14.) Tension at the ball

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You sit at your vanity as your mother curls your hair into small curls , before brushing them out leaving your hair flowly and gorgeous. Spritzing on some expensive perfume . Making sure your undergarments are tight and comfortable , you hold your breath as your mother begins to slip the dress over your head.

The fabric on the inside is soft and plush. Once the dress is on you brace yourself as your mom zips the dress up from behind . The dress fits perfectly , like it was made for you . Knowing your mother it was probably made specifically for you.

Turning your head to look into the mirror of your vanity , you look at yourself in surprise . You couldn't believe the beautiful girl in the mirror was you. You smile as your mother sits you down once more and does very light makeup . You are 11 after all you don't need very extravagant makeup .

"Alright honey I'm going to leave you to yourself for a bit , in 30 minutes head downstairs because the guests will start arriving." Your mother says smiling at you before exiting your room.

You feel sick to the stomach , you really don't want to attend. You have to dance with Draco the whole night and you really aren't ready to face him after the fight you had with him 2 days ago.

You pet Drey telling him your worries , being careful not to get his fur on the dress.

"Drey, do you think things will go sour between Draco and me forever? " you mutter . Drey just blinks his gunmetal eyes at you.

"Drey do you think Alister and Draco  will argue again?"

Drey blinks once more .

"Honey come down stairs now !" You hear you father call from downstairs . Seems talking to Drey took longer than you expected . The butterflies in your stomach seem to be at war with each other because you honestly don't know wether you are feeling nervous or sick. You go and stand in the ballroom of your mansion , waiting patiently for the guests to arrive.

After minutes of waiting knocks on the door are heard. Making sure you are standing correctly , and that you look appropriate , you open the door while plastering a fake smile upon your face .

On the other side of the door stood Blaise and his parents .

"Hello Mr & Mrs Zambini , pleasure to have you here , come in , come in!" You say , avoiding eye contact with Blaise .

"Ahh young Ms. l/n , you look just darling ." Mrs. Zambini says while trotting passed you.

One by one everyone began to arrive . After Blaise's family came , Pansy's family came , Goyle's family came , Crabbe's family came , Astoria's , and everyone else in Slytherin house .

But two families were missing , Alister's and Draco's . You were getting tired of faking happiness but you knew you'd have to continue to do it all night . A knock on the door interrupts your thoughts. Plastering another fake smile on your face you walk up to the door only to really smile at the sight of Alister standing there in a all black tux .

His black hair and striking grey eyes , his pale skin, his black tux . He looks amazing . Standing beside him are his parents Mr & Mrs. Windslet .

"Hello Mr & Mrs. Windslet ." You say giving a bow of respect before stepping aside so that they may enter.

"So you must be the lovely y/n Alister keep rambling on about ? " Mr. Windslet asked smiling he looks exactly like an older version of Alister . He's quiet handsome too . You could really tell that Alister took after his father.

"I am indeed ." You say giggling , while throwing Alister some wiggily brows . Mr & Mrs . Windslet left to join the other purebloods while Alister stayed behind with you.

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