Waiting Ch. 10

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"Oh, was that today?" He asked, not to subtly.

"Yes," I answered, "And you knew it was today too."

"I did?" He asked, still not looking at me.

"Mason, would you turn around," I sighed.

"Listen Taylor, I need to get this stuff done," He started.

"Mason," I said through gritted teeth, "You didn't come to my family's funeral, you can at least tell me why to my face."

A few seconds passed before Mason slowly turned around, with his hands stuffed into his pockets. I sucked in a sharp breath when I saw his face. His right eye was puffy and black, his lip had dried blood on it, and the side of his head had about four stitches. "Oh my God, what happened?" I whispered, walking towards him slowly.

"You look pretty," He told me, "I like that dress."

"Mason," I snapped, "What happened?"

"Apparently I was home to late last night," He shrugged, turning to the side to put some cartons in the nearby freezer.

Realization set in, and I gasped, "Not because of me though, right?" When Mason didn't answer, I felt like crying. I didn't think we were out that late. Right?

I didn't know what I was supposed to say. I choked on a sob, and looked away. "Hey, hey," Mason whispered, putting his hand under my chin, and tilting it up to look at him, "It's not your fault. Plus, it wasn't that bad."

"Wasn't that bad?" I snapped, "Mason you have four stitches in the side of your head."

"Three," He corrected, "And the glass was taken out right away." I could feel my eyes bug out, and Mason gave me a small smile, "Whoops."

"Mason," I started.

Mason walked out from the back, and towards the counter. "You need to stop worrying about me," He growled, and then he looked at Lexie with a smile, "Hello Miss Lexie. You look so pretty in your dress."

"Thanks Mason," She smiled, "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine," He answered, "Just a few cuts and bruises."

"Oh, well we missed you at the funeral," She whispered.

"I know. I had to work here," He said, "Boring right?"

She laughed, and pushed some hair behind her ear. She bit down on her little lip, and waited for someone to say something. "Taylor, maybe you should take Lexie home," Mason whispered, "I'll see you tomorrow."

I narrowed my eyes at him, even though he couldn't see, and then stormed towards Lexie. "Fine," I growled, "I get it when I'm not wanted."

"Taylor," He sighed.

"No, Mason, I get it," I snapped, standing Lexie up.

"Come on Taylor," He tried to reason.

I spun around, and glared at him. "This is what I get for trying to be nice. I tried to be nice, and invited you to things, and try to make sure you're alright, because I feel horrible about what happened to you. You don't have to lie to me about things. Just tell me to go Mason, just tell me to go."

"No, Taylor, stop," Lexie whispered, tugging on my dress, "This isn't how it should go."

"Go ahead," I yelled, ignoring Lexie, "Tell me to leave and I'll leave."

"But I don't want you to leave," He whispered.

"Liar," I snapped.

"Fine," He growled. "Go Taylor, GO!"

"I'm leaving," I shouted.

"No Taylor," Lexie cried. I jerked her arm, and stormed out of the ice cream parlor. How dare he, I thought we were getting along, and I thought he even might have liked me, but he had an odd way of showing it. I never wanted to see his face again. I was going to quit my job, and Nikolas would be happy knowing I was as far away from Mason as I possibly could be.

Lexie and I were walking home, with Lexie in tears. "That's not how things were supposed to go," She cried.

"Well it's not like we're in some fairy tale," I growled, "Things out here don't always go by the book." Lexie cried into my wrist, trying to drag me back.

That's when I heard the door open in the ice cream parlor. I gritted my teeth, and closed my eyes. "What now," I grumbled. When I turned around, he was standing right in front of me, gasping for breath.

"I'm sorry," He whispered, and then grabbed me by the back of my neck, and pressed his lips against mine. I was shocked at first, and unresponsive, but then realized who I was kissing, and kissed him back.

Lexie let go of my hand, and I put it on Mason's arm. When we broke apart, he put his forehead on mine, looking into my eyes. "You look really pretty in that dress," He whispered, and then kissed me again gently. I jumped a little because my nose hurt a little. "Sorry," He muttered pulling away, "I forgot for a minute."

"It's alright," I mumbled.

"I really am sorry I couldn't make the funeral," He told me. He turned back around, and walked back to the parlor.

"I knew it," Lexie cheered silently.

"Come on Lex," I whispered, now that I was in a better mood, "Let's go home."

isn't mason a cutie?? hahaha if not please tell me!!!

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