5.) Nearly There

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(Y/n) : your name
(Y/f/n) : your father's name
(Y/m/n) : your mother's name
(Y/l/) : your last name

It's the night before you and your family commute to Hogwarts the following morning . You sat in front of the magnificent fireplace that stood in your family's exquisitely decorated living room . You sat on the floor looking at the red - orange flames dancing on the burnt wood . Moving every second giving off a vibrant glow and a soft warmth filling you.

The gentle heat of the fire makes you feel at ease . Your mind was running wild . You were a tad bit nervous about your first day. Would the other Slytherins respect you? You knew very well that Slytherin's aren't particularly the kindest of people , you didn't want to be someone that your house would be ashamed of . The soft sound of footsteps approaching you caused you snap out of your thoughts.

The footsteps stopped right next to you, then came a soft thud as the person sat next to you. In the peripheral of your vision you saw that it was your father sitting next you. He looked at the crimson flames with you , with a small smile across his face .

"You're nervous aren't you? " your father spoke breaking your silence .

"A bit ." You replied while looking at the fire .

"I remember when I was worried about heading off to Hogwarts, you'll be fine honey ." You father said reassuringly while rubbing circles in your shoulders to ease your stiff posture. "What exactly are you worried about ? "

You relaxed as your father massaged your shoulder . "Will the other Slytherin's like me?" You asked your father .

Your father perked up a bit hearing you say this . He continued massaging your shoulder as he gave off a light chuckle . "As long you don't associate with the blood traitors and mudbloods you should be fine ." Your father says lightheartedly .

You never cared much for blood status , you weren't the type to judge someone based of blood , but then again that doesn't mean that you were particularly okay associating with those who weren't purebloods . Your father on the other hand he was the sterotypical pureblood . He did care about blood status and what not . He never forced his beliefs on you though.

"I should be fine then ." You replied to your father as you stood up smiling at him while he looked back at you.

After giving your father a big hug and saying your good night's you walked up the winding staircase of your mansion and into your room. You walk over to your bed and lied down . Almost instantly you were asleep , all the fretting you did made you exhausted.

You were soundly asleep till your door being slammed open made you jump from your slumber .

"(Y/n)!!!! Get up and get ready !!" Your mother squealed loudly . Making you cover your ears . She can be so loud sometimes .

"You acting as if it's your first year at Hogwarts ." You mutter while looking at the familiar sight of your mother rummaging through your closet picking out your outfit.

You watched as she pulled out a pair of black jeans and a dark green wool sweater . Along with dress shoes . She grabs the outfit and sits it on your bed , while she turned around. To give you a bit of privacy while you changed .

You gave a small sigh before changing into the outfit of her choosing . It was casual and comfortable. You didn't mind it much . Once you were done changing you saw your mother patting the stool of your vanity . You walked over , sat down and let her do your hair . She threw it into a rather lovely messy bun , while adding a snake necklace to your look.

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