7.) A Year Of New Beginnings

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(Y/n): your name
(L/n) : your last name
(Y/s/c) : your skin color
(Y/h/c): your hair color
(Y/e/c) : your eye color
(Y/f/n): your Family's name

You sleep peacefully in your small single size bed . So soft ... so warm... so ticklish? You scrunch your nose as it's tickled lightly by something fuzzy. The tickling of your poor nose continues till you can no longer stand it. You open your eyes only to met with the piercing ash colored eyes of Dray.

Dray blinks at you , before giving your nose a loving lick. You smile and pet Dray on the head , before sitting up . You stretch your arms , tilt your head back to yawn and you rise from your bed. You look over to your roommate Astoria Greengrass whom was still asleep .

You didn't get to know her that well yesterday , Professor Snape just assigned her to be your roommate yesterday evening. You and her only exchanged the formalities and that was it . She didn't seem interested in your friendship , which you were fine with that . You always preferred having a small group of friends, so her not joining in the group didn't bother you one bit .

Even though she wasn't your friend doesn't mean you have to be inconsiderate. You walk over to her bed giving her a light shake on the shoulder .

"Astoria ? Wake up time to get ready for classes ." You said in hushed voice. You didn't want to be too loud seeing that she is just waking up.

Astoria opens her eyes groggily , nodding her head and muttering a thanks she gets out of bed and starts changing. You do the same . You pick out a knee length black skirt, a white button up , a Slytherin tie , black knee socks and black dress shoes . You lightly curl your hair into long loose curls .

Lastly you tie your Slytherin robes to top off the outfit . You looked in the mirror of your vanity . You looked adorable. You grabbed your school books that were on your vanity and your class list . Carrying your books in one arm , list in the other , and wand in your robe pocket , you lightly kiss Dray on the head before exiting your dorm room .

Astoria was ready before you were so she already left for classes . You were running a bit late so you skipped breakfast and checked your class list :
Breakfast 7:00am
Transfiguration 8:00 am
Charms 9:00 am
Potions 10:00 am
History of Magic 11:00 am
Lunch 12 :00 pm
Defense against the Dark arts 1:00pm
Astronomy 2:00pm
Herbology 3:00pm
Flying Lessons 4:00pm
Free period 5:00 pm
Dinner 6:00pm
No more class and bed time is 10: 00pm the latest.

Goodness the school day was definitely going to be long. You headed into your transfiguration class which you knew was taught by professor McGonagall. You enter her class 5 minutes early , you scan the class looking for a place to sit and a head of blonde hair catches your eye.

Draco! And the seat beside him was empty,perfect . You make you way over to Draco only to be stopped by none other than Pansy Parkinson .

"What do you think your doing (y/n) ?! " she snarled at you . This caught the attention of Draco and the others whom arrived early . The professor not yet in the room.

"What does it look like Pugface ? " you roll your eyes , your comment making the others giggle. Draco included .

"Watch your tongue (l/n) !!" She hissed , her face starting to turn a noticeable shade of red .

"Oooh I'm soooo scared !" You fake fright "what's a Parkinson going to do to little old me ? Last I checked my family is more powerful than yours. And your father was asking my father for money so I suggest you get your little pug face away from me and my friends before my father hears about this !" You threaten with full authority in your voice .
(See what I did there 😂)

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