Chapter Fourteen

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As the night continued, the four friends hurried all over the field, lining up for as many rides as they could and winning at most of the stall games. Jacob, being extremely responsible 'for once' as Renesmee would joke, remembered the times for when Maddie needed to take her pain medication and had bought her, as well as everyone else, a bottle of whatever they wanted which was stored within the healing girl's green backpack. Of course, the night couldn't go on without at least one slight hiccup; that hiccup came in the form of none other than the three school bullies who still had a fresh want for revenge against Maddie. Both teenage girls groaned as soon as their eyes landed on the three older boys who were quickly approaching them; Jacob and Seth had left for the toilet less than two minutes ago, leaving them on their own for a brief time. That fleeting time had just suddenly become much longer than planned. The bullies smirked and laughed as they stood in front of the two friends "look what we have here boys" Jack spoke "the mini Cullen freak and the little bitch that deserves a beating" Maddie rolled her eyes whilst the half vampires gulped, hating any kind of confrontation; she didn't want to seem weak, however, so she attempted to stick up for both herself and her best friend "get lost Jack!!". Glaring at the brown-haired girl, Bill snapped back "shut it freak!". Maddie demanded they leave them be "unless if you want your asses handed to you again" she warned. Her body might hurt and ache, but that didn't mean she wasn't prepared to fight. But before another threat could be passed, two familiar figures stepped before the girls; it was Jacob and Seth, back from their toilet trip with raised brows. "Is there a problem here?" the oldest teenager asked, his hardened stare making it apparent that he knew exactly what was happening; the three schoolboys backed up a little, intimidated by the sudden appearance of two very muscular men.

Long story short: the three bullies rushed away, mumbling out an excuse as they made a run for it. It was quite the hilarious sight! But of course, the werewolves turned to their friends after the bullies were out of sight and asked who they were, as well as why they were squaring up to Maddie who was unfazed. Renesmee, as she thanked her two long-time friends, explained that Jack, Bill and Conner were their school's worst bullies which also led to the explanation of how the fifteen-year-old new girl had humiliated Jack and his friends in front of the entire school when they were picking on a younger student. Were they impressed and proud? Absolutely!! Eventually, the time revealed to be half ten and the five friends found themselves sat in a tree with hotdogs, cheeseburgers, and cans of fizzy drinks - Maddie, of course, only had a drink but shared half of a hotdog with Jacob as he wasn't overly hungry either. "Tonight was amazing!!" Seth exclaimed with a mouth full of cheeseburger, making the small group laugh as they agreed "it's a shame that the fair is only here for tonight and no longer" Renesmee stated, wishing they could have all attended the fair tomorrow as well. It was just so much fun!! Walking through the fair ground, they played a multiple of games at the stalls and went on the rides as they made their way back towards the bikes; Maddie had her bag filled with their won items: a plastic sword, a multiple of cans of fizzy drinks, a toy gun, and many stuffed toys. Climbing back onto the bikes with the helmets secure on their heads, the friends were soon driving out of the fair ground and were speeding through the streets of Forks and into the forest.

Upon reaching the house, the girls hopped off the bikes; Maddie handed over the werewolves their won items as they said goodbye to one another before heading home themselves. Entering the house, the two friends smiled and laughed together which was heard by the rest of the family who were sat in the living room - yes, the play station was on. "Sounds like you two have a good time" Edward grinned as the girls joined them; they found a seat as they explained all they had done whilst at the fair, showing their prizes at the time "it was amazing!!". Of course, Carlisle asked if Maddie had taken her medication on time which earned a nod from the healing teenager "but I was five minutes late on my first dose because we were on a ride" she admitted. A few minutes didn't matter all that much and the doctor assured her as much, waving it off. "Alright girls" Esme spoke up "grab a snack for your supper then off to bed" she instructed; Renesmee had a question appear in her mind as her friend nodded "can Maddie and I have a sleep over?" she asked. Shrugging, Bella gave her permission "but you gave to get some sleep" she warned "no staying up all night". Promising they would sleep, the two young teenagers cheered as they hurried into the kitchen and grabbed both a glass of milk and two chocolate chip cookies each before making their way upstairs. Edward was sat in a clear state of complete shock "that's the....first time she's gone to bed....without us!!" he exclaimed to his wife; it was an amusing sight "she's growing up" Bella smiled fondly, followed by Emmitt "besides, it's not like she's on her own" he reminded "Maddie is with her". Returning their attention to the TV, the room fell silent - other than their laughter as they chose to watch a standup comedy show.

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