Chapter Two

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As soon as they were out of school, the Cullen's and Hale's met up and jumped into their large car before Emmitt drove out of the car park and in the direction of their home. "What do you all think on the new kid?" the driver asked; his niece was the first to speak up, a smile printed on her face "Maddie is really nice" she insisted happily. Her mother and Alice nodded in agreement "yeah, she even helped me during our English lesson" Bella informed. Jasper, who had remained silent since leaving the school building, finally spoke up about the elephant in the room "there's something about her....something different to others" neither of them could say he was wrong; Rosalie added "her's more luring and tempting then other humans" they had each caught her scent and needed to take more than a minute to compose themselves. As they all fell into a thoughtful silence, they eventually arrived at their gorgeous home that was located deep within the forest which was on the outskirts of the town; they hopped out of the now parked car and entered their home when they were greeted by Esme who appeared from the kitchen "how was school?" she asked; they each either shrugged or said fine before Renesmee spoke up "I became friends with the new girl today" she smiled "but there's something about that confuses us all". Such a statement indeed confused the motherly woman as she asked them to expand on their words; they each took a seat within the living room where the youngest chose to start. "Her name is Maddie Hunter, she's my age" she began, followed by her mother "except she's been placed within our year at school, though we're unsure of how" now that was a surprise; Esme thought for a moment 'perhaps she is just smart enough to skip two years of school?'. This time, Edward chose to speak up and reveal his own trouble "I couldn't read her mind" all eyes turned towards him, their expressions showing complete and utter shock as he continued "I've tried to all day since I first saw her in science....but I just couldn't" this clearly bothered him.

"And....her's not like other humans" Jasper stated, alarming the motherly figure "it's stronger, better and more...luring....I nearly lost control when she entered the art room" they all smiled as Esme patted the young man on the shoulder "we're proud that you didn't Jasper". The oldest woman turned back to the others after a moment to think "I'll discuss this with Carlisle when he gets back from work" she reassured before suggested they all - minus her granddaughter - go hunting "it sounds like you each desperately need it". Not prepared to argue with the woman, nor needing to be told twice, the group of vampires rushed to change into their hunting clothes and sped out of the house, running deeper into the forest. "I'm gonna go do my homework" Renesmee stated as she stood up from her seat "might call Maddie as well" this earned a smile from her grandmother "you exchanged numbers with this girl?" she asked, earning a nod "we've also arranged to hang out one day soon so that I can give her a tour of the town since she only just moved here" and with that, she began to make her way upstairs after Esme smiled, stating that it was nice of her granddaughter. After two more hours of cleaning the kitchen, Esme heard her husband arrive and walk through the front door before declaring that he was back; his wife embraced the man, as well as shared a kissed with him, as she welcomed him home. After explaining where all the 'kids' were, Esme changed the subject as they entered the kitchen "we need to discuss something" she stated, Carlisle rose a brow of confusion but allowed himself to be led to the table where they sat "alright, what about exactly?". Once both adults were sat at the table, Esme began to explain "there's a new girl at the kids school, Renesmee has become good friends with her" she stated as her husband listened "but....they all say that this girl's scent is more...luring than other humans" Carlisle nodded, extremely interested with what he was hearing "apparently it's much stronger and...well Edward can't read her mind". Upon hearing the last statement, the man's eyes widened in shock "he can't read her mind?!" he repeated, wondering if he had heard his wife correctly "but how?!" the woman shrugged as she explained what their 'son' had told her "he says he had tried ever since he first saw her but no matter what he did or how hard he tried...he just couldn't". The couple fell into a deep thoughtful silence until an idea came to Esme's mind "you're going to be attending tomorrow's career's day at their school, aren't you?" she asked, earning a nod of confirmation "indeed, what of it?" this earned an eye roll from his wife as she continued "try to talk to her, see it all for yourself" she suggested. Taking a moment to think, Carlisle nodded "I'll see what I can do" he promised "maybe Renesmee or one of the others can get this girl to visit my own stall". The plan was made, and it was agreed.

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