Four Girls

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After school, She walks out of the school and past the gates before a group of girls catch up to her.

One of them pulls out the earphones she has in.

She turns around to look at four girls with their arms crossed and faces of, so called, intimidation.

"Stay away from Cha Eunwoo." One of them outright says.

"He's ours." The next smirks.

"If we find you hanging out with him again we'll--" The third doesn't finish before Jisu interrupts.

"You'll...what? Huh? Don't threaten me unless you're serious and judging by the way you look you don't seem to do any damage. All you do is talk but you won't carry things out, we both know that." Jisu stands her ground.

"You don't know us." The third responds stepping closer to Jisu and getting up in her face.

"I don't need to know you. I already know your type." Jisu takes a step closer. "Now if you'll excuse me." Jisu turns back around, and starts walking.

"We aren't done here-" The fourth starts.

Jisu smirks and turns her head to say, "You might not be, but I am. Goodbye girls." She then proceeds to put her earbud back in.

The four girls are left speechless watching as Jisu walks away with the smirk still on her face.

Jisu has had her fair share of stuck up girls trying to bully her. It wasn't until they got a little too personal last year did she snap...

One Year Ago

"Heard your parents are getting a divorce."

"Where will go? The trash where you belong?"

"Your parents are probably arguing about who has to take you in and suffer."

The taunting words of the girls at her school were constant. She was pretty and they hated that all the boys liked her. They created rumours and spread stuff around the school.

When the subject of her family and the divorce came up, she snapped and mustered up any courage she had to fight back.

"You know what? Enough. I'm done listening to this crap." She stands up from her lunch table and starts walking.

"Going to run home and cry to your mommy? Or is daddy on duty tonight?" One of the girls taunts. Jisu stops and turns around.

"I'VE. HAD. IT." Jisu yells causing everyone to stop in amazement. "You all are just jealous. You've always been jealous. Just because my parents are splitting up and you're insecure about yourself, doesn't give you the right to treat me with disrespect. Grow a pair and get over it."

Before anyone can say anything else Jisu storms out. She runs to the gates of the school and sobs happily.

She did it. Finally. She was able to use her voice and fight back. She was proud of herself and what she had done standing up to her bullies and promised to never let anyone talk her down ever again.


It wasn't long after the fight with the four girls did she feel a tap on her shoulder.

She turned her head to see no one, only to turn her head the other direction to see Eunwoo.

She chuckled at how childish he was. He had a smile on his face knowing he tricked her and she asked what was up.

"My house is this way." He said.

"Ahh.." She said as they continued walking in the same direction.

"I saw what you did back there." Eunwoo said not looking at her.

"I didn't do anything. I just used my voice." She said plainly.

"I admire that. I wish more people would speak up to bullies, and I'm not talking just about victims or people who are getting harassed, I mean everyone. Bystanders and such." He said with seriousness in his voice.

"That would be nice." She sighed looking around at the scenic view.

They walked side by side until they reached her house. By then she had wondered where Eunwoo's house was.

"Do you live around here also?" She said stopping in front of the apartment complex.

"I live a couple of blocks away actually." He admitted as he turned to face her.

She smiled. "So you just walked me home then. Such a kind gentlemen."

"Of course. Oh shoot, actually can I use your phone to call home? I forgot to tell my mom I was going to be later and my batter died." Eunwoo said with a worried expression on his face.

She pulled out her phone and he dialed.

Only seconds later the phone in his pocket rang.

"Thanks." He said hitting the end call button.

She smirked. "Very well executed. You could be a great actor someday."

He winked and walked away without another word only to look back once to catch her looking back at him.

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