19.) Things Seem Odd

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ATTENTION BLACK BUTLER FANS: if you aren't a Black Butler ignore this . But if you are please spare a minute if your time. I'm currently writing 3 Black Butler fanfics and I'd be happy to receive some feedback. The three I'm working on are A Blasphemous Romance ( various x reader) , An Unexpected Mate (Ciel x reader) , and The First Lady Phantomhive (Vincent x reader) . Please feel free to read , comment and give feedback in the comment section of those stories . Any who Enjoy the new Update 😃

Things have been normal ever since Christmas break , it was now approaching the end of your first year at Hogwarts. Everything was going swimmingly. Alister and Draco get along fine even thought they seem to have some discrepancies here and there.

Potter still stares just not as much, but you've never gotten the chance to speak with him about it. You passed your OWLs exams second in your year. Would've been first if it hadn't been for that bloody Hermione.

You sat in your dorm. You grew a lot while you were at Hogwarts. You hair was longer than it was at the start of the year. You grew a bit taller. And what surprised you the most was that you started noticing more hair on your body , and not only that but your chest grew too. It wasn't flat anymore , it had small lumps now.

You didn't exactly understand what was happening to you. You were embarrassed of it so you did your best to hide it. You will ask your mother about it once you return home it the upcoming month.

You sighed. Tousling your hair a bit you decide to head to library . Wiping the invisible specks of dust off out your Slytherin robes , you make your way to the library. Entering the library you decide you were in the mood for a good story book. After all of the studying for the OWLs left you feeling like you deserved to enjoy a good book.

You prance around the isles till you hear hushed voices coming for 2 aisles down from where you stood. You knew it was bad to eavesdrop but you were curious. Cautiously creeping into the aisle next to where the voices were you peeked through the books to try and get a good look at who was speaking.

Peeking through the books you see Harry, Weasle Bee , and Granger huddled together talking in hushed voices . They acted as if they were hiding something . Curiously you put your ear to the bookshelf , as quietly as you could. Making sure not to draw attention to yourself as you listened in.

"So the Philosopher's stone is what he is after?" Ron whisperers curiously .

He? Who is he?

"Yes , the philosophers stone , it must be somewhere here hidden in the school." Granger says in a hushed voice.

What this bollocks about a philosopher's stone? You furrowed your brows as you listened in more intently.

"If we are right then he must be inside the school, and he's after whatever Fluffy is guarding. The philosophers stone. Voldemort must not have it ." Harry said in a hushed voice that dripped with seriousness .

Fluffy? Philosopher's stone ? Voldemort? Harry must be mad .

Voldemort is gone. Perished off the face of the Earth. Dead. There is no way the dark lord has returned . You've had enough of this nonsense . This was clearly not something worth eavesdropping.

Sighing a bit loudly , you take a book off the shelf that stood between you and the trio. The trio jump and look to see your face through the shelf. You act as if you just got there and not like you just got done eavesdropping on their conversation.

Giving them a "got something you wanna say" look, acting like a proud Slytherin , you stalk off and out of library. You guessed that if you acted like cockily Slytherin they wouldn't think you heard them. Because the last thing you wanted was to be followed and harassed by the trio because they think you heard them. Even though you did.

You clicked your tongue as you headed back to your dorm. You hadn't even looked at the book you grabbed from the library. You furrowed your brow as you read the title "Muggle Tales And Lullabies for Tots". Wait a minute , this was a book on muggles !

You let out a hiss of distain. Why out of all things it had to be a book about muggles. Just as you were about to throw the book onto the floor , curiously killed the cat. You took a quick peek inside.

Muggles weren't special creatures . They were dull boring and only tainted the magical world. Preserving the existence of wizards , and magical blood is of the utmost importance. It wasn't that long ago when Wizards and witches were burned at stakes because of muggles and their silly religious practices . Since then the wizarding world has been kept a secret.

Letting muggles into our world simply defies the whole reason we kept our world hidden. Muggles only bring trouble . But even so curiosity still peeked you. You skimmed through the book and found a muggles lullaby . "Tom the Pipers son" , you read the lyrics and even had it played by doing some simple magic.

You actually quite liked the lullaby . Although it's not something you'd even admit. Setting the book aside it was time for dinner. Heading to the Great Hall, you see Alister and Draco seated in their usual spots . One on each side of you. Taking your seat you decided to tell them what you heard in the library .

"I've something to tell you two. I heard the strangest conversation in the library today." You said briskly

"Heard? Does that mean you were eavesdropping ?" Alister asked with a smirk

You rolled your eyes "what's it to you?"

Draco huffed "How rude, y/n hasn't daddy taught you it wrong to eavesdrop ?" He teases

You hiss "Draco you should be the last person scolding me about being rude !"

"Calm thyself it was a joke." Draco mused

"Are you going to explain what you heard?" Alister says ignoring Draco.

"Yes, anyways I was in library and I heard the trio talking about a philosophers stone ." You say nonchalantly

"Trio?" Alister asks

"Yeah, the three disgraces Potter , weasle bee and mudblood McGee over there ." Draco spat

You ignored him and continued . "They were whispering about a Voldemort hiding in the castle and that he's trying to steal that philosophers stone." You say laughing

Hearing this Alister and Draco burst into laughs .

"Voldemort here ?!" Alister wheezed laughing.

Draco clutched his stomach . "Fools I tell you."

You laughed as it was hilarious . That it until you noticed the trio wasn't at lunch. You furrowed your brows . That's odd. You were fixated on your thoughts till movement in your peripheral caught you attention. It was Dumbledore , and Professor Mc Gonagall they seemed to be in a rush as they exited the great hall . What were they leaving dinner for ? That's when it clicked .

Professors would only leave dinner , if something was happening. The trio isn't at dinner . Could perhaps the rubbish they spoke of earlier be true?
This was most definitely odd.

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