Chapter Four

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Soon enough, the group returned home with Carlisle right behind them with Renesmee in the passenger seat, happily picking of the music. "We're home!!" they announced, even though they really didn't need to; Esme greeted her family and asked how their days had been. Carlisle embraced his wife, as well as kissed her lips, before explaining what they all knew she wanted to know "the plan worked" he confirmed "and I think there is something wrong, something more serious than any of us thought". The group entered the living room and found a seat so that they could continue their discussion "what did Maddie say exactly?" Emmitt asked; their father figure began his explanation "when I was explaining the medical industry, Maddie revealed that she's never been to a hospital before, or even been seen by a doctor" all eyes widened in shock; Alice was the first to ask what they were all wondering "but that can't be right!!" she exclaimed "what about monthly check-ups? Or her vaccinations?". Carlisle could only shrug as he assumed the young girl hadn't have any of them "which is extremely dangerous" he stated, all fell silent until Esme spoke up "...what about her scent?" she hesitantly asked. This earned a sigh from her husband as he wiped his head down his face "they were right" he simply said "it's not like any other humans took more control then usual and the fact that I had gone hunting earlier this morning to not...." he didn't finish his sentence - it's not like he needed to for them to all understand what he meant. Speaking up, Renesmee asked if this meant she could no longer be friends with Maddie - the worry and fear that stained her voice showed how much she cared for the newbie; her mother placed a gentle hand on her shoulder "no sweetie, we can all be friends with Maddie" she reassured "but it just means we have to be more careful around then we usual are for other humans". It earned a smile from the youngest family member at least. "Why don't you go to your room and start on your homework?" Edward suggested "we'll call you down when your dinner is ready" his daughter did as she was told by grabbing her bag and hurrying to her bedroom.

"So, do you think Maddie is being neglected?" Jasper asked once he heard his nieces door close completely - they all knew that was the reason Edward had sent her away; they had all been wondering the same thing "it could be the reason why she's never been treated by a doctor or had her vaccinations" Carlisle reasoned "and the fact that her guardian left for a few days and that to her, that's completely normal and is a regular thing". He also explained what Maddie had accidentally revealed about how her guardian doesn't like things like taking her to see a doctor. "But...we don't know anything for sure" he sighed; Rosalie sat up as she spoke "so we need proof?" she asked earning a multiple of nods "but how the hell do we get proof like that?" Emmitt questioned. Silence fell upon the room as they all thought about how they could get such shocking proof until Esme appeared to have an idea "Renesmee can invite Maddie over for dinner, like we discussed yesterday" she reminded "the more she comes over, the more Maddie will begin to trust us and maybe she'll say something or let something slip" it was a good plan....but there were just a few issues; Edward revealed this problems "what if Maddie doesn't trust us at all though?" he asked "what if she says no to coming over? Or her guardian doesn't allow her to?". His wife sent him a smile as she patted his hand "then we'll ask her about it" she reassured "in the meantime, you can keep trying to read her mind". It was settled. "Now all of you, go out and hunt" Esme ordered "I'm gonna prepare Renesmee some dinner and I'll talk to her about everything whilst she eats" and with that, she returned to the kitchen; the vampires - much like the previous day - changed into their hunting clothes and hurried away in order to quench their painful thirst. Half an hour passed before Renesmee decided to leave her bedroom and return downstairs; she followed the smell of chicken to the kitchen where she found her grandmother cooking. "Has everyone out hunting?" she asked as she took a seat at the countertop; Esme nodded as she looked up from the pan she was using "yeah" she confirmed "your food is almost ready....and I need to talk to you about something".

Curious, the teenager took a seat at the table as to wait for her grandmother; Esme plated up the food and joined the young girl, sitting down beside her. "Thanks" Renesmee smiled before beginning to eat; the woman explained the arranged plan to her granddaughter who listened closely. "So you want me to invite Maddie over for dinner tomorrow?" she asked earning a nod "yeah, as well as upcoming nights" Esme stated "if Maddie gets familiar and used to us, she might begin to trust us and will hopefully reveal if there is a problem at home". The girl was more than happy to do as she was asked; she didn't have many other friends and they were all either her family or werewolves. No humans. Maddie was the first. "Alright" she smiled "I'll ask her tomorrow when I see her" she promised; the smile was easily returned "good, now eat up, then you can go take a bath". Whilst her granddaughter did as she was told, Esme ran her a bath - bubbles and all - before returning to the kitchen to clean the dishes. Soon enough, Renesmee had finished her dinner and made her way to the bathroom - she yelled her thanks to the woman upon seeing the bubble bath already prepared for her; Esme returned the yell with "you're welcome!!" which earned a laugh from both. By the time Renesmee was out of the bath, dried and dressed into her pyjamas, the vampires had returned and changed into their regular clothes; it was seven O clock and Esme was sat with her family in the living room when the teenager appeared from upstairs to greet them. "How was the hunt?" the woman asked; her grandfather explained how all was good "we bumped into Jacob and his pack" he revealed. Upon hearing this, Renesmee asked how their werewolf friends were "they were fine from what we saw" her mother reassured as she pulled her daughter to sit in front of her as she began to brush her long brown hair. Emmitt, Jasper and Edward decided to turn the Xbox on and play some sort of shooting game whilst the others watched in amusement and spoke; it lasted till nine O clock where Edward stood from his place on the floor and declared that it was time for his daughter to go to bed; his wife stood by him as Renesmee said good night to their family, as well as hugged everyone, before they made their way upstairs and into the girls bedroom. For the remainder of the night, the rest of the family did as they pleased. Esme and Carlisle snuggled up on one of the sofas whilst they watched a movie and spoke about whatever came to mind. Alice and Rosalie arranged everyone's outfits for tomorrow just like they do every single night. And of course, Jasper and Emmitt continued to play on the Xbox.

Before any of them knew it, morning had arrived, and it was time for everyone to get ready for the day. Just like the morning before, they got dressed prepared for school; Renesmee ate some delicious breakfast whilst the others collected their drinks. They all grabbed their bags and were driving away by half past eight; Carlisle was right behind them in his own car, stopping as they passed the local hospital. At the house, Esme had made a list of things she needed to do; she was always at home during the day and got plenty done. Today, however, she wanted to be ready for the hopeful visit of Maddie Hunter. After going hunting herself, the woman made sure there were enough bottles of blood for the others - in case they had the urge whilst their guest was there; they couldn't go hunting with Maddie there, now, could they? It would look odd. Afterwards, she cleaned the house from top to bottom before searching the internet for a recipe for a tasty evening meal that she could cook; they would all have to eat it if Maddie was to come for dinner as - again - it would look off if it was only herself and Renesmee eating. Esme just hoped that her family could keep control over themselves tonight; it would be a massive step and change - having a human in their home. Upon finding the perfect dish, Esme decided she would cook spaghetti and meatballs with a tomato and garlic sauce for dinner; she knew her family had eaten it before so they would at least like it. She just hoped and prayed Maddie did too.

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