Five Days

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The first five days of school were like any other. Filled with boring lectures and smelly kids.

At least she had Eunwoo.

He seemed to always be by her side and she didn't know why. So she asked.

"What?" He asked shocked by the random question that popped up during one of their walks to her house. "Why curious all of a sudden?"

"I don't know...I mean you introduced yourself to me on the first day and I just thought it was odd that you would talk to me of all people." She replied.

Eunwoo smiled but didn't say anything.

"Just be honest with me. All I ever ask for from people is that they tell me the truth." She didn't look at him but instead looked once again at the scenery. It never gets old to her.

She always tried to find the beauty in things and even if she were to walk past the same trees a billion times, she'd find a billion beautiful things about it.

"A hundred percent honest?" Eunwoo asked looking at her with as much serious in his voice as was in his face.


He cleared his throat hoping that telling her the truth wouldn't change anything.

"I was there...the day at the crosswalk in Busan when you ran into the road." He admitted. "I don't know if you remember..."

"I remember." She stopped in her tracks as her voice got quiet.

"Do you remember me?" He asked looking at her.

"I remember...someone. Someone grabbing me and holding me." She said staring in front of her as a tear fell from her emotionless eyes. Her face still.

She was remembering that day. It was playing back like a film in her head. For a split second that day, she say her life flash before her eyes.

Part of her wanted to leave the earth that day but a huge part of her was so thankful for the person who pulled her from the street.

He stepped in front of her and held her.

"That was me." One of his hands caressing her head and the other hugging her back. "I'm sorry."

She sniffled into his chest. "Why are you saved me..." She said.

She pulled away and wiped her tears.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier." He looked down at her and she looked up at him.

"I'm sorry I didn't say thank you earlier." She smiled slightly. "Ahhhhh." She sighed taking a deep breathe.

He raised a brow.

"Enough tears. Let's keep walking." She said normally, walking forward.

"Are you okay?" He asked after a minute of silence.

"Of course, why wouldn't I be?" She said acting as if nothing happened.

"It's just..." Eunwoo trailed off with concern in his voice.

"I'm fine. I don't want to dwell in the past so let's move on." She smiled and they reached her apartment. "Thanks for walking me home, and just...Thanks."

She got closer to him and gave him a slight peck on his cheek. His eyes wide and his cheeks flushed.

"Bye." She said as she walked up to the door and walked in.

He stood. In his own world, processing what had just happened, until he smiles and starts walking home.

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