Chapter 95 - It's Just A Little Cut, Right Marshall?

Start from the beginning

"They will come after you!" Leroy shouts.

Me? What the hell is on about?

"I need to look for Nicklaus!" I shout over everyone's cries for help as they rush and run past me. There's at least four more clubs around here and it's a friday night so the place is packed with people.

"You need to stay inside." Leroy huffs.

"Well it's too late for that. I'm already outside." I state.

"You are where?!" Leroy shouts. "You're going to get shot you idiot!" He yells.

"I can't let Tessa lose Nicklaus!" I snap and turn back to look at the door when the guard closes it. "She has lost way too much. She has gone through a lot as it is. Losing Nick will kill her!" I snap.

"She won't lose Nicklaus now get back inside!" Leroy shouts. "I hate to say this but they shot Nick and there's nothing you can do, Marshall. Get back inside!" He yells.

"How do you know he's shot?" I ask.

"Marshall-" Leroy starts but I cut him off.

"How do you fucking know he's shot!" I yell over the crowds shouting and cries.

"I warned you!" Leroy hisses. "I warned you both!" He says.

"Warned us about!" I yell into the phone as I get impatient by the second. "Warned us about what, Leroy?" I ask again when he doesn't answer me.

"About Gayle's sons!" He shouts taking me by suprise.

"No. They can't-" I start but get cut off.

"Their father is in hospital, fighting for his damn life!" Leroy shouts. "They can only blame one person from this-" He carries on but I cut him off.

"No." I shake my head.

"Who else can it be Marshall?" Leroy asks. "They've come to take revenge on Tessa." He states.

"Mr Mathers! Are you there!" I hear the guard from the walkie talkie. I ignore him and listen to Leroy speak.

"...And they probably shot at Nick because Nick is close to Gayle and he testified against Gayle." Leroy states. "If you don't get back inside then you will be next, Marshall. Trust me when I say this Gayle and his sons are very close." He says but stops talking when I hear someone talk behind him.

"...Need him there." I hear a lady say and after a few seconds Leroy carries on.

"They would die for eachother, what makes you think they won't kill for eachother, hu?" He shouts. "And you will be next since they think you and Tessa are-" Leroy carries on but the phone drops out of my hand.

I drop down to the ground when shots fire into the air. I reach for my phone, only for it to get kicked away from me again. I grunt as I lift myself up and reach for my phone.

I curse under my breath and smash it against the floor when I see that it's already broken into pieces when people were rushing around. I ignore Leroy's warnings and start to look for Nick.

I can't let Nick die. I can't let Tessa lose Nick. I should have dragged him into the club but I thought he was coming after us. I thought he had ducked down to the ground just like the rest of us but what if he's shot.


Tessa's P.O.V:
I shout for Nick as people run and push past me. I stop in my tracks and look around me. Letting out a hopeless sigh, I start to reach for my phone when I realize that I left my jacket inside the club.

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