Chapter Seventeen

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The next morning arrived and before Maddie knew it, she was awoken to two speeding vampires running past her bed. "Esme!!" the teenager yelled out "Alice and Rosalie are running in and out of my room again!!" this wasn't a one-time thing, but at least a twice a week wakeup call; the woman's voice could be heard calling back, but to the two fashion driven vampires "Alice!! Rosalie!!" Maddie listened as she continued "don't make me tell you both again about running into Maddie's room without permission and when she's sleeping!!". A few seconds passed before both Alice's and Rosalie's voices could also be heard yelling out their apologies to both Esme and the human. The entire thing certainly earned a small chuckle from the fifteen year old; she didn't really mind her two friends speeding into her room in order to arrange an outfit, take something to borrow or return something they had previously borrowed, but she had planned to have a lie in and looking at her phone confirmed the time to be...half nine in the morning. So much for that idea. "Well I'm not getting any more sleep now....might as well get up" Maddie mumbled to herself as she stretched her tired limbs before hopping out of bed and walked out of the room; she soon entered the kitchen and made herself some breakfast - two slices of toast with strawberry jam and a glass of orange juice - before approaching the dining table where Carlisle and Esme were already sat with a bottle of blood each. The doctor was reading the newspaper, just like every morning. "Morning sweetie" they greeted with a smile as Maddie planted a light kiss on her foster father's cheek, followed by her doing the same with her foster mother; she took a seat and began to eat her food "morning". The three spoke to one another whilst the teenager ate her breakfast; Carlisle read out whatever he found interesting within the newspaper, to which both his wife and foster daughter commented on. As soon as she finished her breakfast, Maddie cleaned her dishes as she always did and put them away before making her way back to her room where she stripped down and entered her bathroom where she took a warm shower. After she was squeaky clean and smelt like peppermint thanks to her soap, Maddie left the shower and returned to her room with a towel wrapped around her thin frame and another one around her hair; she dried her body as she looked over todays chosen outfit; the girl was rather shocked to see a hideous dress which she knew wouldn't compliment her body at all and was extremely long!! "They actually agreed on this thing??" she wondered as she looked for her option two....there wasn't one; there was no way in the living hell that Maddie was going to wear this....this....thing!! Burn it?? Absolutely!! Wear it?? Hell to the no!! Throwing the dress across the room where it landed in the corner, Maddie turned towards her wardrobe and scanned through it until she found a dress that she really liked and had been meaning to wear but knew it wasn't an everyday kind of dress - today was the day!! Smiling, she pulled it from the wardrobe before looking through her shoes and quickly picked a pair of black heeled boots - she loved her boots. As soon as she was dressed in her very own chosen outfit - along with a pair of black short shorts to protect both her dignity and modesty - Maddie brushed and dried her hair before tying and styling it up into a messy bun; she added some mascara, eyeliner and some eye shadow before covering her lips with a mixture of nude and light pink matt lipstick. She wasn't a girly girl, but she had her moments....that and Renesmee, Rosalie and Alice were influencing her, not that she would admit it....and she had promised the same three women to finally put some makeup on for the party. Carlisle had explained that he and her vampire family were going to be leaving earlier than originally planned so the party had been brought forward and would be starting at one O clock instead of later tonight. Now that she was ready, Maddie glanced at herself in her body length mirror and shrugged "this is as good as it's gonna get" was all she said before smiling "and you know what....not all that bad".

Grabbing her phone, Maddieleft her room and made her way downstairs; she couldn't find anyone until sheentered the kitchen were Esme, Alice, Bella, and Renesmee were baking andcooking all sorts. "Mm, something smells good" the human stated shewalked further into the room; the group of females looked over as Esme spokethe words "chocolate chip cookies". That explained the deliciousscent. Alice, however, rose a brow as her eyes landed on the younger teenagersoutfit "that's not the dress Rosalie and I had picked out for you"she stated, silently asking why she wasn't wearing the monstrosity they calleda stylish dress; Maddie explained how she hated the gross thing and refused towear it which.....made the pixie haired girl smile?? The human had beenexpecting to be glared at, not proudly hugged "you passed the fashiontext" she grinned "well done" and with that, she returned to thecooking. Confused, Maddie chose to remain silent "okay then?? I'm gonnasee what the others are up to" and with that, she walked out of the houseand into the front where she found everyone busy, doing something to get readyfor the party. It was only half eleven. Carlisle as setting up two tables forfood and drinks. Emmitt and Jasper were hanging up a bunch of fairy lights,winding them around a multiple of trees and branches. Edward was setting up acouple of seats around the place but left space for people to walk around anddance - if Alice had her way. And Rosa was arranging many flours and placingthem here, there, and everywhere, as well as telling everyone else what to doand where to put things; she was the boss of the situation. After seeing herfamily, Maddie finished scanning the area before her until her eyes landed on SelenaTurner; she was sat on top of a wall that was attached to the house as shewatched the scene before her play out. The human didn't understand why but shesuddenly felt a hand full of butterflies begin to flutter around and she foundherself smiling. But why?? Shaking her head to rid herself of her confusingthoughts, Maddie approached the wall, saying hello to her family as she passedthem; Emmitt teased her of course, stating that he needed to lock her up from allthe boys within the world. It may have been a joke, but he was partly serious;Emmitt was quite the big brother figure, as well Jasper as they both wouldsometimes become extremely protective.

With Selena, however, as soon as her own eyes landed on the teenage human that she was here to protect, she found her eyes widening momentarily before hurrying to return to her normal gaze as she realised that same human was making her way towards her!! "Hey" Maddie greeted with a smile as she stood in front of the wall; the vampire returned the greeting "nice outfit, it suits you" she complimented, though it was such an understatement. Who was she kidding?? Maddie looked beautiful...but she already did. Selena did, however, notice the slight shade of pink the younger teenager's cheeks turned as she thanked her "mind if I join you??" she asked earning a nod "sure, can you get up on your own??" Selena asked as she looked around to see if Maddie could stand on something to boost her up "or do you need help??". Stepping forward, the human stepped onto a cut in half tree which was there as a bench before jumping up and onto the top of the wall as she said that she was good; Selena still gently gripped onto her arm and held onto her until she was securely sat where she wouldn't fall "thanks". Remaining silent for a few minutes, Selena decided to break it with a question that had been on her mind all night and morning "don't you ever get scared??" she asked, earning a confused glance from the girl as she asked what she meant "you live in a house full of vampires....doesn't that ever scare you??". Taken back momentarily, Maddie's smile fell but quickly returned, just smaller than before "not really" she began "I these guys won't hurt me.....I was sceptical at first because of my past, I just couldn't understand why they would want to help someone they had only just met" she sighed as she rubbed the back of her neck "but now....I trust them...they're my family and I....I love them". Hearing this, the vampire couldn't help but smile, as well as let out a mumble "you really are something" she hoped Maddie didn't hear her. Did she?? Of course, but the human chose not to comment or question. Once again, silence took over for another few minutes before the same person broke it "I nearly forgot" she stated as she reached into her jean pocket "I have something for you to help with these vampire threats".

Instructing the human to close her eyes, it earned her a raise brow "just close them" Selena repeated; Maddie did as she was told with a small chuckle and waited patiently. She felt the vampire beside her gently grab her right hand and slide something thin onto her ring finger - a ring she assumed. But why would Selena Turner be giving her a ring?? " can open your eyes" Maddie heard this and happily did so; she glanced down at her hand that was still in the older teenager's light grasp - as she suspected, the gift was indeed a ring. But was the most beautiful ring Maddie had ever been allowed to see. "Do you like it??" Selena asked, a hint of anxiety laced within her usually confident voice; the human grinned happily as she nodded her head "it's beautiful...why are you giving it to me??" she asked as she looked up to come face to face with....the blushing vampire?! "The red gem is supposedly meant to protect its owner from vampires that are about to attack them....though it is really old, and I've never given it to a human before, so I don't know if the legend is true or not". Smiling, Maddie took a risk and embraced the teenager side beside her, taking the vampire by surprise like never before "thank you" the human spoke "I love it!!". Hesitantly, Selena raised her own arms and wrapped them around the younger teenager as she felt her cheeks begin to burn "you''re welcome" she returned; the vampire had never felt like this before - the weird flutters in her stomach from Maddie's actions, her cheeks heating up from her words, the speechlessness of when her eyes landed on her earlier. And it was all because of this human - Maddie Hunter. As they parted from their embrace, the two smiled at the other and they each had pink tinted cheeks "well...I'm gonna go for a walk" Maddie decided as she jumped down from the wall and landed on the cut in half tree trunk; Selena rose a brow as she asked if such a thing was wise considering she had a vampire after her, only to receive a shrug from the human "maybe, but I can't live in fear and put my whole life on hold because of some stupid threats". She had a point. Maddie also mentioned how she now had the potentially protective ring but could still see the strong uncertainty that Selena was portraying "....would you like to come with me??" Maddie asked with a smile; the vampire thought for less than a moment before jumping down with complete ease. The two teenagers entered the woods to enjoy a nice stroll, walking side by side.

Inside the house,however, all the Cullen's and Hale's were stood by the window as they watchedthe scene unfold; Rosalie had hurried in with the others and told them to shutup and observe. "Aww, they're so cute" Renesmee squealed inexcitement "I think Maddie had a small crush on Selena" she stated;Carlisle chuckled as he agreed "I also believe Selena likes our dear Maddieas well" he grinned "never, in the long and many years that I'veknown her, have I ever seen Selena blush".

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