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Rikki swam into the moon pool with a troubled look on her face. To her disappointment, Emma's and Cleo's faces gave the same, hopeless look.
"Found anything?" Rikki said, pushing her way between both of her friends who were docking on the edge of the stone.
"Nada," Cleo said slowly.
Emma shook her head. "Me neither."
"How hard could it be to find one stupid shell?" Cleo sighed. "Let's hope Bella had better luck than us."
And to Bella's surprise, she did. She swam the fastest she could and quickly swam into the moon pool, raising her hand above the water, holding the conch. "I got it!" She called as she rose above the water.
"Where did you find that?" Emma asked in excitement.
"It was east to the island, hidden in a coral reef. Good thing I have a sharp eye for sparkling things." She smiled.
"That's perfect! Everything's going as planned." Rikki announced. She looked up to the sky from the volcano's mouth. "We should get going, it's getting late." She said to the sight of the darkening skies.


"Hope you like your new home, cause you won't be leaving this place anytime soon." Aurora said as she chained Nash's hands together. He was locked inside of an old tower, built on the edge of the lake. It wasn't in its best shape, but was still strong enough to keep someone inside. Nash's hand were chained together in two heavy metal chains, that were screwed into the wall of the building.
The mermaid finished chaining her prisoner and stepped back to second check everything. "No way out, sweetie." She said. Next to her stood her henchwoman, which was none other than Bridgit. The same Bridgit that was getting close to Emma not too long ago, though there was no way Nash could've known that, and neither did Aurora. But the point is, Bridgit wasn't nice.


Back at the Rikki's café, the party was going great: the music, the food, the drinks. Everything went according to Zane's plan. He tried to make sure tonight would be the best night in Rikki's life, in hopes she might see how he feels about her. But Zane didn't know that Rikki had her own plan tonight, which was why she looked so worried.
"Why are you so nervous? Loosen up." Zane said and rubbed her shoulders from behind.
"I'm not," Rikki said, and placed her drink on the table.
"You've been staring at the door for the last fifteen minutes."
"I'm just... Busy with my own thoughts." She said and untangled from his touch.
"Anything in particular?" He said and sat by her.
"Zane, stop," She said and turned to him. "I'm not into you... I'm not there yet."
"I can wait." He said with a grin on his face. "As long as you know I'm the one for you." He took her hands in his, and she rolled her eyes, knowing exactly where it leads. "Rikki, we've been through so much, we broke up and got back, just because we can't stay away from each other." He smiled at her.
"Well this time it's not like this anymore." She said and pulled her hands out of his.
Before Zane could reply Nash walked in though the beaded doorway and caught both of theirs' attention. Rikki smiled widely and ran up to Nash with ease in her heart.
"I'm so gald you came. I was so nervous that you wouldn't make it." She said.
"Are you kidding me? Wouldn't miss it for any cost." He said, and she wrapped her hand around him.
He hugged her back, and for a second it felt to Rikki that all the memories were flooding back up and she could feel some old feelings waking up.
Rikki broke the hug, and cleared her throat in a moment of embarrassment. "We found the conch you were talking about, it's in my office." She said. "Wanna see it?"
"Dying to," He said, and she grabbed his hand and pulled him. On the way she marked the girls to follow them.

They five close the office door behind them for some privacy, and Cleo took the conch off the shelf it was sitting on.
"So the conch actually only grants the wishes of the one who found it, but we actually found out you can wish to hand over the conch to someone else, making he or she the wish maker." Rikki explained as Cleo handed the conch to Bella.
Bella looked at Nash, and said out loud and clear: "I wish to hand the conch and its powers to Nash McLaren."
The conch started glowing lightly for a few seconds, before settling back. She handed the conch to Nash.
Nash took the conch in his hand, and started at it while he was making up his words. Then, he announced his wish too. "I wish to break the spell the evil mermaid placed on me."
After a few seconds of awkward silence Cleo finally spoke up to what everyone else were thinking. "Why it didn't glow this time?"
"Maybe it didn't work." Rikki said.
"Maybe it only does that the first time you make a wish," Emma suggested.
Nash jumped in. "Yeah, that's probably it."
"We could always test it," Cleo pointed out.
"Right now? In the middle of a party? Too dangerous." Rikki crossed her hand over her chest. "We better get out there before Zane'll throw me a Christmas party as well." She said and walked out of her office, followed by the other. Yet Nash remained standing there, staring at her desk.
"You coming?" Rikki asked when the room was clear.
"Yeah, I-"
Rikki cut him off. "You know, I'm really glad you're safe and everything's okay now, I was really worried about you."
She looked in his eyes, trying to find the slightest emotion in them, but failed, seeing his heart was quite troubled by something else.
"Is everything okay?" She asked, placing her hand on his arm.
"I'm fine, I just need some fresh air." He said and walked past her back to the party and eventually out if the café.

Nash walked down the dock, closer to the edge of the water. It was the same spot Zane jumped to find Rikki's necklace three years ago. She told him about it once. Nash walked to the edge of the docks and leaned down, closer to the water. Within two seconds a head rose up from the water.
And it was none other than Aurora.
"How's our plan's going on?" She asked from under the elevated path.
Nash smiled in satisfaction. "Everything is going exactly as planned."
Here is where I should probably explain. You recall when we left Nash he was locked down in a prison of some sort. And he still his. Because our friend here on the dock isn't Nash at all - it was Bridgit, with a spell placed on her by Aurora. It was all a part of Aurora's plan, but I'm getting ahead of myself.
"It's time to move on to part two," Aurora said from the water. "Make sure you remember to-"
A voice from behind cut her off. "Nash!" It was Cleo.
Nash, or shall I say Bridgit, turned to Cleo. He cleared his throat and said, "What? What is it Cleo?"
"I was sent to call you in. It's about to rain shortly." She said.
In a glimpse towards the water he noticed Aurora disappeared. Nash smiled and started following her back in.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Hi guys! I appreciate you take the time to read my stories. It's so incredible and I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I'd like to take a few seconds to point your attention to the singer Kesha. As you may know, she was publicly fighting for justice after being abused, sexually assaulted and raped by her producer known as Dr. Luke. She wasn't able to make any music for the last five years and now she is finally putting out a new album. She's been fighting so much and so hard, and she deserves this promo. Give her new song "Praying" a listen and please check out the album "Rainbow" on August 11. Other than that, I hope y'all all had a wonder day and if not, there's always tomorrow. <3

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