A/N - I'M BACK?!?!

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Ok, this is weird, but I FINALLY redeemed myself from going crazy!! I've been having a hard time with drama in school, hell, I even cried yesterday!! The story of why I cried will be on my other story called "Stories From Middle School." Please, don't worry about me. It was just the drama getting to me, and I had to relax and just get my mind cleared of stressful things. So, I'm going to try and make these "stories" better, now that I'm relaxed, and I want to entertain you guys!! Wattpad is literally one of the very few places for me to express myself. School, I'm judged. Instagram, I'm judged. Twitter, I'm judged. YOUTUBE, I'M JUDGED!! Pretty much, only Wattpad is my place to express myself. I'm really sorry about this, because I'm sure all of the "authors" you follow at least make ONE thing about how they're struggling, and you're probably frustrated about it, but it helps you AND us authors because we need to let our emotions out SOMEWHERE! Me, it's Wattpad. Some people prefer YouTube, maybe Instagram, maybe even the crappy Twitter (sorry, not sorry). I haven't been here, making the stories, and I'm sorry. I won't be ending the stories I have, and I don't plan on ever making them end, unless I make a book 2 of them. Maybe even a book 3, you never know. But, what I'm trying to say is, I'm happy that you guys are actually here, reading these things, when I'm just a normal person, making weird things on Wattpad, but seriously, thank you all! Ok, here are some things I ALSO want to get out of the way.


• Billdip
• My OC : thief au
• UnderTale
• Septiplier
• My OC : (you pick the au)

You can only pick TWO of the suggestions. The last one will be VERY helpful for me, because then I can try and get a bit more creative! Ok, thank you guys for reading, and I'll be seeing you in the next chapter for this, byyyeeee!!!


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