Chapter 5 : Snivellus

Start from the beginning

"Fear not because you can always go out with me. You just have to ask me" I winked at her. She rolled her eyes and took my hand off her shoulder.

"We are friends and will never be anything more" she said blankly.

"Okay so are we still friends with benefits?" I asked. We never were friends with benefits but its fun to tease her.

"Anything you would like to tell us, Ariel?" Jordan asked with a smug smile. She knew I was lying but by the expressions of Alice and Jasmine, they believed me.

"I repeat, we are friends, nothing more. Never will be never have been anything else" She said coldly. I mocked hurt.

"Well now I need to go and find someone to make me feel better. Maybe that pretty blonde Hufflepuff?" I wondered to myself. I felt an arm latch onto me. I looked up to see Jordan clutching onto me.

"You're not going anywhere. The Slytherins are coming this way and I need you to scare them off" she said. I looked over to see there were in fact five Slytherins heading our way. THE five Slytherins. Snivellus Snape (better known as Severus Snape), Lucius Malfoy, Regulus (the uglier one) Black, Narcissa Black and Nut case Black (better known as Bellatrix Black).

"What's up, Snivy?" I asked. Snivellus frowned and glared at me

Well isn't he a pocket of sunshine?

"Get out of the way, Black. We're just here to see Ariel. Dumbeldore said to give you this letter" Lucius told us, handing Ariel a letter. Ariel snatched the letter from him and ripped open. Isn't she graceful.

"Jordan, my dad says you can't move in with me" She announced. Jordan furrows her eyebrows and looks at Ariel confused.

"Why not?" she asks. Ariel sighs and hands her the letter. She reads over it and looks at it, disgusted. "I am not moving in with Elaine and that Death Eater boyfriend of hers. Sister or not, I hate her! I mean she's a muggle, he's obviously using her. Stupid pug-faced Parkinson. Why did my parents make HER my guardian?"

"Calm down Jordan. It will be alright, I'm sure" I tried to calm her. She started to sooth herself along with Ariel's help because I am useless.

"So Snivellus, have you given up on getting Lily to forgive you yet?" James asked. Lily looked over quickly.

"Why would I want a mudblood to forgive me?" Snape sneered. He was trying to look cool in front of the other Slytherins.

"Surprising you say that now, Severus. I thought we were friends. You have no chance of me EVER forgiving you" Lily said, venom lacing each word.

"Good because I am not apologising to a mudblood like you" Snivellus said coldly. James' face reddened in anger as he saw the hurt expression on Lily's face.

"Take it back!" he exclaimed.

"Why do you care, Potter?" Snape sneered. Lucius and Regulus stepped, getting ready to defend Snape.

"I said, take it back" James said, coldly. Snivellus lifted his wand but James was faster. "Expelliarmus."

Snape dodged the curse but it hit Lucius, causing his wand to fly away from him.

"CRUCIO!" Snivellus exclaimed. James quickly jumped out of the way, letting the curse fall upon Ariel. She screamed in pain and started shaking.

I looked in horror as the screams got louder. She was withering in pain.

"Stop! Stop it!" Jordan exclaimed. She had tears coming out of her eyes and was also looking at Ariel in horror. Regulus quickly disarmed Snivellus, seeing her state.

The minute the spell lifted, I grabbed Ariel's now fragile body in my hands and ran to the hospital wing. I burst through the door.

"Madam Pomfery!" I shouted. She came rushing out of her office.

"Oh my! What happened her?" She asked.

"The Slytherins used an unforgivable curse on her" I told her. She nodded and got set to work.

"She'll have to stay overnight" she told me. I nodded. I lay down by her side and held her small hand in mine.

Okay so maybe I have a tiny crush on her. Tiny.

You just figured this out?

Oh go away!


Yay another update. This is dedicated to yellowtruck. She's awesome!! Check out her stories! Thanks for reading!!

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