Chapter 5 - A Stallion

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Once I woke up, there was this stallion and Brandon standing in front of me protectively. The stallion had a grey coat and a darker shade of grey hair, like the stallion in my dream. I guess he's the replica of this stallion. So, his name must be Jay.... maybe.... hopefully. I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard the stallion speak.

"What's a young stallion and a mare doing in these parts?" He said.

"I don't think that's any of your business...." I said, surprising Brandon. "Uh... yeah, it isn't your business..." Brandon repeated, obviously confused of what to say.

"Ah, my apologies. Anyways, my name is Jay." I guess he is what the stallion in my dream is based off of. "Uh, it's ok, I guess. My name's Luna. And this is Brandon." I told Jay, trying to make him a friend instead of a foe. I'm not in the mood to be returned back to town where my two "fathers" are. "Ah, a beautiful name for a beautiful mare." Jay said, I didn't seem shocked, since I knew Jay was like this since I knew him in dreams. All I did was chuckle.

"Thanks, but I like to get to know stallions before that." I told him, being the witty mare I am with Jay in my dreams. "Have we met before, Luna?" "I don't think so." I told him, after he asked. "Maybe, just maybe, we've crossed paths once or twice." I told him, already sounding odd.

"Did you forget that I was here? Luna?" Wow, I completely forgot about him. "Oh, sorry Brandon." I said after giving a small laugh. "So, why exactly are you two here, in a forest of monsters?" My ears perked up at that. "Well, I'm sure you'll be safe with me..." I whispered. I was actually someone who was sort of a monster. I have much more magic than anyone in town, really. Even the alicorns, but my magic has worse limits than everyone in town. "What was that?" I heard Brandon say. "UM, NOTHING!!" I yelped, getting startled. "Ok, well, whatever you said, I'm sure it's none of our business" I heard Jay say.

"Also, you never answered my question." He said again. "Oh, sorry, we were actually getting out of town cause of my two fathers.... I lived with one father since my birth and I guess another stallion, who's a unicorn, thinks he's my father. So, I left. On my way, I met Brandon, so we were like Hey, let's leave and find a place to go or something like that..." I told Jay. 'I wonder if they'll let me join them...' I heard Jay's thoughts. Thank god that magic didn't leave, after not being able to use it on my dad, since he has the exact same magic as me, so he blocks his mind so I won't be able to see his thoughts. "Oh, well is it alright if I come along?" He asked, knew it!! "Oh, sure!" I cut Brandon off before he could protest, since I wanted to get to know more ponies. I've never been able to socialize since my dad didn't want me to leave home since this forest IS filled with monsters,and they could mistake me with a normal mare.

"Nice, I'm sorry to be a bother but I thought maybe I could come along and make sure you don't get attacked by any monsters around." He said, trying to be the flirtatious stallion he is. He's extremely kind, rarely shy, but very flirtatious. He's also protective. "It's ok, Jay. Like I said, you can join us." I told him, reassuringly. "Thanks." I saw an extremely light blush on his cheeks, and this is one of those rare moments where he's shy. But imma be honest, he's... pretty cute... wait, NO!!


She thinks I'm cute. Heh, wow, how flattering. Thank you father for giving me the ability to read minds. Ya see, I'm like Luna, that's right, I know what she is. But I don't want to tell her I know, or she'll think I'm a stalker or something. And I know her from those dreams. So, really, I guess I'm pretty lucky. It seems the same for her.

(that's all for Jay's pov lol)


"I guess we should be going." I told the two stallions. "Fly, or walk?" Jay asked. "Walk, we can't risk my two 'fathers' seeing us." I reminded them. I didn't want us to be found, and then returned to town. Thankfully, I still had my satchel, that had all that we needed. It had my sketch book, a book on the monsters in this forest, a box of matches we could use for fires, and really, anything we need. Except for food.... we could just hunt though.... maybe... I'LL hunt, I'm an expert. My thoughts were interrupted by Brandon yelling for me to come on! They were already ahead.

"Oh, sorry, I was thinking..." I wonder, what will become of the three of us? Will we find more ponies or monsters to join us...? I wonder... oh well, we'll see what happens, when it DOES happen.

"So, what are we gonna do about food?" I heard Jay say. "I'll take care of that!" I yelled, already excited for the rush I'm going to feel when hunting down weak animals that are already on the brink of dying. It's hard finding weak animals in this forest, believe me, I know since I'm the one who always hunts them down with my father! "Oh, cool!!" Jay said, happy that I knew what to do when it comes to food. I was like this in my dreams also. Jay would help, but this is reality, so we'll see what happens.


"Ok, so Luna knows what to do with our food thing, but what about Jay and I?" I asked the both of them. We couldn't just do nothing. "You guys don't need to do anything. Except maybe making camp whenever we stop to rest for the night." Luna knew exactly what to do, didn't she? Well, at least I could do something, and maybe get to know Jay. Maybe, but I'm not sure. It looks like they have a connection or something, but that's not for me to worry about. "Okay, at least I don't have to do nothing." I chuckled after making that statement, and earned a smaller chuckle from Luna. "Ah, so she laughs at my statements too, huh?" She chuckled a little louder this time. "Shut up, I'll laugh at anything, to be honest." She said. I saw a bit of curiosity in Jay's eyes, and I had a feeling that they just had somewhat of a connection... but I shouldn't think of it. It's their business if they've met before, not mine! But... ugh, why do I feel so protective of Luna?!?! I need answers.... but I don't want to be so nosy.... ugh, I'll see later on. I need to focus on our survival and I need to make a plan in case those two stallions that claim to be Luna's fathers come find us. I doubt they'll find us, really. Unless they had a pigeon come after us and watch where we are going and tell them where we are. I doubt that what their doing. I unconsciously looked up, looking for a pigeon, but none was found. I can't be this paranoid. I need to focus on our survival.


Ok, FINALLY, I update on THIS story!!! I am SO SO SO SORRY for the wait. I was stuck on a writers block for this, and I was like, "Boi, how the hell do I not know what to write?!?!" And then when I found out what to write, I was like "WTF, THAT WAS SO EASY TO COME UP WITH" so I'm so happy to actually have found this idea!! Anyways, I hope you liked this chapter!!


Words - 1334

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