18.) Back to normal?

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        It's been a few days  since your return to Hogwarts. Everything was as it used to be before the whole Draco incident. Except now Alister was part of your group, he and Draco seemed to fight over what seemed to be authority. Draco's hotheadedness  would never allow him to back down and Alister's stubbornness never seized. Those two were like two mangy wolves fighting over who gets to be alpha dog in the pack.

Bickering , bickering, and did I fail to mention MORE bickering . It was all those two did . They just bickered and bickered to their hearts content. They bickered over everything ! Be it who gets to sit beside you at lunch, who gets to walk beside you, who gets to call you their "best friend " , who gets hold your books for you , who gets to study with you, for heavens sake you bet they'd even bicker over who gets to wipe your arse if you gave them the chance !!

Not only that but Astoria is no longer apart of the group , Draco gave her a rather cold and rude awakening when he returned for break. You remember vividly walking side by side between Draco and Alister entering the castle , until a head of dark brown locks and a Slytherin robe caught your attention . It was none other that Astoria Greengrass waltzing towards Draco as if she was someone of importance.

She walked up to Draco , while doing so she gave you a scowl as if you were some sort of filthy blood traitor. This made you angry just as you were about to say something to her , Draco spoke before you.

   "Hey y/n , do you spot anyone of importance because I sure don't ?" He said clearly ignoring the brunette in front of him.

You decided to humor him. "Oh no Draco ! Maybe we should go look for them don't you agree Alister ?" You say while clearly faking your concern .

Alister spoke next , sticking his head up from his Guildory Lockheart book . "Don't drag me into your petty squabbles, it's unsightly." He said before resuming to stick his nose back into the book.

You and Draco just ignored him before continuing on your way , leaving behind a shocked and teary eyed Astoria .  You smiled looking back at the memory .

Ever since then things have been a bit awkward between you and Astoria but it is what is it . 

As of currently you were in a rather reminiscent mood as your mind continued to wonder back to memories . You were rather enjoying your day dream state , seeing as you were alone by yourself in the library and there was not a single soul around you to disrupt your thoughts . Taking this as a rare opportunity you decided to take a quick nap.

Your mind took you back to when you and Alister exchanged gifts a few days back . Unknowingly you blushed and smiled dreamily in your sleep.

That night you and Alister met in the Slytherin common room late that night . The moon lit up the room rather nicely and a few candles were lit near the fireplace and whatever tables there were . You both were seated on the couch both with small wrapped gifts in your hands . Alister was the first to start.

He shyly handed you a black velvet box and inside was a part of snake earrings. They were beautiful diamond encrusted snakes . You blushed and said countless Thank you's before you handed Alister your gift to him .

Alister shyly took it and opened it . Inside was a silver locket with a a snake encrusted on it . Alister's eyes widened and he looked thrilled . The both of you gave each other awkward hugs before departing to your dorms.

You smiled giddily at this memory . Of course since you were asleep you were unaware of the silly grin plastered upon your face. But sadly your walk down memory lane was cut short as you felt the seat you were sitting in pulled out right from under you and you felt a sharp pain in your arse.

"OWEEEE, THE BLOODY HELL I FELT THE GET WIND SUCKED OUT ME !!!" You shouted as you opening your eyes to see who was responsible for this and low and behold it was none other than Draco Bloody Malfoy and his accomplice Alister flipping Windslet.

The two boys laughed till their faces grew red , barely breathing to say the least .

Draco was the first to speak "I - I can't !! Did we disturb y-your grinfest?" He said between laughs . You were just about to throw a curse his way before they ran off together leaving you to chase after them.

You were in no mood for shenanigans and decided to just go to your dorm and sleep seeing as today was a Saturday and there was no class. While doing so you decided to sing a little jingle to lighten your spirits after that rather fatal blow your arse took earlier that evening.

"He Ho! He Ho ! These stupid idiots I know !
He Ho ! He Ho!  Back to my dorm I go !
He Ho ! He Ho ! "

You sang this little jingle all the way back to your dorm . 

The next day however was a Sunday and you decided to take little stroll along the courtyard , and somehow along the way Draco and Alister tagged along.  It was nothing out of the norm seeing as those two followed you around like lost puppies all day everyday so you didn't mind that they were there. As odd as it may seem you actually felt bothered when they didn't followed but you would never admit nor say that out loud .

In the court yard the older Weasley brothers were setting off small firecrackers and other small trickeries.  You believed their names where Fed and Gregory? No that doesn't sound right . Freddy and Jonathan ? That doesn't sound right either . But either way you didn't care . It didn't catch your attention to say the least .

What did catch you attention was that rather annoying stare coming from the Potter  boy . But you weren't the only one to notice this , Alister and Draco did as well and were already sending Potter menacing glares . Honestly if looks could kill Potter would have 6 feet under to say the least.

Potter was standing next to Ron and that one girl Hermione . They were watching the firework display Fredrick and Gavin were putting on . Those names don't doubt right either . However unlike Ron and Hermione, Potter wasn't watching the display he was watching you and to be honest it creeped you out a bit .

Like it was to the point where Potter was so creepy that if you saw him alone in an alley way you'd He Ho , He Ho, back to Hogwarts I go, out of there.

Potter looked as if he was going to walk up to you but your two mangy wolves perked up and stood in front of you as to create a wall between you and Potter .

Potter spoke "Alister , Draco , if you don't mind I'd like a word with y/n ." He said calmly ignoring the hostility resonating from those two .

"What for ?" Alister asked sternly.

While . Draco wantonly snarled "Go away Potter she doesn't need to speak with the likes of you !"

You decided now would be the best time to intervene and you slide out from behind those two , while ignoring their groans of protest .

"What might you have to say Potter ?"

He looked down as he flushed a crimson shade . He twiddled his thumbs as he muttered "I'm sorry about what I said on the train the other night , it was an odd thing to say and you seemed startled by it . Do forgive me ."

Draco and Alister did not like how  Potter acted around you . They didn't know why they didn't like it , but as if they had some sort of telekinesis powers they both seemed to be thinking the same thing. They both wanted Potter to be as far away from you as possible .

Before you could answer you were snatched by Draco and Alister and hauled away from there . You mentally facepalmed as they could be so childish at times but you smiled. As childish as they may seem it was moments like this that you'd look back on when you were older and you'd grin like a fool when reminiscing about them.

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