"Just fuckin' do it, and do it now!" Ezra ordered.

'Alright...' Ezra waited, listening as the driver shuffled around in his seat. 'I see...clouds,' he finally said, pausing for a clue at what he should be looking for, Ezra remained silent. 'I see high buildings with lots of windows, and...what's that...' something had caught his eye.

"What is it Will?"

'I...I don't know Ez', looks like some sort of...flying men in...in green armour. I haven't seen anything like--'

"Will!" Ezra interrupted. "Get your ass in here immediately, leave the van where it is."

'Are you serious? We'll have a better chance of escape with some wheels.'

"Just do it!" Ezra looked over at Logan, releasing his tight grip on the radio-mic. "Do you have a way out of here?"

Logan looked at Blythe, then Raygar. Both were stood quietly in the doorway. "Yeah...we can get out through the sewers, to the other side of the street...at least." He scratched the back of his head with a wrap of his knuckles. "But after that...I'm not so sure."

'Ezra, I'm inside,' Willard said into Ezra's earpiece. 'I don't think the bird-men saw me."

"Follow the corridor all the way along, Will," he replied, eyeing Rhea. "Rhea will meet you there." Rhea understood the look he gave her, and returned an acknowledgement nod before carrying out her order. She stopped briefly at the door, and turned around.

"Ezra," she said, tapping her watch. "Six minutes, okay." She darted from the room.

"So..." Ezra strode over to Logan, gesturing at Blythe and Raygar, "...they cool?"

"Yeah, they're cool." he replied.

Ezra bounded over to them like a great monster about to grab his lunch, shoulders swaying in rhythm to the clump of his heavy boots. "Get us out of here, and I'll make it worth your while."

Blythe had to tilt her head back to an uncomfortable position to see the huge Landana's face, as he stood in front of her. Raygar gave her a gentle nudge, to stop her from staring. "Y...yes, of course, yes. We'll do what we can, sir. It's really good to meet you, my name is--"

"Listen, pretty little lady," Ezra cut in with a deep growl, ignoring the delicate hand on offer. "Save your introductions for later, okay." He set his stone stare on her brother, who returned the scowl. Ezra gave him a playful wink and returned to Logan. "What happened to you then, you bail on us?"

"No, of course not." he replied. The flow of blood from his burst lip had ceased. "A Marshal took me from the slums," he paused, shaking his head at the deceit, deciding to keep the explanation brief. "He took me to a guardhouse. Blythe and her brother helped me escape. Raygar drove me all the way here so I could warn you. They're planning to exterminate you all, when you leave the building. Half the fucking army are outside."

Ezra glanced over at Blythe, giving Raygar a quick glance. "Your brother, eh? He looks more like mine."

"Not biological--"

"You don't say." he interrupted, as Oscar and Symon walked through the door, followed closely by Rhea and Willard.

"Let's get out of here, Ezra." Logan said.

"Maybe you should leave by the front door," jeered Oscar, "all your friends are waiting."

"Oz'," Ezra scowled. "Save that for later." Oscar nodded at his warning, as Ezra turned his attention to Logan and his friends, gesturing to the doorway. "Lead the way, and be quick."

Blood of the Ancient - The Helix Rebellion saga #1Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang