We're Scared to Be Lonely

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Rikki was twiddling her thumbs in stress. She wasn't ready to see Nash tonight, especially after all that happened last night in the café. But it was Halloween, and there is no party without a band. And also, he is her friend and such.
"Here take this," Bella said and placed a glass of alcohol in her hand. "That'll ease your mind."
"Why'd you have to do that last night? Now I don't know how to even look at him." Rikki said, and stretched down her Wonder Woman costume, as it was showing too much.
"I thought you said you two have no feelings for each other," Bella said and took a sip.
Rikki put the glass away. "I don't-we don't, but I was thinking: what if he does have any, and he was too embarrassed to say anything? And after last night we'd ruin the lust-free friendship between us?"
"Well like it or not, he's coming tonight. We need a guitar player." Bella said.
"I'd love to see you performing like that," Rikki said and smiled, mocking Bella's snow woman costume.
"You're just jealous that you don't have matching costumes with your 'boyfriend'." Bella said, looking at Will in his snowman costume talking to Cleo near the food table, who was dressed as Alice of Wonderland, and Emma, who was dressed like a witch. Yes, with the green face and everything.

That was when Nash walked in the café. He was dressed as a gladiator, and wrapped his arm around Evelyn, who was dressed as a pink leopard-ish cat. "How you doing, guys?" He said and walked towards Rikki and Bella.
"We're great." Rikki said. "And you must be..."
"Oh right, of course." Nash said. "Evelyn, these are Rikki and Bella. Guys, this is Evelyn." He said proudly.
"So nice to meet you, I've heard so much about you!" Evelyn said and shook their hands, as Rikki gave her a fishy look. "I'm sorry I can't stay long, I promised my brother I'll take him trick-or-treating tonight."
"Oh, and you have to meet Cleo and Emma!" Nash said and pulled Evelyn's hand towards the others. "See you guys later. Awesome party, Rik." He said.

The two girls fake-waved goodbye to the couple until the stopped looking.
"She's nice," Bella said.
"I can't stand her." Rikki cut her off boldly.
Bella laughed. "Why?"
"She's annoying. And she's so tiny. And who wears a ponytail that high?"
Bella laughed again. "You're just being protective. Let's go dancing." She said and pulled her hand.


Nash kissed Evelyn goodbye right before they went on stage.
"We'd like to thank anyone who came tonight," Bella said over the microphone. "This is a new song, hope you'd like it." She said and the band started playing.
"Let go of my soul," she sang. "Let me up so I can breathe. Gotta find some kind of cover from this hold you have on me..."
Rikki's stood in the dancing crowd, her eyes are glued to Nash.
"...I'm gonna get right over you, yeah..."
She thought of all the things she is gonna say to him, formed it into sentences and made sure everything sounds right.
"...or I'm gonna die trying..."
She stared at him the whole time, a serious look on her face. And then, he noticed her. He stared right back. And for a about minute their eyes were glued to each other, as if they were both wanting to say something. Rikki didn't know what to do. She panicked. They say that in a moment of panic, you either fight, freeze or flee. And she chose the latter. She turned on her feet and escaped to her to the comfort of her office.
"Under a champagne skies..." Bella sang and with that finished the song. "Go to her," She whispered in Nash's ear.
He looked at her in hopelessness, and she just gave him a push and he jumped off stage and followed her.

He carefully opened the door to her office, to find her sitting on the small couch, with her head in her hands.
"Are you okay?" He asked quietly and sat next to her.
"I'm fine." She said.
"It's about last night, isn't it?" He said. "You need to know I love her Rikki, so if you thought anything could happe-"
"What? Who said I even liked you?" She said, wiping off her tears.
"So we're good?" He said.
"We're good." She replied and raised her head. And then, in a moment of silence, their eyes met again. He got lost in her sparkling blue eyes, and she stared deep into his green ones. And before they could say anything or understand what's going on, their lips met in a moment of unleashed passion.
He placed his right hand on the side of he face, while her hands laid behind his neck. Slowly his left hand slid under her shirt, and her hand traced over his bare chest and abs. They were both so into it and lost in the moment, but then, he pulled away.
"What? What's wrong?" Rikki said, breathing heavily.
"I-I-... I'm not sure about this..." He said, panting too. "I can't do this to Evelyn."
"Oh c'mon Nash, you deserve better! She doesn't deserves a guy like you," Rikki said, placing his hand on his face.
"What kind of guy I am?" He smiled to her touch.
"You're handsome... And you have a great body..." She said tracing his chest. "And..."
"And?" He said, hoping for more. "Is beauty all that matters to you?"
"Um..." Rikki's heart was racing, and she couldn't get around her thoughts. "I don't know, what else is there?" She said in a moment of fuzziness.
"This was a mistake." He said and stood up.
"What? Nash, no! Wait!" She called but it was too late, he already walked out.
He crossed the café in a hurry, heading to the door. Will noticed him and followed him out as he took off.


"What was that?" Emma asked as Rikki walked out of her office.
"Something... Happened." She said, and walked behind the bar.
"You two kissed?!" Emma asked in excitement, gathering Cleo and Bella around them.
"I really hurt him, guys." Rikki said and went on to tell the girls what happened.
"What else is there?!" Bella said in anger.
Rikki covered her face. "I know, I know, I panicked. I didn't mean it to sound like this."
"If Lewis would've said something like that to me, I would be really hurt!" Cleo added.
"You need to go and apologize to him." Emma said.
Rikki took a deep breath. "Ugh, I need a drink." She said and grabbed a bottle, and poured three glasses, and served each to every girl.
"Oh no thanks, I don't like apple cider." Cleo said and pushed the glass away.
The three looked at her funny. "That's tequila, sweetie," Rikki said. She then poured another glass for herself. "I'm going to my office."


"I can't believe she said that," Will shook his head. "That's not the Rikki I know."
"Well she did," Nash said. They were walking on a path in the grove behind the café. "Honestly, I don't want to see her ever again."
"Now don't say that."
"No, I mean it, I don't wa-" He started saying, but then there was a rustle in the bushes. He stopped in his place, and stopped Will too. "Have you heard that?"
Will nodded in agreement. "Do you too feel like someone is watching us?"
And then, as of nowhere, there was a bright light on the path ahead. So bright they had to cover their eyes.
And that was all Will remembered, since in the next moment he was unconscious and Nash was gone.


Rikki decided to listen to her friends and apologize to Nash. She knew he'd never answer a call from her, so she called Will. No answer. Weird. She thought to herself.
She decided to go after him. After all his house was pretty close, and how far could he've gone?

She walked down the path to the grove, when she saw Will laying unconscious on the ground. She ran to him, and dropped on her knees next to his body.
"Will? Will?! Are you okay?! What happened?!"
Will blinked slowly, trying to regain his eyesight. "Some... Bright light... I don't know." He mumbled.
"Where's Nash?! Is he okay?!" She said, holding on to him.
"Nash is... is... gone." He said and coughed.
"Gone? What do you mean gone!?" She said. He wasn't able say much, so she helped him sit up to ease his coughing.
In a matter of seconds she pulled her phone and called the others for help.
She looked around, and on the ground she found something: Nash's crystal bracelet. The one Will gave him before he left. She picked it up and tucked it in her pocket.
At that moment, all that Rikki could think to herself was, Where's Nash?

H2O: Just Add Water | Season 5Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora