22.) The Manner

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Today was the day. You'd finally be seeing Draco for the first time since Hogwarts . You missed him. He was your best friend after all. You wrote to him. Yet not once had you received a reply. You wrote to Alister as well. You hadn't received a reply from him either. It seemed a bit odd to you . You tried brushing it off as they just didn't receive the letters .

Messenger owls did have a tendency to loose letters when they delivered them. However you know that Onyx , Draco's owl was very capable of delivering letters and you knew that the chances of Onyx losing it were slim. So it had to be that either Draco is ignoring you, or that maybe Dobby just isn't giving them to Draco. Worst case scenario would be that Draco is prohibited from receiving letters .

Jinx and Augustus whom were Alister's messenger owls on the other hand weren't as capable as Onyx however they managed to get their jobs done. The chances of Alister not receiving your letter was more plausible . He always had his nose stuck a in a Lockheart book that it was almost cringy . The fact that he doesn't even admit that he was a fan of the man made it even worse . Fanboy in denial. However moral of the story was that it wouldn't be as strange if Alister didn't receive your letters as once his nose is stuck in a book, there's a good chance he won't know what's going on around him.

Draco on the other hand had no excuse . Today when you go over you will get the truth out of him.

You marched around your room. Your open luggage on the bed . You marched as you walked from your closet to your bed. Tossing in dresses , jumpers , jeans , shirts and undergarments into the luggage . You didn't care to fold them . Next you drug out another luggage from your closet . Opening it and tossing it on your bed as you did the last . In this luggage your threw in shoes . A few books . Some other miscellaneous items that you had to have with you. After tossing things into your luggage , you looked around your room making sure you had everything you needed for spending a few weeks at Draco's .

You weren't sure how long you'd be there . You knew you'd be there for a few weeks . Once you felt like you had everything , you hauled the heavy luggages with you out of your room , down the hall and atop of the stair case . At times like this you were glad, you were a witch. Pulling your wand out you murmured "wingardium leviosa" . Your luggages began to levitate as you guided them gracefully down the stair case. You followed in pursuit.

Once your carryons were nicely seated at the base of the stair case you began walking into the dining room in search of your parents . You needed to bid them farewell as you wouldn't see them for a decent amount of time . Sure, when you're were at the Malfoy's manner they'd stop by , however it wouldn't be an everyday occurrence .

Walking into the living room you easily spotted your mother sitting at the dining room table . Again she sat there writing into that strange notebook. It puzzled you why she would write in a notebook where the ink disappeared . Where did the ink go?

However you didn't dwell on it too long. You walked over the dinner table . As you did this your mother hastily shut the journal and pushed it off to the side . You furrowed your brows . Strange .

"Y/n honey , you're a little early don't you think?" Your mother asked a light smile on her face .

You shrugged . "Better early than late ." You replied . You let your curiosity get the better of you. You decide to chance it and ask about the journal she had . "Mom , what's that journal you keep writing in ?"

Her eyes drifted to the leatherish suede journal that sat on the dining room table . She let out a light chuckle . "Oh this?!" Her hand perched itself on the cover of the parchment filled journal . "It's nothing darling , just some journal the ministry has me keep treasury records in . For privacy sake the ink disappears ."  She said . A light phony smile adorned her face.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Apr 02, 2018 ⏰

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