Dead Girl Walking

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"I don't know, I think it's gonna be meaner this time," Rikki said as she opened the fridge and took out a pudding cup.
Emma, who followed her friend into the kitchen, stopped and crossed her arms over her chest. "What makes you think that?"
"Tomorrow night is not just any full moon, it's a super moon. Who knows what it can do to our powers." Rikki replied.
"As long as Cleo won't turn into a siren again, I think we'll be fine." Emma joked, and they both laughed.
"Can you take this conversation somewhere else? I'm trying to study here!" Cleo's voice was heard from the living room. "It's a SAT exam! This is the most important test I'll ever take in my life! I need peace and quiet to memorize all of these stuff!" She said nervously and pushed her glasses up her nose.
"You're just stressed, relax." Emma said.
"No I'm not! I'm just a bit nervous."
"I still think you shouldn't go to med school!" Rikki said from the kitchen, waving her spoon around.
"Why the hell would you tell me this now?!" Cleo said in anger.
"I thought we're sharing our opinions here," Rikki said casually.
"Yeah, but it's all about timing Rikki, and now is not a good time!" Cleo bursted. "Telling me all of your worries two weeks before I have to test the biggest test of my life, is not helping me relax! And I need to be relaxed to study, and I need to study if I wanna get into med school!" She said in anger.
"Girl, relax, it's just a test," Rikki said, in a more serious tone now.
"Cleo, maybe you need to re-think this, Rikki has a point." Emma pointed out.
"Of course I have a point, a mermaid can't be a surgeon. That just won't work out together! What are you gonna do if you get wet in the middle of an OR? Or while treating some poor kid who's gonna get the shock of their life when you get a little wet? This is too risky, you shouldn't do it."
Cleo gathered up her books and got off the couch. "I'm gonna go study in my room, and I'm gonna talk to Lewis, who has a little more faith in me than you guys!" Cleo said and hurried walking up the stairs.
"Lewis is not a mermaid, Cleo! Never was and never will be." Rikki said right before the sound of Cleo's door being slammed echoed the small house.
"What was that all about?" Bella said, walking out of her own room.
"It was just a little argument," Emma said.
"She'll get over it." Rikki added.
Bella sighed. "I can't deal with these negative vibes, I'm heading for a swim. Wanna come?"
"Can't. We're both off to the café in less than an hour." Emma said.
"Suit yourself." Bella said and headed to the main door.
"Hey, Bella," Rikki called. "Be careful, tomorrow a full moon, and I can already feel it kicking in."
Bella flashed a little smile at her friends and closed the door behind her.


As Bella was swimming towards Mako Island, she couldn't but sink into her thoughts. She thought about how things have changed recently. About how the atmosphere between the girls was so tensed, how Nash disappeared and returned as if nothing ever happened. She thought of life after high school, and how they're gonna move on from here. They can't be at the same place forever, they have to move on, to evolve. She just hopped it wouldn't push them apart.

As Bella was deep in her own thoughts, she noticed a small gleam in the bottom of the ocean bellow her. She was swimming above a deep trench, one she had never noticed before. As she looked down from different angles, she saw that sparkling gleam flashing again and again, and curiosity took over her. She moved her body and swan down into the dark trench, slowly revealing more and more of what's underneath her.
As her eyes got used to the deep see darkness, she realized what she was looking at: it was a stone circle, made of shiny, mirroring stones, similar to an underwater stonehenge, she thought. And in the center of the circles, there was a flat stone, with a curving of symbol, a one she recognized as a five fold knot, from Ireland.
Bella playfully looked around the mirroring rocks, checked her glossy reflection, and tried to find any clues to where the structure came from. It was clearly man made, she thought, but why would be anyone build something like that in the middle of the ocean?
She swam even lower, and looked at the cravings in the center. She reached with her hand and touched the craved stone, when something magical happened.
A bright of light was flashed into her eyes, and a clear vision was formed in front of her, just like it happened with the meteor over a year ago. Bella watched the vision motionlessly, as all it showed was a long fork shaped object, with a huge blue crystal in the center of it, floating underwater. After a few seconds the vision faded away, and Bella was left to wonder about what she had just witnessed. But unfortunately for her, she didn't have much time to do so before she felt a strong force wrapped around her body, and before she noticed, she blacked out.

Bella didn't really knew how long she was out, but when she finally reopened her eyes, she was and the moon pool, being held in place by a fearsome water tentacle. Bella tried untangling from its tight grasp, but quickly realized she was trapped.
Bella looked up, to see an older woman standing on the rocky edge of the pool, her hand goes out towards the pool, holding Bella in place with her powers.
"What are you doing?" Bella asked in weakness.
"What's necessary." The woman replied, and tightened the grip of the tentacle a little more. "I'm still surprised none of you seems to get that. You're all mermaids, like me, and yet you choose to believe we still belong in peace with mermen. The shadow versions of us. The enemy." She said.
"Stop," Bella begged.
"I wish I could, but you don't know mermen like I do. It's a necessary evil." She said and tightened up the grip even more.
A tear ran down Bella's cheek, as the pressure from the tentacle got stronger and more painful. "Please, stop..."
"But you're not the enemy, Bella. You're just a girl who knows too much." The older woman said. "And if you ever mention this, or what you just saw, to anyone, I will kill you with my own bare hands! Do you get this!?" She shouted.
Bella nodded, and the woman kept going. "And remember, someone's watching watching you." She said and let her go.
Bella took a deep breath, tying to regain calmness, but when she looked back up, the woman disappeared as if she was never there. In confusion and panic, Bella just hurried to dive back under and swim as fast as she could back to mainland.


As Will promised, they made their way to the Blue&Pink club. And by them, I mean Will, Bella, Evelyn,  and Bridgit, that, if you forgot, was pretending to be Nash for Aurora's plan. But we're not there yet.

Bella was still shaken from what happened earlier that day, and that caught her boyfriend's attention. "Are you alright?" Will asked, as the entered the club.
Bella stared into the dance floor for a moment, and then turned to the blonde boy. "Why wouldn't I be?"
"You seem a bit off," He said.
She took a deep breath and shook her head, "I'm fine."
Will shrugged and walked deeper into the club, where 'Nash' and Evelyn were already sitting by the bar. Bella but her lower lip in worry, but she breathed one more time and followed her boyfriend.
To say the truth, Bella was worried by a lot of things at the moment. Whatever happened to her earlier that day wasn't quite clear to her, but she was smart enough to know it means trouble, and that it's only gonna get worse. But most importantly, she was worried about her friends. She didn't want anyone to get hurt, while she knew what was going to happen. She wanted to tell them everything, she hated keeping secrets from them, but she remembered what the woman said. Someone's always watching her. And at that moment, she made a decision to figure out who.

It's been less than two hours into the night, and Bella tried focusing on having fun, or at least make it seem like she was, while she couldn't stop running in her bead the scene from earlier at the moon pool. And slowly, as her way of trying to focus on something else, anything, her attention slowly moves to Nash and Evelyn. Then she noticed how strange they were acting. She knew Nash for a while now, and he was the ladies' man. He wasn't quite the romantic type, but he definitely knew how to benefit from an intimate situation, as in a date. Although, before her eyes was a different guy, more closed, shyer, and definitely not her friend. Evelyn was laughing, and seemed to have the time of her life, but he was definitely stressing out about something, and when Evelyn git up to go to the bathroom, Bella jumped on the opportunity and headed towards her friend.
"I'm going to get a drink," She said in Will's ear, and them left him on the dance floor.

She jumped on Evelyn's seat and turned to Nash. "How's the night going so far?"
"Great. Yeah, totally fine." Nash replied, which again, was Bridgit, who was really starting to hate living as a teenage boy.
"There's a full moon tomorrow, a big one. Are you staying with us?" She asked.
"Ah, no, I prefer staying on my own this time."
"Are you sure?" She asked, and he nodded.
"You've been acting strange in the past few weeks, you're not really yourself anymore." Bella said, and with that Bridgit's heart started beating fast. "Where's my friend?"
"He's long gone, trust me." Bridgit said, with some wave of confidence that swoop her off her feet. Or should I say, Nash's feet.
"What? What's going on here?"
"Listen kid, you don't wanna mess with me. You'll never get my secret, so fuck off." She said.
Bella had a lot to say, and even more questions to ask, but before she could Evelyn jumped in and grabbed her boyfriend's arm. "Let's go dancing!" She said in excitement and pulled Bridgit away.
That's when Will walked up to Bella. "What's taking you so long?" He asked. "Is everything right?"
"No." She said, staring at her so-called friend heading to the dance floor, giving her back a striking death stare. "Something's not right."

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