Chapter 10 - Lost Control/Panicking

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Sorry, I've been trying to get things done for LoveIsLove... eheheh.... ^_^'

Luna POV
"All you did... was cause this journey." I said. Somehow, I'm still in control. And somehow, I haven't even looked at Damien in the eyes. "Luna... look at your father. Please?" Damien said. Why is he so fake.....? "No. I'm not in the mood to look at someone I don't trust." I said.  I didn't feel dizzy anymore... wait... no.

I looked up, and the pack was smirking. Damien was as well. Jay, however.... he looked horrified. "What? What's wrong?" I asked. I have a small idea of what was wrong. "Y-Your eyes...." Jay stuttered..... damn it!! "They're beautiful, aren't they?" Damien said. No.... why..... I can't... keep.... control.......

"L-Luna..... don't... it's me!!" I tried reasoning as Luna started shifting into a wolf, as she walked towards me...........

As she pounced and attacked.

Brandon POV
I paced, back and forth, back and forth. I started to get worried. "Brandon, they'll be fine!! Maybe, Jay went out looking for Luna?" Oh god, Emily... you're not helping.... "YOU'RE NOT HELPING, EMILY!!!" I yelled, panicking even more.  "WELL, I DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU WANT ME TO SAY!! JEEZ!!" She yelled, also panicking. We were both panicking.... panicking like chickens.


So so sorry, for the short chapters lately!! I've been trying so hard to think of ideas for this, and at the same time, try to upload!!! I really hope this is okay!!! 🖤

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