Fourteen Calls

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A week later on Sunday, Jisu slept in and woke up at 12.

She also woke up to fourteen missed calls from Eunwoo.

She called him back and he immediately picked up.

"Finally! Did you sleep well?" Eunwoo said.

"I did, but why so many calls?" She giggled.

"I got a call back for camera testing! Did you?" Eunwoo said excitedly.

"You did?!! That's amazing, congratulations!!" Jisu cheered.

"Hurry and check if you did!! They sent an email."

"One sec..." Jisu got her laptop quickly and opened it. She opened her email but saw there was no email. "Nope, nothing."

"Check your spam!!" Eunwoo yelled in the phone causing those around him to look. It was his day off so he was doing a morning jog.

"Still nothing."

They both sighed.

"It doesn't mean you didn't get in. Maybe you passed with flying colors and they don't need to see you back." Eunwoo tried to convince her.

"Yeah maybe." Jisu chuckled. "Look, I've got homework that I didn't do yesterday so I'll talk to you later okay? Wait, when is your camera test?"

"It's later today. At 2."

"Well tell me all about it when you finish okay." Jisu smiled and they said their goodbyes and hung up.


Another week passed and this time Jisu woke up to 17 missed calls and it was only 10am.

"What's up?" Jisu asked when Eunwoo picked up.

"Let's meet for ice cream." Eunwoo insisted.

Jisu laughed and agreed.

They both met at their favorite ice cream place and sat down after ordering.

"They told me last week that everyone who auditioned would be notified if they passed today at 11."

"It's 10:45" Jisu checked the time on her phone.

The more the two of them checked the clock the slower time seemed to pass. Once it hit 11 Eunwoo immediately went to his phone.

He looked up only to notice Jisu didn't do the same.

"Open your email! Hurry!!" He said excited.

"Why? I didn't get a call back. I've basically been eliminated already."

"Don't be a downer." Eunwoo grabbed her phone from the table. "Besides this is your dream isn't it. Be apart of a company and be actor. Modeling is the first step."

Jisu was silent. She didn't know how he knew of her dream but he did. He noticed.

She grabbed his phone out of his hand.

"Well, If you're going to snoop through my emails, I'll do the same."

"On the count of 3 we open the mail app."




Jisu smiled widely as she pressed the phone in front of his face that said he got accepted.

Eunwoo sat not looking and instead stared at her phone. Jisu's smile faded. Until she let out a little laugh.

"I didn't get in, we both knew that."

"That's too bad...tHAT YOU THINK THAT BECAUSE YOU DID GET IN!" Eunwoo got up and shoved the phone in her face.

Her face lit up. "Seriously?!" She grabbed the phone to look herself.

"Looks like we're model buddies." He chimed excitedly.

"Guess so."

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