Thirteen Tags

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Not long has passed until Jisu and Eunwoo decided to call Hyorin and make a time for an audition.

"Okay now that we're in front of the building I don't think I can go in." Jisu said staring at the door.

Eunwoo patted her shoulder.

"I know we were all like 'what can it hurt to audition', but I'm really nervous." She continued.

"We'll both do fine. I'm sure of it. Let's go!" Eunwoo entered first and a hesitant Jisu followed.

They got number tags to place on their shirts.

Eunwoo was twelve and Jisu was thirteen.

They sat in a waiting room with others and waiting for each group to be called.

Jisu looked around and noticed everyone was in pairs.

"Are we a pair? Is this a pair audition?" She questioned Eunwoo, who just shrugged.

"ImWe were scouted together but I don't know."

She sighed. "I thought it would be separate, ah I'm getting more nervous." She placed her hand over her heart to feel her heartbeat. It was pounding and she felt the pressure, like it was going to explode.

Eunwoo noticed the scared expression on her face and took her hand from her chest and placed it on his. His heartbeat pounding as well, but he didn't show any nerves on the outer exterior.

She turned to look at him. The two staring into each other's eyes.

It seemed to calm her down. It seemed to calm them both down.

A moment later, they were called in.

Jisu felt relieved that the auditions were in fact separate and they didn't have to prepare anything together, because they didn't plan to do that.

Each person just had to introduce themselves, answer a couple of questions and do a couple of poses in front of the camera.

Jisu was towards the end of the line and as each person went, her heart beat faster.

Eunwoo looked calm and collected. He would turn to her to give her a reassuring smile every now and then.

When it was Eunwoo's turn, Jisu looked at him and saw how natural he posed and how good he was at it.

She took a few mental notes.

Then it was her turn.

Eunwoo looked at her the way she had looked at him. He noticed that she seemed very cool on camera and didn't look nervous at all.

Her poses were not only natural, but she seemed to know her best angles and how to work the camera.

Once the audition was over, they were told they would be informed about coming back in for more camera tests if needed and they bowed and left the room.

As soon as they stepped out of the room, Jisu let the breathe she'd been in holding in, out.

Eunwoo gave her a side hug and told her she did a great job.

"Let's get some ice cream to calm your nerves." He suggested and they both walked out and headed for their new hangout. Baskin Robbins.

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