Chapter 1 - The Newborn

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Ok, guys! First chapter. Hope you'll like this!!

30 Of July, 2002

A small filly was being held by her mother. The name of the mother was Eleanor. The father was named John. The filly, who was born just a couple ours ago, was named by Eleanor and John together...

Luna...... Luna Coolwolf

The last name of the family... unique, isn't it? Eleanor and John decided to change their last names so that they wouldn't have to choose between both of their last names. It's a wonder why they decided this name... Coolwolf... very, very... unique. It's a story for another time about why they made this choice. But, their last names used to be Eleanor Smith and John Wilson.

Edit : February 2, 2017

Back to story

Anyways, back to the topic. The filly, Luna, was healthy... very healthy, actually. In fact... the only odd thing was that it was a Pegasus... while her parents were both unicorns. Odd, isn't it? Little did John and Eleanor know.... it was from... a curse... No one knew that if you decided to have the last name Coolwolf, or you naturally have it, the first newborn of the first Coolwolf family will be taken. Taken away, until their 18 birthday! Sadly, this fate would happen, no matter what. Luna... would be taken.

Enough with the information, now to the REAL interesting stuff!!

It has been about two hours since the birth of Luna. She was oddly energized and was already walking around freely and playfully. This was because of the curse... anyways, Unicorns heal fast because of their magic. The same goes for pegasi (multiple pegasus) for their wings taking a bit of the pain away. Alicorn however (the royals) heal almost minutes after pain like birth.

(Dude, this is so weird to write.... ok back to writing)

Anyways, Luna was already ok to be released with her mother out of the hospital. Thanks to the whole unicorn and Pegasus thing. It seemed odd to Eleanor because she and her lover are both unicorns with a daughter of flight. Daughter of wings and is destined to be a flyer. At least, that is what is expected of all pegasi. When the family was walking around town, they earned a lot of weird stares, many asking why a unicorn married couple were taking care of a pegasus. The thing about how things were at this time is that everybody thinks that families should be the same species. These ponies who were asking about Luna knew that she was Eleanor and John's filly from the way they were taking care of the small, but energized, filly. "John..." Eleanor suddenly said, hinting a bit of worry in her voice. "Yes, love?" John replied, worried for his lover now. "I... I don't think this was a very good idea......" Eleanor whispered, to make sure she doesn't draw any attention to them. "What? What exactly are you talking about?!" John whisper shouted, earning them a couple odd stares from the public. Eleanor gestured to John to make sure he would quiet down. John nodded, making it his own little apology. Eleanor decided to not respond so that they can talk about it at home. John, who always knew what was going on in his lover's head, knew what she wanted, and respected her wishes.

:Time Skip: -At Home-

Once they got home, Eleanor tried putting Luna to bed, which was almost completely impossible from Luna running around like a small hamster on a wheel. Thankfully, Eleanor got Luna to fall asleep so that she can talk with John. "John... I don't think this was a good idea. It's not that I don't love Luna, it's just that I'm worried that people will judge her and assume she's adopted. And only Quinn, the goddess above, knows why we have been blessed with a pegasus. We can't pray to know the answer, we must find out on our own. And wha-" Eleanor was interrupted by a loud crash and Luna crying. Eleanor and John quickly ran to the bedroom to only see a mysterious stallion holding Luna. It was odd though. The stallion was a pegasus and he was using magic to carry the baby. You would know by the way he had magic particles on and around his hoof and particles were around Luna, who now stopped crying, and was now looking up at the stallion with curious eyes. Another odd thing was that the stallion and the filly had the same colored coat, except, the stallion had a less saturated yellow coat, unlike Luna. Luna had a brighter colored yellow coat. "Let... go... of... MY DAUGHTER!!!" John exclaimed. All that did to the stallion was disappear.... with something that belonged in that bedroom. He took Luna. The curse has started. No turning back, for if the stallion does give the small and frail filly back, he shall die, for his family was chosen to make sure this curse kept going, or all of his family will die. The small filly was still looking up at the stallion, curious, she lifted a small hoof up and booped him on his muzzle. "Hmm?" He chuckled at the way the filly looked up at him. The filly started laughing as well, but she was laughing how a small filly would laugh. Like, a baby laugh, but cuter somehow. The stallion decided to run to his hidden home in the forest. When the two came across an odd vine wall, with a flower sticking out, the stallion used his magic to make an opening through the wall. Oddly, the little filly looked amazed by the stallion's magic. The stallion didn't mind it, since that was how most small fillies acted with magic. After entering with the filly, the stallion closed the opening and made sure it was closed right. At least enough to make sure no one will know they are there. Once the stallion and the filly entered, they both saw a shack. It wasn't a shack that would be for storage or anything. It was a shack that was a home. A cabin, maybe? It doesn't matter, it was home. You may be wondering, 'Who is going to pretend to be Luna's mother? It's obviously like that movie Tangled!!' Well, no one. She will have a father instead. That will let her play outside, but never just in the cabin. Anyways, back on track. The stallion carefully levitated the filly on the ground, just to let her look around. Thankfully, she wasn't able to fly away, and once she learns, she will be at the age to understand everything of what her 'father' is saying and will listen. That's right, the stallion is the father. He was chosen out of his family to take the small filly. It was probably because of him being an only child growing up. Anyways, back on track, again. The filly started running around, giggling. It seemed odd to the stallion that she isn't scared at all. But then, it came to mind, what if he was meant to do this, ever since he was born? What if this small filly was meant to be with this stallion, as a family? What if this wasn't a curse, but a blessing? I mean, she was born from a couple of unicorns. Unicorns, I tell you! And the stallion and Luna have the same colored coat, and they're both pegasi! Maybe this is actually a blessing, because everywhere Luna would've gone, she would've been bullied because of her parents. But now, they can't do that, for now, Luna was in a family of pegasi and she will be protected from bullying. This sent the stallion to stop acting like a child that was wondering about everything. He had a responsibility now, and that was 1. To make the filly trust him as a father and 2. Act like the fillies father, everywhere they go. That is, if the stallion thinks it's safe to go with the filly. But, this was to be found out by the stallion when Luna was older. The good thing is, that the stallion knows that her name is Luna and her birthday is the 30 of July, 2002. But everything else, he just needs to find out about her personality. But that will be another time, for fillies change as they grow.

OML, guys! This was literally going so interesting for me to write! I hope it's interesting for you guys to read! Lol!! Anyways, the next part will come out tomorrow or today. If it doesn't upload, I'm either having difficulties or I was kidnapped. So, if I don't upload...

SEND HELP 😂😂😂 I'm just kidding! It just means I'm having difficulties. See you tomorrow or later or the day after tomorrow!! XD

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