Chapter one

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Another disappearing. I am beginning to feel sorry for the Werewolves. A lot of Werewolves are disappearing without a trace even their scent is
gone. And only the Werewolves have been disappearing. It's like someone has been tracking them on purpose.

Unusually the last known place of the missing people and their scent was near the ocean. The Witches have tried everything to find them to a spell to even getting a dog and asking it to find where they went, but all of their tries never lead to anything. The part of the ocean that my parents rule over. Yes you heard me right. My parents are the king and queen of that ocean. The Atlantic Ocean. My parents don't really make all the rules up, of course they have other people helping make their decisions to make the ocean a better place. They don't rule the whole sea because two people can't control the whole sea. It's simple logic.

As well after the people started to go missing, I have been starting to practice my talents, if you are a Mermaid you get special talents when you are born, there are four powers that someone can get but sometimes the talents are passed down, so sometimes it's luck and sometimes it's passed down.

1. Moving water ability. Common.
2. Move air. (Like bring a dry object from above the water and make a bubble of air around it, keeping it dry).
3. Fire. (Make fire out of nowhere). Uncommon.
4. Talent changes with emotion. (Fire when angry, ice when cold, water is calm and nervous is water again). Super rare.

For me I can breath through air and water, it used to be a common ability but now it is really rare, the only person that has that talent is from my mothers side, my great aunt, her name was Ariel. I have not met her, unlucky she passed away before I could meet her. I have talent number four, my powers mostly changed with emotions.

I have heard that a voice of a mermaid actually has different effects on humans and other creatures. It does not do anything to any other mermaids because, well no one really explained why not to me so don't ask.

Sometimes I would swim to a special rock that was above the surface, the rock was near enough to the beach that I could hear the loud music and sometimes I can see the silhouette's of a few people with legs dancing. I as well  bring a hairbrush, something for me to do.

But I love that place, the small breeze that would pass by, the sky alight with beautiful stars, the music coming from the coast and the waves calmly hitting the rock.

And of course we never eat fish, we are half fish, that would just be weird. And well we just don't.

Our ancestors used their hearing to find boats, we do not drag people down, we drag food (before getting it and eating it we make sure that it is not a fish).

I just realized that those words sounded like I was saying that people were food, they were not, they are just the people who have food, my favorite food is chips.

I had received the news about the Werewolves on a newspaper called ' The Seashell ', the paper is made by bits of seaweed and other natural ingredients so that the newspapers could not get destroyed by the water, like normal paper does.

I was in the living room beside some stairs. There are two stairs leading to the second floor, the stairs are made of  marble and it always seems to shine, the banisters are made of, something I do not really know but it had a gold color but I don't think it is gold.

I was sitting on a red seat near the window, reading the newspaper and looking out the window and seeing a school of pretty clown fish passing by and a few other types of fish swimming around the colorful coral. It was so pretty. It must have taken a long time for them to grow.

I really don't know who it is or why someone is trying to take the Werewolves. It can't be a Mermaid. Well I don't think it is.

"Serena would you like me to get your clean clothes and bring them to you?"Asked Molly. She was my maid, I don't really think of her like that, she is really friendly, more like a friend than a maid. She is the only interesting person that I have really met. I haven't met a lot of people, I am homeschooled, so I don't really have anyone that I can compare her to.

My parents, the king and queen believe that me going to a normal school is far too dangerous and that I should stay in a castle most of my life.

I know that they care about their kingdom being ruled by their daughter and the safety of their only daughter but I think that this is taking it a little bit too far.

"No thanks Molly but do you want to play a game like maybe Monopoly or Uno?"I asked. I actually like playing those games  they were fun and you had to have a little bit of luck , so most of the times when we played these games it would never really be the same as the last.

"Thanks Serena I would lo-"She said before getting interrupted by the phone ringing. I got up, swam to the phone and answered it.

"Hello Serena here. And who is this ?"I said to the other person on the other side of the phone. The phone was connected to the wall and was just a phone that could only call and receive calls, I am saying this because I have heard that some humans have their own phone and have games and applications or mostly called apps on them and they can text each other and the phone is not connected to the walls. Strange technology.

"Hello Serena dear, it's me, can you go to the meeting room, we have something very important to tell you."My father said in a serious tone on the other line of the phone.
Thank you very much for reading, please vote and/or comment and share to tell me you would like me to continue writing. If you have any questions please ask. As well

19 September 2017 07:07

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