Chapter Eighteen

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Finally, the time had come for the party to begin. All they needed was for the two werewolves to arrive. Music was playing in the background, food and drinks had been set up on the tables that Carlisle had arranged, the fairy lights looked magical, and the family were having a wonderful time. Selena, of course, had returned herself to the wall, keeping herself to herself but she did keep a close eye on a certain human. Maddie was enjoying a conversation with her half vampire friend when they heard two motorbikes approach; they looked over to see the two werewolves park their bikes as they called out their greeting. They all took turns to greet the two boys - either embracing them or shaking their hand. Looking away and towards the wall that had been turned into Selena's seat, Maddie noticed her wave her over; the teenager approached and soon found herself sitting beside the vampire as she asked, "what's up?". Looking towards the group, Selena made a comment about not knowing that werewolves were invited to the party; Maddie smirked "just Jacob and Seth, they're our friends" she explained "....and I think Jacob and Renesmee like each other" she added, earning a chuckle from both. Glancing to the side so that she could see her newfound friend, Maddie asked "Why don't you come join us?" before adding with a smile and a shoulder bump "it'll be fine". Unsure, Selena returned the gaze and quickly found herself nodding - who could say no to that precious face? And so, she followed Maddie as they jumped down from the wall and approached the group. All the Cullen's and Hale's, as well as now the Black and Clearwater, noticed how - as the party went on - the teenage human and vampire stuck together like glue; they, of course, found it adorable but remained silent on the subject. Eventually, the group found themselves sat around on the arranged chairs as they spoke to one another "so Maddie" Seth began "you've been in Forks for just over a month now, have you eye on anyone?" he asked with a smirk; the question caught everyone's attention as the human's cheeks turned a light shade of pink - Selena also found herself becoming slightly uncomfortable but also very interested to hear what was about to be said. ", I...I don't" Maddie stated, though her reaction to the question contradicted her answer as Alice decided to ask, "so who's the lucky guy?" she grinned excitedly "or girl? We don't discriminate". Taken back by the last comment, Maddie's eyes widened momentarily before she smiled to herself "I em....I'm gonna go get a drink" and with that, she hurried towards the tables; the group all groaned by her quick retreat.

The party continued, and all were having an enjoyable time; some were dancing whilst others were talking. Excitedly, Alice called out for everyone to grab a partner and begin dancing as she changed the upbeat song to a slower and gentler one. Of course, all the couples joined together and began to slow dance, as did Jacob and Renesmee which was predictable. Seth would have danced with the human, but he had 'hurt his leg' so the fifteen-year-old decided to find Selena who had disappeared a few minutes ago; she discovered her to be leant against a large tree, watching the scene before her in amusement. "Hey" Selena looked towards the greeting and realised the human was now stood by her "why are you all the way over here?" Maddie asked; the vampire shrugged as she explained she wanted to get out of the way of everyone dancing before asking a question of her own "why aren't you dancing?". Smiling, the human told her how she didn't have a partner "Seth hurt his leg" which earned a smirk from her friend "he's lying you know?" it was more of a statement; Maddie chuckled as she returned the smirk "oh, I know". The two fell silent as they watched the couples dance together and listened to the music - Alice had picked the song When a Man Loves a Woman by Michael Bolton and it was one of Maddie's favourite songs which is why she was humming along. It didn't stay like this for long, however, as the human had an idea " like to dance?" she asked rather hesitantly; Selena rose a brow "you want to dance...with me?" she repeated as she was shocked, amused and....quite honoured. Nodding, Maddie began to reassure the vampire that she didn't have to and that they could just remain where they were, but was cut off by Selena pushing herself up and away from the tree, grabbed her hand and guided her towards where everyone else were dancing - she opted for the corner of what appeared to be the dance floor.

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