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{Lower case intended}

this chapter will be in third person.


it's been a week since Jongdae found out Minseok was a little. everything was good for the little bit one bad part was that his daddy always had to leave to go him and the little was left at home all by himself.

Jongdae knew Minseok had a spare room in his house so Jongdae decided to pack his things and move in with the little.

that made Minseok happy and soft on the inside. there was still one problem. their friends didn't know about minseoks thing. and jongdae knows everyone visits xiumin.

Jongdae was in the kitchen making dinner for the little who was sitting in the dining room drinking apple juice out of his sippy cup.

out of no where the door bursts open to see the rest of exo. "Minseok, jongdae what-" baekhyun came to a halt and everyone's eyes were on the eldest. Minseok.

Minseok had the same reaction for jongdae when jongdae found out. but worse. luckily Jong daw was done cooking and the food was on a plate on the counter because Minseok dropped his sippy cup and started to burst into tears. Jongdae rushed to the crying little and picked him up, holding him, xiumins legs wrapped around jongdae's waist. "shh it's ok little Prince you're ok." Jongdae was slowly pacing around as well as slightly bouncing to calm down the little who was crying. Jongdae grabbed minseoks paci and put it in the little mouth. Minseok calmed down and stopped crying. Jongdae set Minseok in the floor and gave the little his stuffed dinosaur and his apple juice.

"What was that...?" asked chanyeol. suho shut the door and everyone sat in the living room on the couches. "Jongdae ease explain." suho calmly said.
Jongdae nodded.
Jongdae explained everything but as they were talking Minseok was sleeping on the floor unconsciously. "I think someone is tired.. " yixing says softly. everyone looks to the sleeping Minseok on the floor. "I didn't realize how cute our Minnie is..." Kai practically squeals. Kyungsoo hitting him at the back of the head. Kyungsoo gets up and picks the surprisingly very light boy and taking him to his room.
Nobody has been in his room besides Jongdae. when Kyungsoo saw his room he had to contain himself because it was just to cute.
kyungsoo tucks him in and slowly walks out, gently shutting the door and sitting back with the others.

"Minseok is very light. almost like a legit baby. " suho suddenly had a look of concern on his face. "he needs to eat. have you even been feeding him Jongdae?" suho scolds. "I feed him he just doesn't eat it all."

"His room is so cute. it looks like a little girls room" kyungsoo starts fanboying. something nobody has seen kyungsoo do. and now they guessed Minseok was now kyungsoo' s weakness. well, let's just say Minseok was a weakness for all of them.

the guys left.
now it's just Jongdae and his little.
Jongdae decided to take some time to himself and watch some tv.
after a while Minseok came out of his room with his dinosaur in hand. "where is kyungie?" Jongdae turned around to see a sleepy Minseok rubbing his eye. "he went home baby. come here." Minseok sleepily walks over to Jongdae and cuddles against him.

"I 'ant 'yungie" Minseok whines for kyungsoo. "baby, you will see him and the others tomorrow. we're going for a meeting about our comeback in the studio." minseok squeals with
excitement. "dinner?" Minseok nods and the two eat their dinner.

Minseok got messy. Jongdae knew that because Minseok was in little space that Minseok is a kid now and can't bathe himself. this will be first time he will see Minseok naked.
Jongdae had to admit that he secretly lived Minseok with all his heart and never stopped.

"Minnie want a bath?" Minseok runs to bathroom. 'i guess that's a yes' Jongdae thought. Jongdae shuts the door. Minseok lifts up his arms. Jongdae takes off minseoks shirt. Jongdae blushes. Minseok take a off his undies and socks and now the boy is completely naked. Jongdae starts the bath and it soon becomes filled. the little gets in and jongdae starts cleaning.

when that is done, jongdae wraps Minseok in a towel and carries gun to his room. he tried minseok off and takes a lavender baby body lotion. he rubs a little all over minseoks hairless, feminine, skinny body. Jongdae is blushing. he doesn't have any hair on his body. like at all. Jongdae is kinda jealous.
when that is done Jongdae puts Minseok in pastel blue undies eith white stars on them and then into his onesie.

Jongdae holds Minseok as he gets a bottle ready and gives it to Minseok and tucks him in. he also gives Minseok his dinosaur, Wiggles.

Jongdae lays with the little for a while, playing with minseoks hair to help him fall asleep. eventually Minseok is in a deep sleep.
Jongdae quietly leaves the room and gets himself some sleep too.


Little Prince♡ || K.MS x K.JD||Completed Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora