i dodged his lips and pushed through him, stepping inside his place. "we really need to talk, is anyone else home?" i kicked off my shoes and set my keys on a side table.

he looked at me with a confused face, closing the door behind him. "yeah franny's here, we can go up to my room." i nodded and walked up to his room with him following behind. he closed the door after i sat down on his bed. "is everything ok?" he sat down next to me, crossing one leg.

"don't play fucking dumb with me, i'm really not in the mood." i turned to face him, letting out a breath. "how could you cheat on me with my bestfriend?" i screamed a little losing my hope in kian. "i put so much trust in you. i have never let myself care for someone as much as i care for you and you walked all over me. out of all people you could of done it with. you choose allanii. do you know how fucking dumb that makes me look? i was so blind and both of you guys made me feel like a fool. i wish i could say that i wish i never spent so much of my time caring about you, but i can't. i just wish i never wasted my time trying to make you love me." i bit the inside of my cheek, trying to make myself not cry. i didn't want kian to know he fully had that affect over me.

"babe, it's not what it looks like." kian tried to explain himself, attempting to pull me into a hug.

i cut him off and pushed him off of me. "don't call me babe." i said sternly.

"ok, i'm sorry." he put his hands up in defense and continued to defend himself. "i was dumb for doing anything with allanii. i don't know why i messed up something so perfect with you for her. i was just caught up in the moment and we were in new york. i didn't expect for any of this to happen. the last thing i want to do is hurt you, but i think i've failed at that. allanii is just some stupid girl who i should of never got involved with. i don't want to throw away everything we've had for these couple months, how can i make it better?" kian sighed, looking straight into my eyes. "please, give me another chance. i promise this won't happen again." he begged, softly placing his hands on my thighs.

"kian, i just can't. you're the first guy i actually liked enough to date and you walked all over me. this is something that i can't forgive you for. no matter how hard you try to fix it, i'll always remember it. you picked the one girl who i trust with everything in me too, do you know how shitty it is for both of the people i love go behind my back? i just can't." i put my hands over his, squeezing them before moving them off of me.

"how can i save us? how can i fix this mess?" kian bit his upper lip, giving me hopeful eyes.

"kian, i'm sorry, but we're done." i gave him a weak smile and stood up, walking to the door.

before i could walk out of his room, kian looked over at me with glossy eyes. "i'm sorry brinley."

i spoke quietly, looking down at the ground. "i wish that was enough to fix this. goodbye kian." i walked out of his room and ran out of the house, grabbing my stuff. i sat in my car, letting the tears that i was holding in flow. i stayed in his driveway for awhile before i cleaned myself up and drove back to my place. round two is going to be a little more interesting. i parked in the garage and stormed inside, slamming the door behind me. i walked into allanii's room and started to yell. "how could you allanii?"

"i'm sorry brinley i wasn't thinking." allanii sat up quickly and looked over at me from across the room.

"no shit you weren't thinking." i walked in closer to her, throwing my shoes on the ground. "you're supposed to be my best friend, the person who fights the boy who breaks my heart not helps him break my heart!" i threw my hands up in the air. "you were the one who said we weren't the type of friends to call dibs but didn't know that implied that you were just gonna share my boyfriends instead!"

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