The Middle

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It was a sunny afternoon in the café, the four girls sat by a table during Emma's break, talked about as many things as possible. Then suddenly someone unexpected showed up at the door.
"Can I join the party?" Said no other than Nash McLaren, in flesh.
"Oh my god!" Cleo jumped. "What are you doing here!?" They all got up to hug him as he walked closer.
"I got back home this morning, for good," He said and hugged the girls. "USA was too much for me."
"We missed you so much, Nashy," Emma said and messed his hair.
Bella jumped too. "It was so quiet here without you for the last six months."
"My life wasn't the same without you guys too," He smiled, his eyes met Rikki's, who couldn't help but smile. "Couldn't bare it."
"Youn got to tell us everything that happened!" Bella said and pulled him down towards the chair, but he resisted.
"Actually, I got to go tell Evelyn too, but I'll be back right after to tell you everything, I promise." He said. He then waved goodbye and walked out the door.
"This is amazing," Bella said.
Cleo waited a couple of seconds after he left before she started talking. "So do you think what I think? We should totally throw a 'Welcome Home' party!" She jumped in excitement.
"It could be cool," Emma said.
"We could get a cake, and decorations, and the band could play!" She turned to Bella. "And we could do it here! What do you think Rikki?"
Oh her spot Rikki seemed somewhat lost in her thoughts and had to be snapped back into reality.
"Rikki? Is everything alright?" Emma said.
"Yeah, yeah," Rikki refocused. "You know it's just that I should be happy for them, I should accept that he moved on and I should too." She said.
"Maybe you-" Cleo started saying, but got cut off by Rikki.
"You know what? I am happy for him. I mean, we broke up, and he moved on, and so should I. We can and we will be only friends from now on. No love, no drama, just friends." She said confidently, and smiled widely.

Bella was about to say something, but got interrupted by a guy who walked behind her.
"Where should I unpack these fruits boxes?" Said the delivery guy.
"I'll show you," Rikki stood up. "And you should get back to work," She said to Emma before leading the guy towards the cooling room.
Emma walked to her place behind the bar, followed by Cleo and Bella who stood next to it.
"Girls, we have to take this to our own hands." Said Emma. "They clearly belong together more than he belongs with that girl. They're perfect for each other, and she's just letting him go? Not on our watch."
Cleo jumped in. "But what can we do about it? It not like we can force them to date again."
"Of course we can't, we just bring them closer. Pull the strings and push them towards each other and away from Evelyn. They don't even know what's good for them, them foolish kids." Emma answered.
"I actually agree with Emma on this one," Said Bella. "She was much happier with him, and he was more in love with her than with Evelyn. Plus, anytime she is single would just give Zane another chance to get close to her and break her heart again, and we can't let that happen."
"Exactly." Emma agreed. "So we got a plan. Now we just have to get them in the same place together."
"The party!" Cleo jumped again, remembering the excitement she had from earlier.
"Great-Sshhh she's coming back." Emma said and wiped the bar.
"Well I got to get to work anyways," Cleo said.
"And I promised Will to meet him for lunch." Bella joined. "See you two later?" She said. And with that they both walked out.

Emma kept cleaning the bar when a girl approached her.
"Excuse me, can I order?" The girl said.
"Of course." Emma flashed a smile. "What would you like?"
The girl was about Emma's age, a bit older possibly. She had straight golden blonde hair, somewhat similar in color to Bella's, and beautiful green eyes, with freckles spread all over her face. "I would like a green smoothie. Make it to go." She said.
"Coming right up." Emma said and gathered all the ingredients from the cooling room. She placed them all in the blender and started making the drink.
"I never seen this place before, did you just open?" The customer asked.
"Uh, no, we opened about two and a half years ago." Emma said. "There used to be another juice store here before us, though."
"Well, then again, I don't visit here quite often too." The girl said and made Emma laugh a bit.
"Are you a tourist?" Emma asked as she poured the drink into a cup.
"Something like that," She said and handed her the money. She got a look at her name badge. "Thank you... Emma." She said and smiled.
"Be sure to come back next time you're in town!" Emma answered with energy.
"Oh, I will." The girl said and winked. She then walked out of the door and Emma returned to cleaning.


Nash knocked on Evelyn's door.
"Surprise," He said as she opened the door.
She covered her mouth in shock, right before she jumped on him, nearly pinning him to the ground.
"Oh my god! What are you doing here?!" She exclaimed.
"I landed this morning. I'm here to stay." He smiled and hugged her.
"Why?" She said, smiling but confused. "I mean, don't get this the wrong way, but why did you return?"
"I couldn't help missing home. And missing you, too." He smiled.
She grabbed his face and placed a kiss on his lips by surprise, yet he did not resist.
"There wasn't a day I didn't think of you," He said. "The school sucked, and I had no one there. I just got lost. I couldn't take it anymore, so I payed back my scholarship and got on the first plane home. Only Will and my family knew. I hope we can go back to where we ended." He grabbed her hands.
"Are you kidding me? Of course." She said in a calm voice and they both smiled. She laid her head on his chest, and he held on to her, as they were just standing for some long minutes on her doorstep.

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