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I usually hate reading this part so I won't make it too long but I want you to know that this is my first story so it might be bad...

You have been watching Sam and Colby and the rest of the gang for a while now and you've always wanted to move to LA but you've never have the money (you live in Canada btw, I can't remember if I put that in the description) so you decide to sell your art that you draw of strangers and scenery. You realize that you won't get enough money by just selling art so you  get a couple jobs where you do the dishes and clean up spilled drinks.

A couple months later

After you get enough money you see that vid con is soon and you see that a lot of your favourite YouTubers are going like Shane Dawson (he doesn't go to vid con but let's just say he does), Joey Gracceffa, Ryland Adams, Aaron Doh, Corey Sherer, Sam Golbach, Elton Castee, and finally Colby Brock. So you get a ticket online (I don't know how it works... I've never been) and a plane ticket.
Your parents helped you pay for your apartment

After you are packed and ready to go it's time to say goodbye. You say goodbye to your mom, your dad, your siblings (if you have them). Your mom starts to over worry '' y/n please be careful... don't use your phone while the plane is taking off... and here's some extra money just in case... I don't want you to end up on the streets'' she said. Your dad says '' bye kiddo good luck, love you'' and your sibling/s yells from the other room '' BYE Y/N HAVE FUN WITH (in a teasing way) COLBY BROCK''  your parents look confused so you make a hand motion meaning whatever.

Your best friend (I'm going to call him/her your bff cause it's easy) stops by to say goodbye while your waiting for your cab/taxi/uber to arrive  (idk I call it a cab) so you sit on your front steps. Once it pulls up your bff starts crying as he/she hugs you.
Bf/n: best friend's name

The driver honks the horn of the car reminding you that you have to go. Bf/n is still hugging you and crying so you have to practically peel him/her off of you. '' I've got to go bf/n'' you say and they say ''fine but call me as soon as you land'' '' okay'' you say as you turn around and get in the car. On your way to the airport you look out the window and see the part of town you don't get to see very often and it's beautiful, so you take pictures for your instagram.

Finally you get there and get on your plane you order your food and get settled to sleep. When your just about to fall asleep you feel a tap on your shoulder, so you open your eyes and look at the person sitting next to you. ''yes?'' you say confused and they respond saying '' I'm sorry to bother you but you look familiar, are you a YouTuber?'' '' yes I'm (insert name here), can I sleep now?'' You asked irritated because they woke you for that stupid question. They just continued to watch their movie with headphones on. 'Ahh peace and quiet,now I can sleep' after your almost asleep again a baby starts crying, so you plug in your headphones and listen to we love our friends by Sam and Colby and the gang (song linked at top /\ ) cand you finally get some 💤.

Should I continue?¿

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