Chapter 3 - Where Am I?

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Ok, now, I'm changing the age of Luna a bit. She's a teen!! She's 15, that is!! 😂 Ok, ONWARD TO THE AMAZING STORY!!




:Time Skip: -3 Hours Later-


As time went by, Luna started to fight with the two males as well. It wasn't long before Luna had left them and walked around in the forest. "I swear, don't they know that I should pick how my life goes?!" She said as she walked around the forest. Anger was rising up inside of her, starting to make her not pay attention to her surroundings anymore. "They should know that this is my life and they need to respect that!!" Luna yelled to herself, as if she was talking to them right then and there. There was a snap of a twig somewhere, which caused Luna to snap out of her thoughts. "W-Who's there?" She said as she started to look in all directions. "I was about to ask the same thing..." An echoey voice whispered in Luna's ear. As she spun around, all she saw was more trees of the forest. She looked everywhere, but no one was to be found. She started to run, run as fast as her hooves could take her. "You're just going to get even more lost" The echoey voice was above Luna, but she didn't bother looking up to see if anyone was there. It would only slow her down. "I DON'T CARE!!" Luna yelled as she ran even faster. Suddenly, she felt someone touch her head. That's when she decided to look up. Nothing. Nothing was there. She just looked around while running. She slowed down, from not enough energy as well as to find out who was following her. She realizes the pain in her hooves and stomach from running to much. Luna sighs from defeat and pain, as well as exhaustion. "*sighs* What do you want?" She asks the echoey voice from before. She didn't even realize she was on the ground resting until now. She quickly stood up to look more brave than she really was. "Look up" the echoey voice said, Luna already knew that the stallion was above her. She hesitated, but decided that it would actually be better to see who it is. As she looked up, she could feel chills crawling in her spine. "Boo" the voice didn't sound echoey at all in this small word. "Who are you?" Luna asked, obviously confused why she was being followed by a stallion pegasus. "The name's Brandon! You?" The stallion, now known as Brandon, said. "Uh... Luna... my name's Luna." Luna said, hesitantly. As if nothing happened, Luna started leaving, obviously going to try and get back to town and get back to her..... two.... dads...? "Hey, wait up!" Brandon said, running after Luna. "What? I already told you my name, and I need to get back to my..... dad...s......" Luna said, hesitant at the last word. "You have gay dads?" Brandon asked, trying to get Luna to laugh.




I couldn't help but notice how beautiful and determined Luna was. It was hard, resisting making a flirty and cheesy joke to tease her. But I guess that isn't how my life goes. I NEED to make at least ONE joke. "You have gay dads?" I asked her, before telling her a joke about how beautiful she is. "WHAT? Uh... well, I guess I did make it sound like that. But no! Just today, in town, my dad took me to get food with him and a unicorn ran up to us and somehow knew my name and tried to take me. I kicked him in the face and then my dad and that weird unicorn started having a fight..... since three hours ago...." I was shocked to hear this from a Pegasus that a unicorn thought a PEGASUS was his daughter. But I decided to try and cheer her up with a joke. I am a bit known by Town from my jokes and stuff! "Oh... well... wanna hear a joke?" She was shocked by what I just asked but she just nodded and smiled. Her smile was so... beautiful! "Alright. Knock knock!" I said, getting ready for a hoof to my face after this. "Who's there?" She asked, I could already tell she's getting curious about the joke now. "Pauline" I said, already seeing the curiosity in Luna's eyes. "Pauline who?" She asked. She looked like she was going to die from curiosity, hehe! "I think I'm Pauline in love with you!" I said to her, getting ready for the hoof to the face. Instead of a hoof to the face, all I got was a laugh from Luna. "Wow, that's just cheesy, but good job!" She said to me. I was as shocked as a pigeon who got on the wrong wire.




"Wow, that's just cheesy, but good job!" I said to Brandon, laughing at his flirty joke. "No, I mean it!" He told me, laughing. I started laughing harder than I ever have when I was with my dad....s... I don't know... "Dude, you're probably going to DIE of laughter! Calm down!" Brandon said, right before he started laughing with me. Maybe, just maybe, this is a start of an amazing friendship. "So..... wanna play 20 questions?" I asked Brandon, after our fit of laughter. "Yeah sure" he answered, obviously happy that I asked.

(Ok, imma do it like this!! L is Luna and B is Brandon ⬇️)

L - What's your.... favorite... color?
B - Hmmmm..... I would have to say....
L - Gold?
B - Yep. What about you?
L - PURPLE!!!!
B - *ded of laughtar* (I'm trying to make him funny, sorry not sorry)
L - BOI! 😂
B - Ok, ok!!
L - Ok, what's your favorite fo-

I wasn't able to finish my question because of a twig snapping behind us. Brandon and I turn around to find my... dad.....s.... yeah. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING, YOUNG LADY?!?!" Henry (pegasus dad) said, obviously furious that I'm in the forest with a boy. Not only that, Brandon is a Pegasus like me. "Uh, sir, we were only talking to each other." Brandon tried reasoning with my two...... dad....s.... but the expression they had was showing that they were still furious. "I KNOW! BUT HOW DO YOU EXPECT ME TO LET MY DAUGHTER RUN OFF WITH A MALE LIKE YOU?!?!" Brandon and I's ears started to lower, and I already knew that Brandon was just as scared as I was. But I decided to just deal with this how a teen girl would! "WELL, WHY DON'T YOU JUST MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS!! THIS IS MY LIFE AND I SHOULD BE ABLE TO MAKE MY OWN DECISIONS!!!" That's when I knew I made a mistake. My dad...s... used their magic and started levitating Brandon and I. I used my magic to get their magic away and surprisingly, it worked. "RUN!" I yelled to Brandon, as I ran with him. I could already tell Henry and John were after us. I can't call them my dad, because I don't know who is my REAL father, so, for the time being, I'm calling them by their real name. We came to a cliff, and I was getting ready to jump. I saw Brandon do the same but when we jump, mid air, Henry cast a spell to make us loose our flying ability. So we fell. We fell into the river below. There was a waterfall to the side and there was another forest on the other side of the river. But, it wasn't the same height as the one we jumped out of. So, we couldn't just go into the forest immediately. We had to swim. But when I hit the water, everything went black. The last thing I did before passing out was yelling Brandon's name. As he did the same. Everything went black. And I mean PITCH black.


Ok, that's the end of the chapter. I hope you enjoyed this. Votes and comments, go ahead, do whatever!! Like it? Vote it! (if you want to, that is) Got something to say? COMMENT IT!! 😂 Have an awesome day!! Bye!! 👋


(imma start writing the number of words now)
Words - 1379

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