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(Harry's POV)

I must of fell asleep there because I was awoken but a firm tap on my shoulder."Harry...Harry!"I didn't open my eyes I just listened."Harry,someone is on the phone for you."

That's when I opened my eyes.Who could it be?The same nurse I had talked to earlier stood there with an outstretched arm.Hesitantly,I answered,

~•*phone call starts*•~

Harry:Hello?Who is this?

????:Hi Harry,its Vik!Are you ok?I heard what happened.We are all wishing you good recovery.

Harry:Omg Vik it's so nice to hear you voice tell the guys I miss them all so much especially Simon.

Vik:Ok,ok I get it...Minishaw is real.You don't need to keep on reminding us.Its not official yet though so don't get your hopes up!

Vik:Simon has took it the worst.He thought you were dead!He said he was gonna fly out to you,although the others tried to convinced him you were fine.

Vik:He's still gonna do it though.I told him I would come with him if he wanted me to.So he booked the flight last night.We will be with you and the cals by tomorrow night.

Harry:Wow,Vik really you both don't have to do that!

Vik:No we want to Harry,we both do.

Harry:Is Simon there?Or Josh?Or JJ?

Vik:Yea I'm just in my room.I will go down now.I am sure they will all be happy to hear your voice.I will put you on speaker!

(Time skip to downstairs)

Vik:Guys,say hello to Harry!


Josh:What's up Harold?

Harry:Nothing much Joshua.Just chilling in the hospital,recovering. You know the usual.

Simon:Why do you sound so calm,Harry?!

Simon:Do you realise what has happened to you?!

Josh:Simon,it's ok...




Simon:I'm sorry I seem so annoyed with you,Harry.I promise you I'm not.Im just protective,too protective,but I care about you Harry and I would hate for anything to happen to you.I really should tell you,what I've always  wanted to tell you,I lo...*crying*

Josh:Simon,come here.*Hugging*

Harry:I care about you too Simon.Like so much,more than you can imagine.I can't wait to see you again in person but please for me keep smiling.

Harry:You deserve to be happy.I want you to be happy.I am fine Simon.

Harry:My wound is healing well and I've been told me and the Cals will hopefully be able to leave in two days time if everything goes to plan.

Harry:Then I can come home and see all of you guys.

Harry:Even though,I haven't seen you all in real life,I still watch your videos on my phone everyday.

Harry:So remember next time you film or upload,I will be watching, that's a promise.I will see you all soon,sooner than you think.

JJ:At least we do upload! *Laughing*

Simon:JJ,Leave him alone,NOW!

Harry:Very funny JJ.It was nice speaking to you guys,but for now, I've got to go.

Harry:I love all of you with all of my heart.

Harry:Goodbye for now.


~•*phone call ends*•~

The realisation hit me like a brick wall.

I meant what I said.

I did care about Simon.Probably more than he cared about me.

I would go as far as to say that I loved Simon and still do.

Happily,I drifted off into a bissful sleep.To think I would see him tomorrow night made me smile with joy. My thoughts ran wild through my brain that night."I can't wait to see you Simon and you too Vik."I whispered as I faded of into my peaceful rest.

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