the mirror without a grimace. It was like his own mind was taunting him. He would see his nails grow and his eyes glow but it wouldn't actually happen. It was his brain playing tricks on him. And as he ran, he, ever so often stumbled over his own feet.

Stiles Stilinski was worried for his best friend as well as his girlfriend. Although he was going through the exact same, he didn't have time to worry for himself. All he ever could do was think about the better of his friends. So when he saw his best friend running in fright he stopped his with worry. Confusion was etched on his face as he stopped the boy. He knew that the others were going through the same he was. But he didn't want that. He knew how hard it was for himself but he couldn't deal with the fact that people he cared for were going through the same.

"Hey. Hey." Stiles grabbed a hold of Scott's shoulder, stopping the boy from running. "You alright?"

Scott blinked repeatedly. Slightly out of breathe he tried to nod but only ended up grimacing at himself. Scott's vision was slightly blurred as he took a deep and nodded properly. But Stiles was reluctant on believing that. "Well you don't look alright, Scott."

"I'm okay." Scott lied, trying to ensure Stiles but the uncertainty was clear to Stiles and that only added to his disbelief.

"No, you're not." Stiles disagreed, shaking his head at the boy. Scott sighed in defeat standing up straighter. "It's happening to you, too. You're seeing things, aren't you?"

Scott looked at his best friend with confusion. "How did you know?"

"Because," A new voice interrupted Scott's thoughts and Stiles answer. The two look at the person and see Lydia walking along with Allison and Cara who kept wiping her eyes. Stiles and Scott both noticed the dark circles under her eyes. "It's happening to all of you."

Stiles walked closer to Cara, wrapping his arm around her shoulder in comfort. "Did you get any sleep?"

Cara nodded slightly. "I got some sleep today."

"But that doesn't mean you did the rest of the week..."Stiles finished. Cara weakly smiled at him.

The four walk into the school quietly. Their minds racing. Cara grabs Stiles hand in a rush causing him to look at her with a frown. Cara stops as she sees the image of Isaac Lahey's dead body lying on the floor with a replica of herself standing beside him with a menacing grin. The girl turns back to look at Cara who started to shake, her hands trembling and voices dull. She could barely make out Lydia's questions and Stiles' assurance or even Scott's worried glances as she let out a fragile sob. Allison who was standing quietly was now next to Cara shaking her out of her hallucinations. The girl whimpered at the sigh of the boys bloody wounds and his body lifeless.

Suddenly it disappeared and Cara let go of Stiles' hand. She stares at the group in front of her, them sharing worried glances. Cara wiped her tears from under her eyes as people around her looked at her as if she were crazy. Surely they did not understand what she was going through. Stiles immediately wrapped his arms around her as Cara stared at the floor shakily, her cries still filling the air.

She clutched onto Stiles, not wanting to let go. He brought his hand up to caress her and holding her carefully.

"Are you okay?"Scott asks grabbing her arms in comfort.

"Yeah," She shakes her head violently. "Sorry." The others nodded and Stiles re-intertwine his hands with the girl who leans on him slightly. "Well,well, look who's no longer the crazy one." Lydia says as she opens the door. She pursed her lips with a slight smirk on her mouth. Cara rolls her eyes in annoyance at the girls enjoyment of the situation.

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