They eventually pulled into the supermarket, both getting and walking in together. Sniper had a small list of things to buy, and somehow even that was adorable to Scout.

Scout tried his hardest to act like he was on a date, which seemed bizarre when you put more than 2 seconds of thought into it, but he tried not to do that. He held the door open and pushed his cart for him.

It wasn't as weird as he thought it would be, but it was still strange. It was unnatural for Scout to do such mundane things as grocery shopping when he killed people on the daily. And it was even weirder to see a coworker, who also killed people on the regular, do it as well. But Scout tried not to think about it as he got lost in thought again.

The store was fairly busy, and that seemed to affect Sniper. He was grabbing things quiet frantically and avoiding aisles that were crowded with people. It made Scout feel bad to see him so anxious.

Sniper stared down a crowded aisle. Scout picked up, "What do ya need?" He asked.

Sniper stared at him in shock. "I, um, bread, I need bread," he said. Scout nodded, giving him finger guns to lighten the mood.

It worked, Sniper broke out into a laugh and Scout grinned. He walked down the aisle, slipping between people and grabbing the bread for Sniper.

"Thanks, mate," Sniper said.

Scout nodded, "No prob,"

Everything after that went fine until Sniper was finished and was heading towards to check out. Scout picked up on it instantly. "Hey, Snipes, I'll get the stuff, go wait in your van," He offered.

"Oh, you don't have to do that," Sniper said. He stuffed his hands in his pockets to stop his shaking.

"I got it," Scout insisted.

Sniper smiled. "Thank you, I'll be in the car," He said, walking out.

Scout got in line, setting his items on the conveyor belt thingy. The lady rang his items up and he quickly paid for it and got the groceries back into the cart, before walking out to Sniper.

Scout put the groceries in the back and sat beside Sniper. "All ready," He said.

"Alright," Sniper murmured, pulling away. There were a few moments of silence as they pulled away from the heavy town traffic. They were the only ones on the road when Sniper spoke up again, "Thanks for that, mate. Not just the checking out but everything, I always get anxious and stuff," Sniper rambled.

Scout grinned. "Guess you've been hanging around me too much, you're picking up my rambling. It's totally cool, Snipes,"

Sniper smiled, glancing over at Scout before fixing his eyes back on the road. The rest of the ride home was quiet, the radio being the only thing to break the silence.


Engineer came knocking on Scouts door then next morning. He frantically ran to the door, opening it. "Hey, Engie, what's up?" Scout asked.

Engineers face lit up, "Miss Pauling is here today," He said.

Scout, surprisingly, felt nothing. On the other hand, that terrified him, knowing he was really over it. "Why's that?" He asked.

Pyro jumped in. "We're going to the beach!" He said, words muffled by the gas mask.

Scout raised an eyebrow at Engie, show simply shrugged. "She wants everybody down in the base in ten minutes, can you go swing by and get Sniper?" Engineer asked.

Scout nodded, "Yeah, i'm on it," He said.

Everyone gathered in the meeting room with varying levels of excitement and confusion. On one end, Pyro had never looked happier, and on the other end, Spy looked downright disgusted.

"Alright, is sure everyone's very...confused as to why we're going to the beach. But, the Administration wants someone...knocked off and that's where they spend a lot of time. I may need backup, depending on how difficult the situation is, but i'm fairly sure I can handle it. So, enjoy your day off! Oh, and if anyone asks, we're just a group of friends hanging out!" She said frantically, still sorting through some papers.

Pyro clapped his hands, running go grab some things while everyone shuffled out of the room, grabbing their things as well. Somehow, everyone fit inside a minivan Miss Pauling was driving. And so, they headed off to the beach.

A/N: me: let's write something good
Brain: they go grocery shopping
Me: .....
Brain: and then they go to the beach
Me: fuckin genius
it's so dumb jfc this fic is a mess lmao
Thanks for reading this trash lmaooooooo

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